Novel Kaktaruya part 1

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3 years ago

Kaktaruya Selina Hassan in the middle of the night, in the light of day, in the darkness of the needle. Both are equal to him. Walks - walks around the field. He does not keep track of where he is going. To him East-West, North-South are all equal. He thinks that wherever his eyes go, there is a road for him. The path calls him - income. He laughed and said, "Here I am." Look at me Seeing the way. Field - Ghat sees him.

And in the dust of the road on both feet with joy of mind. No one can understand why she is happy, why she is crying. He has a lot of money. His eyes flickered over everyone's heads. He looked up and said, look at me. Everyone sees him. No one sees him. He is like that. He has no trouble in this corner of his life. What happened that there is no place to sleep? The store has a porch;

There are trees, there are huts, there are boats tied to the wharf. Divya can sleep inside the boat. And if you don't get those things, there is a veranda in the house. There are doorless huts. You can lie down and lie down. There is a pile of straw in the yard of Gerast. No one can see him lying on the straw.

When I wake up many nights, I see the starry sky above my head. While lying on the side, he noticed that the stray dog โ€‹โ€‹was lying next to him, dipping his body in the straw. Seeing him move, he licked her body. He likes it. He fell into a deep sleep again. He spends such a night. He has no problem with the night.

What happened to not having rice all day? There are fruits, there is river water. Nalak Buar is fried. If you work in a tea shop, the tea-biscuit alliance. Otuku can be eaten at night. Apart from that, sometimes there is a call for short work in the prison house. Then combine rice with arahar dal. Otherwise someone gives salt-panta. Someone's house has a little jhel with rice flour bread.

If you get married, you get rice and meat in Petpur. Her day is gone. He is not upset about all this. He is not afraid. Fear does not overwhelm him. In fact, he does not know what fear is. He didn't listen to ghost stories when he was six. No one threatened him. He has grown up according to his own rules. The boy who grows up on his own rules is not seen with fear. Fear remains hidden.

So the boy can look around with playful eyes. He doesn't have to close his eyes for fear of any corner. He has great courage. If someone asks, where are you going, Mercury? In the army room. What is that? He turned his arms and extended his legs. He does not answer that question to anyone. Those who do not have a house are surrounded by the army house. What does it have to say?

Sometimes Laikjan asks such a foolish question and gets a smile on his face. Laughing, he said to himself, there is no limit to human uselessness. He walks on the way to Tair Nair. Sing the song. The song opens the chest. The song is his favorite. He listens to the songs of the akhra and learns the songs. He can sing once he hears it. He thinks that he who has music inside him can do many things. He is a good man.

10 Bengali classmates and sit by the side of the road. A game of dead snails is lying at his feet. He picked it up on the tip of his old finger and started dancing. He danced and lay down on the grass. His legs are raised towards the sky.

He hid Raed with his hand. By the way, I don't understand such a fun game anymore. He can see through the gap of his hand that the game of snails is like the hat on his old finger. Leah's hat. If the old finger is a man, then the game is a different hat on the man's head.

The man is ready to fight. The boy filled himself with such thoughts. This is how his day goes. Some people eat oranges, some people graze cows, some people eat meat. Fishermen fish in boats. He trades in grocery stores. Makes tea in tea shops. Takes a cup of tea in front of the customer. Weeds in paddy fields.

How much more! There is no end to his work. Guy says to Lake, he's not crazy. It's hard. Which is called hardening. Does anyone feel soft when they see their mother, father and four brothers die in front of their eyes? Or maybe? His life is no longer normal.

There is no way to walk. The vulture eats very hard in college. He thinks sorrow is a fierce vulture. Thinking about all this, he heard the fluttering of the vulture's fan inside his brain. The sound of the vulture's hard-eyed stuttering. A terrible crooked night woke up in front of him. It was pitch dark that night.

Quiet village. Sometimes the dog's cry comes out. It was as if someone were tying a braid with that word. The braid of that word is wrapped around the chest. Suddenly, when a tear rose in the corner of the house, he thought that the sky was bursting and a hard thunderbolt was happening one after another.

Inside the house, his father's body began to move. The eyeball becomes fixed in the match. The only cup in the house. The oil is running out. There is no kerosene in the house that can be given a little more oil in the cup. Or you have to put oil in the cup, go to your aunt in the next room and ask for oil, she couldn't think of anything. Then he did not have time to think about it.

