Sales Updates-Liquidity Pool Rewards Increased-Our Priorities-Bridges Reminder

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2 years ago

This last week has been amazing!

Status Updates

With commercial plots having only been available for 2 days, we are more than halfway to sold out. We saw a 50% increase in LVL prices, with most of the commercial plots being bought using LVL to gain a discount, and we’re glad we could provide a way!

In just over a week of Founder Starter Kits being available for sale, we have seen over 600 sold, too. In the same time, our website, went live and is hinting at things to come. If you haven’t seen it lately, you should take a look. We even had an overhaul on our Studio’s website,, which we’ve been wanting to have done for a long time. The proceeds from the Founder Starter Kits made it happen. What else happened from the proceeds?

@secondbch has, as promised, powered up over 5,000 Hive. We are now a “Dolphin” with nearly 7,100 HP.

We wanted to do this for a couple reasons.

  1. We wanted to show you our dedication to the Hive blockchain. We know it can be hard to trust someone with a new project to follow through. There’s a give and a take with that relationship. You’ve given a considerable amount of your time, energy, trust, and Hive to show your trust in us. It is only right that we return some of the favor by making this game the best game in all of crypto!

  2. Our powered up account use to only be able to upvote a fraction of a penny in Hive. Our vote is worth considerably more now and we are generous to those who spread the word about the Psyberverse.

Don’t worry. Our focus is on building the game. We have a large team of developers constantly at it! It is because of fellow Hivians that we are able to spread the news to you and keep updates coming while we make our progress here.

Hive Power isn’t the only thing we did.

With nearly all the commercial plots being purchased with LVL, we decided to do something equally awesome with it…We loaded…get this…3.5 MILLION LVL into the Liquidity Pools Rewards. This means if you’re hodling LVL like most of our anxiously waiting gamers out there, you’ll increase your LVL even more. We try to give back as much as we can, and this is just one of those ways.

As of this writing, there is 5.4M LVL being given away over the next 172 days to people who keep Swap.Hive and LVL inside the LP. If you’re not sure how to do that, check out our post here: That + sign allows you to add liquidity to the pool and qualify you for the rewards from PIMP to THGaming, and even some Fart tokens, whatever that is 😊 Oh…and did you notice the average APR? 173% in this screenshot. We aren’t financial advisors and we don’t give financial advice, but I can tell you that a 173% APR means if you put $100 into an investment, after 1 year, it would be worth $273 because the return is $173. Now, if you were to talk to Eisntein…you know…Albert…he’d say you should compound your investment, but I’ll let you talk to someone else about how that works.


We are focused on a few things right now:

  1. Getting the Marketplace Live

  2. Getting the game into the Alpha stage so all those holding “Founder” titles can start testing it. (By the way, Land Baron is considered a “Founder” Title)

  3. Moving the Game to Beta

  4. Moving the Game to Live (which, if you play within the first 24 hours of going live, you will earn a FREE NFT)

  5. Upgrading the Land Feature.
    That’s right! The first major update after the game goes live is the land. We have so many fun and exciting surprises for you when it comes to land within the Psyberverse. You don’t even know!
    Thought it’s not listed in the priorities, we will be launching the Tipcc bot again in discord, but this time, LVL will be available for tipping and…wait for it…

$ 0.00
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2 years ago
