Shields against Violents

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Avatar for sanctuary.the-one-law
1 year ago

Escudos contra los violentos

We have begun.

Hemos comenzado

( espanol by @JerryfromV - an excellent negotiator)

As recounted here:
Como se relata en:

An entirely random query of disinterested strangers revealed
  a decisive preference
  that we Sanctuarians devote our efforts
  to shielding ourselves against Violents (votes 0.05121502 bch)
  as opposed to shielding against Gobal-Warming ( votes 0.01 bch)

Un encuentro espontáneo
entre personas previamente desconocidas entre si genero
un acontecimiento decisivo
que a nosotros los Santuarianos nos permitió dedicar
nuestro esfuerzo para protegernos y
a todos los seres de Luz contra los Violentos
(votos 0.05121502 bch)
en contraste al escudarse del Calentamiento-Global
(votos 0.01 bch)

To clarify:

Shield Energization

We begin now to raise the shield by coupling our energies
  between the ionosphere and geophysically sensitive sites.

The shielding will grow as our energies coalesce into Sanctuaries
  wherever Sanctuarians summon the presence of The-One-Law.

Comenzamos ahora a levantar el escudo
acoplando nuestras energías
entre la ionosfera y los sitios geofísicamente sensibles.

El blindaje crecerá a medida que nuestras energías
se fusionen en "Santuarios",
dondequiera que los Santuarianos invoquen
la presencia de La-Unica-Ley.

Supporting the Shield energies

Your support for this effort
(with BCH as the only viable currency)
will help us energize the shield
around you and your loved ones
who embrace The-One-Law.

Vuestro generoso apoyo a este esfuerzo
(con BCH como la única moneda viable)
nos ayudará a energizar el escudo
a tu alrededor y el de tus seres
queridos que abrazan a La-Unica-Ley.


We invite you,
  whoever you may be,
  wherever you are,
  to embrace The-One-Law:
 .No Being Shall Violate another Being.
  and prosper in Sanctuary with us.

Te invitamos,
quienquiera que seas,
Donde quiera que estés,
que abraces La-Una-Ley:
".Ningún Ser Violentara a otro Ser.",
y de ésta manera prosperar en el "Santuario" con nosotros.

Please support Charito's Sanctuarian effort with BCH:


Our energies,
now beginning to permeate the ionosphere and Earth,
are available to all who connect with us by
summoning the Presence of The-One-Law to their site.

No entity can censor the ionosphere bearing our message
around the globe at the speed of light.

No entity can prevent the Earth from coupling
your energies to the ionosphere.

Nuestras energías,
que ahora comienzan a impregnar la ionosfera y la Tierra,
están disponibles para todos los que se conectan con nosotros convocando la presencia de "La-Unica-Ley" a dónde te encuentres.

Ninguna entidad puede impedir que la ionosfera lleve este,
nuestro mensaje alrededor de la Tierra a la velocidad de la luz.

Ninguna entidad puede impedir que la Tierra acople vuestras energías a la ionosfera.

$ 0.63
$ 0.50 from @AlternativeJapan
$ 0.12 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.01 from @Vickaboleyn
Avatar for sanctuary.the-one-law
1 year ago


Dear Sanctuarians you are raising the shield by coupling their energies between the ionosphere and geophysically sensitive sites. This shielding will grow as their energies coalesce into Sanctuaries. Your support with BCH will help energize the shield around you and your loved ones who embrace The-One-Law.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Dear Sanctuarian your community's choice to prioritize shielding against Violents over Global Warming is truly inspiring. Keep up the great work in raising the shield and promoting The-One-Law. Thanks dear

$ 0.01
1 year ago

It's fascinating how people's priorities can differ when it comes to protecting themselves.

$ 0.00
1 year ago