Rules for writing plays

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3 years ago

The concept and definition of drama is a special branch of drama literature. The word drama has an indication of what drama is. Drama, Natya, Knot, Nati - the main word of these words is 'Knot'. Knot means to move, to move. Drama is the English synonym of drama The word Drama comes from the Greek word Dracin.

Which means to do or do something in the corner. Even in dramas, we see the representation of aspects or events in a particular corner of life through the movements, conversations, etc. of the actors and actresses.

In the online free dictionary, a prose or verse composition, especially one telling a serious story, that is intended for representation by actors impersonating the characters and performing the dialogue and action. The ancient form of literature is called poetry.

There were two types of poetry - audio poetry and visual poetry. At that time, he mainly read literature. And the poems that were performed and performed were visual poems. For this reason, drama has been called visual poetry in Sanskrit.

But the drama is not just a matter of watching, it is also a matter of Shena. The drama is seen on stage and the dialogue is presented to the audience through Shana. It is a mixed art medium. In Sanskrit it is said to be the best of the poems. Can be performed on stage, TV - radio or other media.

At present it is a very powerful and popular medium. B. The other branches of literature are mainly for reading, but drama is mainly for acting. So it has some special structural features. Although there are differences in the field, the play usually has four elements. Segulae halae-

1. Story

2. Character

we mean that as long as the play will be performed on the stage, whatever happens in the time of the play, it will only happen. If more than this happens, the artistic quality of the play will be damaged.

The play will lose credibility. In this regard, a group of drama critics think that there should be as many stories on the stage as possible within twenty-four hours from one sunrise to another, so there should be drama.

The unity of space shows the amount of space that the characters in the play can change in a given period of time. If it is less than that, the drama quality will be disrupted. The play has a beginning, development and consequences. In other words, the story of the play is primitive-middle-interconnected.

The unity of the event is to keep the balance between the beginning development and the outcome. Combining events that are not consistent with the main event will disrupt the coherence of the play's story.

So the drama will not be a gathering of unnecessary events. Whatever happens will have to be related to one another. The way a story progresses in the play is divided into five episodes. Parbagulae halae -

1. the beginning of the story or face (Exposition)

2. Rising Action

3. the climax of the story or the final conflict (Climax)

4. Failing Action

5. Conclusion means that after the beginning of a play, its story will develop, the story will have a final conflict in the context of different events. Then the final conflict of the play will come to an end with the revelation of truth or information in the corner and finally an ending will take place.

Need to remember, these features are generally applicable to drama. Not all dramas apply - maybe. For example, many recent observational or absurd dramas may not contain the elements described in the play.

Waiting for Gare, written by Samuel Beckett, cannot be divided into five episodes. In the case of Badal Sarkar's Third Theater or the recent Test Theater, this condition of drama does not apply in many cases. Here the main features of the traditional or ideal drama are discussed. C. A Brief Introduction to Bengali Drama It is mentioned that plays are performed in Charyapada, the original pattern of Bengali literature. Some recent studies have also shown that charyapadas are performed in Buddhist temples, including dancing and acting. From this it can be said that the history of Bengali drama is thousands of years old. The tradition of our travels is also quite old.

However, in the sense of drama, we are familiar with the modern stage drama (Proscenium theater) that came to Bengal from Europe. However, the person who organized the first play in Calcutta was a Russian citizen. His name is Herasim Spapanvi Lebedev. On 26 November 1895, he adapted the English play The Disguise into Bengali and staged it as Kalpanik Sanbadal. Gaelknath Das helped him translate the play. He also staged Love is the Best Doctor.

Lebedev's departure from the region interrupted Manchanat. Several years later, in 1852, Taracharan Sikder's Bhadrarjuna and Jageshchandra Gupta's Kirtibilas (1852) were performed. In the next two years, Harchandra Ghase's Vanumati Chittabilas (1853) and Ram Narayan Tarkaratna's Kulinkul-Sarvasvas (1854) were staged.

The first Bengali modern play was written by Michael Madhusudan Dutt (1824-183). He wrote the play 'Shamistha' in 1859 following the western style of drama. He then wrote plays such as' Padmavati '(180), Krishnakumari' (181), 'Ekei Ki Bale Sabhyata' (180), Burae Shaliker Ghare Ron (180) and other plays.

