SITRANG- Another Terrible Cyclone.

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1 year ago

Our country is now under the grip of another terrible cyclone and this cyclone has been named as Sitrang. For the past few days, every news channels of my country have been talking about this cyclone. Although I didn't know exactly but this is heard every time when my parents turn on television.

Meteorologists of our country had already informed about this cyclone which has already hit the country. It has taken a terrible form in some districts of the country. Fortunately our district is safe but some of the effects are starting to take hold. That is why it has been raining continuously since morning. It is getting closer to evening but the rain is not decreasing but increasing. Because the cyclone is hitting other districts with more force.

Rain is good but excess rain is bad for everything. It brings disaster to people and harms them. Destroys many things. Also, due to excessive rainfall, people here have to suffer from various problems. First of all, one cannot go out of the house on a rainy day. Due to which many cannot go to their work and are deprived of earnings. Since it is a village, most of the households here keep cattle. Cattle like humans also suffer from rain. They also can't go out of the cowshed, can't go to the field to eat grass. We also face similar problems as we have cattle in our house.

In rural areas, cooking on rainy days is difficult as most of the houses have kitchens outside in the open. In our house, the kitchen is also in the courtyard. Getting drenched in the rain while going from the house to the kitchen is a very annoying moment. On the other hand, lack of electricity is another major problem. At present, almost all works are non-operational without electricity. As now we have no electricity here since morning due to rain. After a short while my phone will turn off.

While rain is good for nature, excess rain is bad for nature. Although there is a cyclone in other districts, our district is getting only rain and light winds. But this rainfall causes a lot of damage to nature. Among them, the loss of cropland is the most. We are nearing the end of the paddy growing season here but due to excessive rains the cropland is getting damaged. As the paddy weed softens, it falls to the ground in the slightest breeze. The land gets waterlogged and the heads of the rice plants get submerged in the water. Because of which those paddy plants no longer grow and no paddy is obtained from them. A small portion of our land has had this problem but almost all of the surrounding land has had this problem.

These problems are not uncommon on rainy days in rural areas. But I think about those families who are very low income and poor. How are they now and how are they getting through this day? They may be suffering more than us. I don't know how the current situation in the country is shaping up because my final exams are going to start in two weeks. But I will come to you with another article about the condition of our country under the influence of cyclone. Until then everyone stay healthy and pray for my countrymen.

Thank you for reading. 🙂

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1 year ago


Stay safe my friend and always be ready. In our country experience worst my friend. There were a lot of super typhoon hit in our country. The aftermaths were really teary eyed. A big destructions, a big damages you can seen everywhere. 🥺

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Mankind is responsible for everything. The balance of the environment is being lost because of us. We are reaping the fruits of our actions. Still we must be aware. Keep yourself safe, my friend.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes that's true friend that's why we should be responsible enough. It's for our own goods also. Thank you friend.

$ 0.00
1 year ago