Reinstate net neutrality.

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3 years ago
Topics: Technology

Mozilla, Reddit, Dropbox, and more call for FCC to reinstate net neutrality.Without this protection, big players can pay ISPs to prioritize their traffic over smaller websites, effectively creating a two-speed internet.

In a letter to FCC Acting Chair Jessica Rosenworcel Friday, ADT, Dropbox, Eventbrite, Reddit, Vimeo and Wikimedia joined Mozilla in calling net neutrality “critical for preserving the internet as a free and open medium that promotes innovation and spurs economic growth”

While ISPs have made few changes in the absence of net neutrality rules, advocates have raised flags at a handful of actions. One example is AT&T’s practice of excluding its own HBO Max streaming from counting against wireless customers’ data caps.

Mozilla Chief Legal Officer Amy Keating said the pandemic has made the need for net neutrality rules even more clear. “In a moment where classrooms and offices have moved online by necessity, it is critically important to have rules paired with strong government oversight and enforcement to protect families and businesses from predatory practices,” Keating said.

According to Mozilla

Net neutrality is good for people and for personal expression. It is good for business, for innovation, for our economic recovery. It is good for the internet. It has long enjoyed bipartisan support among the American public. There is no reason to further delay its reinstatement once the FCC is in working order.

My thoughts on this:

  • It is very true that net neutrality needs to be restored as there is a lot of changes in technology and everything is moving online so there is a lot of power with the

    internet providers.

Do let me know what your thoughts are in the comments below.(All the images are used which are free to use)

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3 years ago
Topics: Technology