Another of his contemporaries was the playwright Deenbandhu Mitra (1830-183). His famous plays include 'Neel Darpan' (180), Nabin Tapasbini '(183),' Lilabati '(18), Sadhbar Ekadashi (18),' Biye Pagla Buro '(18) and so on. Mir Mosharraf Hassan (1847-1912) was one of the most important playwrights in Bengali literature. Among his famous plays and comedies are 'Zamidar Darpan' (183), Basanta Kumari (183), 'What is the way? '(18) etc. Among the plays and comedies of other playwrights of the period were Girish Chandra Ghaeser's (1844-1912) 'Sirajuddaula (1906), Dwijendralal Roy's (183-1913)' Sajahan '(1909), Khiraed Prasad Vidyabinader's (184)' 19 ' . According to other branches of literature, the contribution of Rabindranath Tagore (181-1941) to Bengali drama is also very important.

He has enriched Bengali drama literature by composing various genres of plays. His famous plays include 'Dakghar' (1912), 'Raktakarbi' (1918), 'Chitrangada' (1937), 'Chirkumar Sabha' (1926), and Balmiki Pratibha (181). Rabindra - The next notable plays include Sachindranath Sengupta's Sirajuddaula (1938), Bijan Bhattacharya's Nabanna (1944), Tulsi Lahiri's Hendra Tar (1951), Utpal Dutt's Kallol (198), Badal Sarkar and Indraji. 1985) etc. D, A Brief Introduction to Bangladeshi Drama Until 1947

, Calcutta was basically the heart of Bengali drama. After the partition of India, Dhaka-centric drama was developed in the then East Bengal. Natural drama in East Bengal naturally depicts the social reality of the region - especially the image of Bengali Muslim society. Notable playwrights of this genre are Nurul Mamen (1906-1989) and Askar Ibn Shaikh. Among the plays written by Nurul Mamen are: "Naya Khandan", "Nemesis", "Emon Jid Hate", "Rupantar" etc. Among the plays of Askar Ibn Shaikh are - "Titumir, Agnigiri", "Raktapadma", "Vidrohi Padma", "Epar Opar" etc. Munir Chowdhury (1925-1971) and Syed Waliullah (1922 1971) are leading playwrights in the field of modern drama in Bangladesh.

Among the plays written by Munir Chowdhury are 'Raktakt Prantar' (1982), Kabar (198), 'Chithi' (198) etc. Syed Waliullah's play has been discussed later. Other plays in Bangladesh include: Sirajuddaula (1975) by Sikandar Abu Jafar (1917-1975), Mahakabi Alaol (198); Shawkat Osman (1919-1998) 'Amla's case, Kakar Moni'; 'Jewish Girl' by Alauddin Al Azad (1932-2009), 'Magic Watch'; Anis Chowdhury (1929-1990) maps, albums; 'Kalbela', 'Milepaste', 'Thirst', 'Last Nawab' by Saeed Ahmed (1931-2010); Mumtaz Uddin Ahmed (1935-) ‘The Complexity of Spartacus’, ‘The Deer Chit Chill’, ‘The King’s Turn’, ‘This Is That Voice’, ‘Freedom is My Freedom’; Abdullah Al Mamun (1943-2008) wrote 'Subchan Nirbasane', 'Now is a bad time', 'War around', 'Senapati', 'Unprotected Motijheel'; ‘Jaundice and Miscellaneous Balloons’ by Selim Al Deen (1947 2006), ‘Snake Story’, ‘Kittankhela’, ‘Oriental’, ‘Immersion’; Syed Shamsul Haque (1935) wrote 'Nuruddin's whole life', 'Footsteps are found', 'Gananayak'; Mamunur Rashid (1947) wrote 'Ora Kadam Ali', 'Ora Aaye Balei', 'Iblish', 'Ekhe Naengar' etc. E. Introduction of Bohipir Drama and Playwright: Syed Waliullah Syed Waliullah was born on 15 August 1922 in Chittagong city. His father was Syed.

Waliullah lost his mother when he was only eight years old. He passed secondary from Kurigram High School in 1939 and higher secondary from Dhaka College in 1941. His official degree was BA with distinction. His career began as a journalist with the Daily Statesman.

In between, he worked on the radio for some time. He then worked at the then Pakistan Embassy abroad. Most recently worked at UNESCO headquarters in Paris. He worked for Bangladesh from Paris during the Bangladesh War of Independence. His first story book 'Nayanchara' was published in 1945. Then the novels 'Lalsalu' (1949), drama 'Bahipir' (1960), tunnel (1984), novel 'Moon's New Moon' (1984), short story book 'Two Arrows and Other Stories' (1975), drama 'Wave Break' were published one by one.

'(1975), the novel Kando Nadi Kando' (196). He won the PEN Award (1955), the Bangla Academy Award (1981), the Adamji Award (1985) and the Ekushey Padak (posthumously, 1984) for his literary work. He died in Paris in October 1971.

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3 years ago


really nice information for us . i hope all time update news appears us . good noon brother

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