If I Were a Millionaire

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Avatar for serendipity_mrie
2 years ago

For millennia, people's greatest desire has been to amass wealth. We are never satisfied, no matter how much money and stuff we have. A million dollars isn't enough for us.

For millennia, money has been the most coveted commodity in the world. We are never satisfied, no matter how much money and stuff we have. A million dollars isn't enough for us. Nobody in this world could ever be satisfied with his accomplishments. There will be no end to this battle for more and more until the final breath of life. This holds true for everyone, regardless of race, religion, nationality, or educational background. As a matter of fact, a man's desire to succeed is a spark that propels him to the top of his game.

My family is middle-class. There is a great deal that has to be done. Earning billions of rupees is something I'll never be capable of doing. To help a man in this situation, there are alternative options. If I win the lottery, I'll be closer to achieving my goal. I'd be thrilled to use the money I win in the lotto to live out my lifelong ambition.

In spite of the government's efforts. But there is still a long way to go. A tiny amount of my time and effort will be put toward this goal. It will bring me a sense of satisfaction. In comparison to the things we can buy with money, this is a considerably more rewarding experience.

$ 0.84
$ 0.84 from @TheRandomRewarder
