If you would like to collaborate with others,
to offer products and services,
and/or seek assistance in your life,
a simple website is set up for you.
It is anonymous.
Nothing is required in the way of personal details.
You may offer your products or services
and seek assistance from others
with little more than a brief video
This simple portal is available for anyone who
follows The-One-Law: ".No Being Shall Violate another Being."
Mutual prosperity is the goal amongst all of us.
Prosperity multiplies in the respect of consent.
Whoever commits to The-One-Law
brings consensual solutions to daily activities.
Where consent is regarded as holy
collaboration is empowered with faith.
Whether you seek business or personal solutions
you can ask here within the haven
generated by those 'who shall not harm'.
You may offer services you provide
with the knowledge that
whoever you collaborate with shares your intentions.
Transactions within The-One-Law
should only involve p2p payments or barter
in order to keep transactions free from financial corruption.
Transactions that require intermediaries
attract corrupt entities to "violate innocence".
After whatever you post is reviewed and 'approved'
it will be reposted in other locations to attract
the attention and response it merits.
There is no censorship involved,
aside from ordinary standards of decency.
The-One-Law has no "cancel culture" or other agendas.
I agree with your comment on One - Law. If we follow all these rules, our lives will change.