Someone once said that the meaning of life is in receiving and not in giving. If we believe that we get as much as we give then that getting is actually a very good measure of our quality giving. If only the world and life would function so mathematically correctly. Even then, he would agree with the claim because receiving would only be a mirror of our giving. - However, although I myself believe that the balance exists, it is rarely exactly what we expect. If we expect a “rational” balance in life, as well as the many people I have had the opportunity to work with, a very likely disappointment, frustration and sadness awaits us. And there is nothing wrong with these emotions, but we did not choose them consciously, but "got" them as a result of our truly irrational beliefs. Yes, life is in balance, I guess, but don’t expect yourself to be the scale that determines balance. Measures are inaccessible to us and often incomprehensible. - However, it is faith that gives us further meaning in the investments we make because we "know" that it will all come back. And it will, I believe, somehow. - If you have already chosen the belief that everything is somehow in balance and your investments are large, don’t forget one important ingredient in that recipe for your quality of life. - Gratitude is commonly implied, rarely verbalized, and honestly rarely appears in many heads. Especially to those my favorite heads, those who are very young today and believe that they deserve everything, certainly more than they have, just because they exist and work. Although for me and many of my generation such an attitude often gets on my nerves and we only understand it in principle, the attitude is completely OK because in the beginning we are looking for something in return. Something they didn’t teach me and didn’t help my self-confidence in my teens. What’s bad is that we rarely get gratitude back from just those new generations to whom we give a lot. Or so we think. - If we expect to express gratitude, the chances are minimal. If we still expect gratitude to be expressed in the way we are expected to do, what follows is exactly what I said earlier, sadness, disappointment, and perhaps anger. Isn't it normal for people to express gratitude !? In fact, it is not. In fact, it is so rare that it goes beyond the ordinary and normal. Unfortunately. - What are we to do? So as usual, take matters into your own hands. Express and ask! If we want at least a little gratitude.