He sees his mother lying on one side. Six tinu on his chest. Tinu is one and a half years old. Raega, the body according to Pakati. It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post. He put his hand on Tinu's body and became confident. The body has become cold. Her chest heaved.

Tinu loved to get on her lap. Whenever he saw him, he would raise his hands and make aa-aa sound. He would take her on his chest and go down to the yard. Sleeping songs. Tinu would fall asleep with her head on his shoulder. What will he do now? Will you sing a song for Tinu? Will Tinu wake up after listening to the song? Will you raise your hand to get on his lap?

The boy's chest became empty. He saw Shilu and Taleb rolling on the floor on the other side of the house. Six of them. Back to back. He was with them in the boy's sports, wandering around. Sometimes there would be a quarrel over the sharing of fruits. How many days he has inflicted two or four blows on the two of them, his chest bursts at the thought. Before he knew it, he saw two siblings hugging each other.

Then the end. Binu also left before nightfall. Only a few hours, but the time of his life sky-underground. Binu leaned on his back. How many memories with him. How can he forget so much? That Binu is no more. Binuta's eyes widened. And that pair of eyes will never open. Binu's eyes were wonderful. It's as if a whole bill has entered his eyes. When Binu smiles, it seems that waves are flowing in the water of the bill.

The whole house stopped in front of him. Once upon a time. From the morning onwards, I looked at the cold, lifeless bodies with my hands and saw that everything had frozen. He understands that freezing means death. She can't cry. Can't throw myself. Tends to feel. It has started to get hard from under his feet. He continues to rise upwards. Feet first

Bengali classroom page. Then the knees, thighs, waist, abdomen, chest, back, neck, nose, eyes, forehead and hair became stiff. He met death with stone eyes. Cholera epidemic wiped out half of the body. Sometimes he looked at himself and asked himself, how did I survive. When he thinks of that death and the dark night, he has no fear anywhere else.

I don't understand why the villagers call him crazy, in fact he has become a brave boy. He stands in the middle of the field, folds his arms on both sides, ties his shirt on his head and stands in the position of a crow. Belta sees the side of the ear fly. A wave of sound rises in a moment and disappears into the air. She thinks it's not Belta's call, the word is her aunt's voice.

Aunty tells him to burn chilli in the morning and eat pantabhat, Raj Raj just swallowed the rice. Dhanga did not smile less. Can't earn, Bapu? Earnings. Eating rice and moving the word. The sound stings the hardened brain. His mother and father acquitted him. I'm irritated now. I can't pull the strings of the next boy, Bapu. Baeja.

The sound jumped like a ball on the ground of his hardened chest. He keeps thinking. Shane Budha, you can see that his uncle has no income. His eight cousins โ€‹โ€‹are siblings, the day does not go by. He eats rice silently. The peppercorns have turned the rice red. Surprisingly, his tongue is not burning. What a strange taste the red lump of rice is coming down the throat.

He just wants tears in his eyes. But he is also hindered by water. Don't roll. Aunty says in a slightly threatening tone, aren't you talking about that? I will earn. Aunt's eyes are bright. Really earn? I will take care of myself. Really? Will you release me then? Yes, really. Release! Hear the word and stumble. When the rice gets stuck in the throat, he starts coughing loudly. Aunty handed him a glass of water. Drink water, Bapu. Why so little that his eyes turn red. You were a very lucky boy when you were six.

Neota of the mother. How did you become one after the people died one night! If anything, his eyes turn red. Do my eyes really turn red? Yes, really. I'm not lying at all. I thought my eyes had become stone eyes. I can't see anything, aunt. Ray no, I can't tell him how red he is. When I saw him, he wanted to greet me. I think you are my mentor. Either my father or uncle.

Aunty, why do you embarrass me with 12 Bengali classmates? I don't want to embarrass him. What can I do that her aunt can't finish talking. Eyes wide open. Then he sat at the kitchen door and hummed and cried. The boy could not hear his aunt crying. He doesn't notice that. The boy was very happy to hear his aunt's words. It seems that the ballet is flying by itself. The rest of the dishes are finished slowly. It is understood that there is no fear in his corner.

