Maybe you just got curious when we see that blue notification above in our accounts. I didn't understand it when I first saw it so I read it 3x just to get it lol hahaha. as soon as I get it I search for that noise. cash and create my account there.
So here are some things that may help you if your just about to create an account there.
Wallet- after you register and create your account be sure to save your wallet after creating your account because based on my understanding your tips will be sent directly to your save wallet. so save your wallet first before you post.
Earn- Based on how I understand noise. cash the platform will choose randomly and give free tips where you need to use to tips others. by tipping others you can earn up to 80% of your own tips and tips that you might receive from other users.
Avoid- tipping to your dummy accounts are not allowed and tipping to spammers arent good also. These 2 thing needs to be avoided to continue receiving free tips from noise. cash platform.
We want- I wish to see a notification bell where we can see who likes, reply to our post, and to see those who tips to us. Hopefully, we can see this additional icon in noise. cash.
What is your user in Noise cash? I will subscribe you