How can a student make the most of their work immersion?

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2 years ago

How can a student make the most of their work immersion?

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Being a student in third year college, I cannot help but think that the time where we will finally under our on-the-job training. As I imagine my future, I have also reminisced my past experience of working in an office during my high school. It was unforgettable and a memory I would always look back on.

I still remember the things we did. I worked on a cooperative office. Together with my fellow immersionists, we organize loan documents of their clients by putting them one by one in envelopes then labeled them. I even volunteered for a job which is to input information about student clients who applied for a savings account in an MS Excel document.

We even helped the office roll calendars which the cooperative will distribute in their upcoming event. I volunteered to check receipts from the clients who deposited savings and other particulars, helping my fellow student. After checking the receipts, I filled in the information in promissory notes for the loan applications. We were also taught by our supervisor of how to compute service fee, insurance and penalties for loans in the cooperative. We were able to do the things we were taught and greatly helped the office.

As someone who aspires to be a professional worker, work immersion is a significant opportunity for me to learn and experience my future career. Therefore, I made sure not to waste it. How?

First to immerse oneself at work, I have to fully involve myself in every office activity and not just let myself watch on the corner. However, I should not only force myself right into it but include myself in the office atmosphere with carefulness, tact and professionalism.

Second, in every organization, there is a system to be followed. To avoid disrupting the order, I should follow their policies and regulations that maintain. In order to immerse myself, I have to learn how they do things and apply it to myself. The officers will be professionals. They are educated and a lot more experienced than I do. That is enough reason for me to respect them and recognize their authority by properly executing their orders. I will listen intently to their instructions to accomplish my work activities as they know more of the office activities. It would be good to take notes on their instructions in order not to forget.

Third, at work, they require skills so I have to work hard to put them into good use but they value attitude more. There will be different kinds of people I will encounter but I will work harder to show respect and courtesy. I intend to build rapport at work by being honest, well-mannered and considerate. As much as I can, I shall willingly lend a helping hand to those in need. In everything I do, I will carefully think about how will it affect my work and my co-workers. Volunteering may be hard but it is something we should practice. Grab the chance in your work immersion to volunteer for a work and do well.

Fourth, it easier to work with someone who is approachable and welcoming. To be someone who m everyone can easily get along with, I will try my best to be enthusiastic by expressing my happy personality. I intend to smile wholeheartedly as I always do.

With hope and expectations to learn in my work immersion, I will push myself to make the most out of my time there and be a mature student. Work immersions is a one-time thing during your high school. Make the most out of it. Make friends and memories. Most importantly, learn.

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$ 2.80 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Avatar for senyoritakayzee
2 years ago


You will meet different kind of people at work. You need to deal with each kind. Whether they're good or not. Just focus on your thing. As long as you love what you do, go on.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I agree. It's really simpler and good to work with someone who is kind and personable. In order to be a person with who everyone can get along with, I'm going to do all I can also, especially in the work. A pleasant evening to you!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes, that is true my friend. Thank you!

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2 years ago