New York Metropolitan museum, the most famous museum in the world

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2 years ago

The Metropolitan Museum is one of the largest and most famous museums in the world, which contains many valuable and ancient works. Located in New York City, this museum is one of the most visited places in New York, USA. In the continuation of this article, join me to learn more about this museum.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art is located in Manhattan, New York. New York is known as the city of skyscrapers and houses very tall buildings. The Metropolitan Museum is located next to Central Park. Central Park is one of the largest nature parks in the world and is located in downtown New York. This forest park is surrounded by skyscrapers of this great and famous city and adds a spectacular beauty to New York City. Many of New York City's most popular landmarks are located near Central Park, including the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

This museum was built in 1872. Although the museum has been open for more than a hundred years, it still stands and can be used safely. From the very beginning, the designers of this museum aimed to design a museum where art objects from all over the world could be kept.

Historical and artistic works from countries such as ancient Egypt and ancient Europe can be found in this museum. There are also many works related to the history of African and South American art in this museum.

Ancient Greece and Rome were one of the most glorious ancient civilizations on earth. Numerous works of art left over from these great civilizations are kept in this museum and are on public display.

The historical monuments of the Metropolitan Museum include sculptures and statues left from antiquity, various paintings with different dimensions, pottery, inscriptions, and so on. These masterpieces are carefully preserved in the Metropolitan Museum. The museum officials are very diligent in preserving these works, and they try to prevent their destruction and erosion as much as possible.

A very important and remarkable point about the Metropolitan Museum is that this museum does not only include historical and archeological monuments from other parts of the world. Parts of the Metropolitan Museum are dedicated to modern art, and houses works and masterpieces of the present day. Most of these modern arts belong to American artists. As a result, the Metropolitan Building in New York, in addition to being a very large and beautiful museum with a variety of works, is also used as a gallery for modern art.

The Metropolitan Museum includes other works; Such as ancient musical instruments, weapons and armor of war, precious jewelry, symbolic works, etc., which you can see by visiting this museum.

The oldest historical monument in the museum is a firebrand from ancient Egypt. The minimum date of this work is thirty thousand years ago, and the maximum date of this work is about seventy-five thousand years ago.

The Metropolitan Museum is one of the most famous museums in the world, and is expected to host a large number of visitors annually. Of course, it is also possible to visit this museum online, and you can visit the museum online and from home by purchasing a ticket. The museum has an average of 4 million visitors a year. Of course, the number of visitors to this museum in 2016 was very high.

In 2016, the Metropolitan Museum was able to attract the largest number of annual visitors, attracting about seven and a half million people. In 2016, the Metropolitan Museum was named the third most visited art museum in the world. This great success made the museum more popular with lovers of the ancient world.


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Written by
2 years ago


Omg this is an amazing article actually the metropolitan museum is one of the places I'd love to visit that and the Louvre as well as the ruins of Pompeii.... This is an amazing article ❤️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

thanks for reading, I wish to visit them all too😁😁

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2 years ago