How many times will he discover himself like that? How many times can you look at yourself and understand that he is not afraid? Today is his day of great joy. He came out of the house one day thinking about red eyes. He never went back to stay in that house. Went to meet aunt. When did you go to share the fruits with the six siblings? Sitting on the verandah, Dudanda gossiped. Aunty wiped the sweat from her face with her handkerchief. Banera gave water.

Molasses - covered. He never ate, never ate. He just thought that Kunti's eyes would blink whenever he left. He did not say a word. Sat quietly. He kept staring. When he went to that house, his chest would become heavy. He did not want to increase the stiffness of his hardened chest. The day he left his aunt's house for once, he thought, what does it mean to break up? Is the relationship broken? The boy does not answer.

Do not understand what the relationship is? What happens after aunt dies when father dies? But his cousin Bain Chhette Kunti stood in front of him with the right to relationship. After coming out of the house that day, she came after him crying. Said, you don't go, brother Budha. He looks back at the words of wrestling.

Hearing Kunti's sobbing voice, the red glow disappeared from her eyes. He realizes he has a bruise on the inside of his chest. Bleeding from the wound. Wonder, what is the relationship? If there was no one but Kunti, would he suffer? Kunti took his hand and said, you don't go, brother Budha. Of which Yes, not at all. Why? I'll be very sorry if you leave. Feeling bad? Why?

Kunti's voice seemed to change in an instant. He thinks that this voice is a new discovery for him. He turned his hand on Kunti's head and said, let's go today. I will come another day. When will you come? I will stay there. I will come when the mind wants. Is it coming? Doesn't it come? Don't get any better. I don't know what to do, Kunti. Then he said happily, "Okay, I'll be fine one day."

When? Kunti's eyes brightened with happiness. When will Mercury come? At the time of her marriage.

Bengali classmates so married? I will not marry her. He did not marry the big boys. Who will marry me? Will, will. I will see the groom will come in red tuktuk. In your opinion? Ghut beka. In my opinion, why? Am I a boy? I'm the way he is now. Orphans. You will get a very beautiful, very good groom. The wrestler's eyes watered. He cried and said, "No one is good in your opinion."

Mercury says, I go Ray, Kunti. You go home. When he sees his aunt, he will shout. I don't want him to stand in the middle of the wrestling path and shout and cry for me. The boy does not look back. It seems to him that Kunti is shouting that no one is good in your opinion. He does not understand. If he will be so good, then why aunty could not bear him?

If so, is the relationship good for some and bad for others? He stands in the middle of the field thinking and thinking. It's his game. He wants to get people's affection by standing in such a position. He wants to grow up playing this game. When he saw him standing in the woods, the shadow of an eagle came down on his head. Seeing him, the vulture seems to understand that he is a dead man.

It flies over the palm trees. In fact, most of the people in Kaktaru and inside the village can be seen. They are such crows. Without chaos. Patheghater, Hatbazare. No home. There is no rice in the stomach. According to the vultures, only a few people in the village. The crows approach them in fear. Kaktaruya gave his name to the village lake. Nalak Bua calls without hesitation.

When Harikakur caught a lot of fish in the net, he looked at her and said with a smile on his cheek, Manikaratan. Uncle Joynal does not talk to him except his father while harvesting ripe paddy. Say, Sainababa. On the way home from Dalavara Bazaar on the day of the market, Hashem Mia said, "O Khaeknababu, today you will eat rice at my house." If Lakta could have done more deals,

he would have lost his temper. The old woman who picked up the village gabber called him gaberraja. Many days and old women have picked up the gabber. He has many names. He is very happy about it. He thinks it is good. Call me by whatever name you like. If a person has many different names, there can be many different people through those names. He wants to be a different kind of person. Why? For example, Kunti's thoughts are good.

Nelak is brave according to Buar's thoughts. According to the aunt, the man with red eyes. When Harikakur pulls out the full fish net, a word is written in amazement, strong. What else? Believer? Yes. The benefactor? Yes. Kind? Yes. Friendly? Yes. What else. Everything, everything. He let go of the thought. Crossing the field, crossing the ghat, crossing the river.

The field of Tepantar, Pankhiraj Ghaera, seven seas and thirteen rivers floated in his imagination. In this way he is having a good day. He became grateful to his aunt. By the way, