when a church connect two country!!

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3 years ago

The Las Lajas sanctuary, perched on a mountain, was originally just a simple church with statues of the Virgin Mary on its exterior, but in 1949 it became a palace known as the Basilicas.

Some of the churches have religious and ritual uses and are mostly used for worship, but others, which are also very popular, are for tourists to visit. One of the most famous churches in the world is the Las Lajas Church in Colombia.

Today's Las Lajas Church was built between 1916 and 1949. However, there has been a refuge and a small church here since 1756. This church, unlike most man-made structures, was built in a valley called the Guitar River Valley. The church and the bridge in front of it, which is 50 meters long, allow you to cross the valley, which has created a unique view. This bridge connects Ecuador to Colombia and you must have a passport to see it, because you have visited two countries by visiting this church. The architecture of this church is also inspired by the Gothic style, which makes it somewhat similar to the ancient churches of Europe.  

This 100meter church, just off the border with Ecuador, was founded after the miraculous sighting of the Blessed Virgin Mary and is now one of Colombia's most famous pilgrimage sites.


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Written by
3 years ago


Nice one

$ 0.00
3 years ago

wow! So beautiful looking place!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

thanks for reading...

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3 years ago