Voice is releasing on February 14th but will need to use a private EOSIO chain to be able to support it. Though it doesn’t explicitly say so, it’s due to the high CPU consumption on the public blockchain. Let’s talk about it.
This is where I first read and became of aware of the fact that Voice wasn’t actually releasing on the EOS public chain: https://messari.io/article/block-one-s-social-media-app-voice-will-not-initially-launch-on-eos
Then I confirmed this by going to their FAQ and reading their answer for “Where will Voice be hosted?” here: https://voice.com/faq/
Exactly what it says is: “While Voice is in beta and a highly iterative state, it will be run on a purpose-made EOSIO blockchain. In time, we would like Voice to leverage the EOS Public Blockchain, and potentially others that can meet the performance and governance demands of Voice.”
It also says that it will potentially utilize others and that it would like to leverage the public EOS blockchain, but given it’s never fixed, it will 100% utilize other chains.
I’ve made many videos and posts explaining the issues with EOS you can find here: https://youtu.be/wwKdV-5gGX0
My first EOS dapp review: https://youtu.be/4Wyo7sDl-fY
My follow up EOS dapp review: https://youtu.be/oOxUuTHhIUo
My final re-review of EOS dapps: https://youtu.be/-Cyk_GnTc_U
Let me know what you think about Voice not utilizing the public blockchain, the issues around EOS CPU usage, and how you think this is going to all play out in the comments below and don’t forget to subscribe!
The EOSIO problem got us stuck too with the Scatter app. Do they plan to fix it soon? My main concern is: How this problem will affect Emanate artists involved on the platform.