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Written by
1 year ago
Topics: ZEN

means hidden... all things hidden are in darkness, where the eye lays no claim to the territory, where all things related to order can no longer act. this means war, the stench of death, suffering and quarrel. all great change is preceded by significant pain, not unlike the woman with child, whose parturition — the mightiest of creative acts under the heavens — brings forth the divine itself by nature of it being symbolically linked to the concept of space, which can mean unconditional love. perfect forgiveness, perfect contrition. think of the prodigal son, although some people might know not of this tale.

two of the same blood, the first born being a good young man: compliant, productive, adaptable. whenever Nature beckons, he is quick to give the right answer. on the other hand, the youngest, not even oceans of wine, a legion of women or the darkest of dangers could quench his addictive drive, with which he rode until it felled him ferociously, exiled, down among the pigs, at some random old fuck's property.

the son decides to return home after much strife. at first sight of his beloved son, all dirty, poor and humiliated, the father immediately forgives him. of course, his brother isn't happy (now why in the world he wouldn't be escapes us, right...) grows remarkably angry: i have been loyal... and now this fuck returns and... you can imagine the rest.

prodigality in law is grounds for considering one incapable of acts pertaining to the civil life. of course, to leave him/her to his/her own suicidal spendings would kill them. however, young and retarded as i may be, it seems that life has some common factors that link it together but are, necessarily, unknown to all ages in all eras or by everyone, all the time. it has to be so, that God might play his mighty solo, seraphs vibing so hard that external reality, ontologically, comes into being in the present moment eternally

young people never listen to advice. old people give too much of it. young people are reckless. old people are too careful. young people want to be old, and the old, acutely aware of how life works at its earliest stages, passionately desire to go back, or to start over, preserving their most precious treasure: wisdom.

so why aren't we born wise then? why can't man just abstain from evil, as he's so rightfully prescribed by his elders? if it were merely a matter of moral obedience, his word would stand true, no, bro, i shall not spread more chaos. let's chill. that is not the case, as he goes on to give us more headaches and problems in the future. what is going on here then, exactly?

well, i can order someone to sit down, or i can maliciously torture the muddy water, so that by virtue of it just being left alone, the mud rests at the bottom: it cleanses itself. is this not what cruelty means? the illogical practice of malevolence plus the attaining of pleasure therein... the encroaching of darkness, ignorance, neglecting the needy infant, euthanasia, to drown.

conscience of act + volition. curiously enough, that's the same disposition required to admonish children. we, of course, take no pleasure in the suffering a child feels while it struggles to understand Reality. it seems that axiologically (in terms of values: whether administering justice or breaking the law) the nature of human moral agency, whether it chooses the wrong conduct or the right, it always chooses somehow. it's always obeying or disobeying. these are all recognizing the legitimacy of God's, the abstraction's (maths and the mighty aristotelian discovery... 2+2 = 4, A = A) or the law's axiomatic authority.

God is A = A, the principle of non contradiction, one of the axioms underlying the structure of mathematics. It is. The most epic utterance of sheer nonsense - of the precious kind - we could think of: this is actually the Blueprint of Blueprints, the Mind of Minds, the Platonic Form etc. "Let there be" , and so naturally, it came into being. This is not religion I'm talking about, it's metaphysics. take away God and put maths in its place and the argument stands tall, still.

the absolutely insane fact is that "Let there be" + potatoes and Fiery Blue Sad Nipple is something that, philosophically, is possible, and not only that, but the only way through which we would be able to arrive at the Godhead. let him who knows, correct me, although i am incapable of being corrected because my arguments are as sharp as to cut felines in half... what of that which is ungraspable? easy to say, hard to understand? the very possibility of telling lies - say i do like a truth table for this shit: if they want to act, and consequences prove that the result (whose link with its causality can be very obviously observed by the reasonable man/woman) was characteristic of wrong conduct, they knew it not in the time of doing it, thereby thinking themselves virtuous. if they do not want to act, and consequences prove that the result was characteristic of wrong conduct, they were coerced, therefore morally inculpable.

such is the lie that evades moral culpability out of the groundless-ness which it obviously stands on, seeing how it bites hard on many a folk's spirit, but to others, is irrelevant, and very good that it is so.

this lie is god

christianity has accomplished her mission to guide us to the present moment, which is chicken


the chicken:

to arrive at it is absolutely unthinkable.

if we did, "we" would be erased as in the sleep state

we know that the chicken is the only path that could lead to a dystopy (I have never seen any post-apocalyptical world born out of blasé, inaction, boredom or just generally sitting around looking at stuff)

we obviously were told by history (or childhood - literally same entity) that to fiddle with the unknown is akin to gambling, an exciting but dangerous adventure that could... you know. blow it all up

and therefore, to be done at one's own peril, but what progress would the eyes of man bear witness to, should wisdom be the natural right of every new soul...

no... we must forget. samsara is nirvana, nirvana is samsara. freyja, bro, guide this arrow... grant me true sight... i'm going to go to sleep again...

the gods are fucking weeping. nooooooo, man. don't make the universe manifest agai-

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Written by
1 year ago
Topics: ZEN
