How to whiten the face with lemon

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Avatar for sarah.bba22
3 years ago

Lemon juice mask and egg white lemon juice contains citric acid; Therefore, it effectively contributes to skin whitening, treatment of freckles and age spots, and the recipe can be prepared by following the following steps: [1] Method of preparation: Mix an amount of lemon juice with an amount of egg white. Spread the mixture on the skin. Wash the skin with water. It is preferable to repeat the recipe once or twice daily, to get the best results. Mask of lemon juice and tomato juice The lemon in lemon with vitamin C contributes to whitening the skin and lightening it effectively, and the recipe is prepared as follows: [2] Method of preparation: Mix an amount of lemon juice with an amount of tomato juice or turmeric powder. Spread the mixture on the skin and leave for 30 minutes. Wash the skin with water. Mask of lemon juice and milk This recipe works to whiten the skin and is used in the following way: [2] Method of preparation: Mix an amount of lemon juice with an amount of milk powder, and a little honey. Distribute the mixture on the skin, taking into account avoiding the places of wounds on the skin. Leave the mixture on the skin for 15-20 minutes. Rinse the skin with water. Mask of lemon juice and full cream milk This mask works to lighten the skin naturally and effectively, and is used as follows: [3] Method of preparation: Mix two tablespoons of whole milk with a tablespoon of wheat flower, and two tablespoons of lemon juice in a bowl to get a smooth mixture And smooth. Wash the skin with lukewarm water before applying the mask, then the mask is distributed over the skin an hour before bedtime, taking into account avoiding it reaching the eye area. Leave the mask for 15 minutes to dry completely, then wash it off with lukewarm water. Dry the skin with tissue paper. It is preferable to repeat the recipe once a week. To get the best results. Sunblock must be used before exposure to the sun after applying the mask.

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