day to day we face these problems. there are no days we don't think of these problems we have.
but please if your problem is your face then don't face it hehehe.
what makes our life so cruel is those problems that came like a domino. we can't even breathe, our minds cant take them sometimes that cause of our depression and commit suicide.
There are different kind of problem
Family - every family has its own issues. either a broken or whole family. we arent different from the other family. our family is simple but sometimes we face major problems especially health.
Work - in this world sometimes we wish to be someone else life. we wish to be in the position of someone whose work is good and great with high payments. most of us struggle to find good work because we want to find work that we want with high payments and we ignore those available and near to us.
Love life - most of us have this problem. if your single your problem was to find a dream lover, in a relationship status face loyalty, jealousy, and cheating issues and want break-up thing. in this life there is no such as happy ending we face tests in every aspect of our life here. forever are in the afterlife.
Health- if you breathe good and feel good then be thankful. we know how much we want to be at home and have a day to day normal life yet some of us are in line life. they are in the hospital for many reasons and they only wish it be cured and go home.
Financial - they say money is everything, to be honest, I do believe in this because we can't live without it except water money comes in the second we work, we live because of these evil things money can buy our health, work, love, life named it. the only money couldn't buy is our natural emotions especially happiness and faith.
we all the same in this way We change and We all gonna face Death.
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