how to losse waight

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4 years ago

To lose weight, you do not need to be a scientist, but it is good to know what scientific research says about how to eat and what tricks to use to lose weight as quickly and successfully as possible. These 20 weight loss tricks will help you reach your desired goal faster and shine in full splendor this summer

1. Let the sun into your home

Scientists at Northwest University found that people who were more often exposed to strong daylight during the morning weighed less than those who were not exposed to sunlight until the afternoon. And so as soon as you wake up, raise the blinds and let the sun into your home. Or better yet, get some fresh air and enjoy your morning cup of coffee.

2. Drink black coffee

Skip sugar, milk and whipped cream when drinking coffee. Black coffee has negligible calories, and if you drink it without supplements, it can help you burn calories faster. According to a study published in the journal Physiology & Behavior, the average metabolic rate (rate of metabolism) of people who drank caffeinated black coffee was 16 percent higher than those who drank decaffeinated coffee.

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Sretan pocetak. Nisam imala do skoro problema sa viskom kilograma dok nisu dosle lude godina pa ih imam 2 do 3 kg viska.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Dobrodosao na sajt i srecno u nastavku rada, a sto se clanka tice mislim da kafa ne utice puno, sto navodi Milan dole, takodje kafu pijem vise puta dnevno...

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Hvala na dobrodoslici Al mislim da kafa ima uticaja kad se popije navecer al gorku ja iskreno kako popijem navecer gorku a inace pijem puno kafe u toku dana heheh

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4 years ago

Ranije sam pila puno kafe,sad najvise dve kafe to je to.Ako popijem vise od dve,onda me zeludac boli.

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4 years ago

druze koliko ja kafe popijem pa ja bih morao do sada da nestanem skroz sa lica zemlje, mislim da kafa apsolutno nikakvog uricaja nema evo ja sam ti ziv primer za to inace dobrodosao i svu srecu u radu zelim od srca

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4 years ago

Kafa zaista utice na smanjenje telesne tezine, ali mislim pre zato sto zasiti i nemas toliko potrebu za hranom, kao neko ko je ne pije ili je malo pije

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4 years ago

Thanks for the information

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thanks for information

$ 0.00
4 years ago

You welcome

$ 0.00
4 years ago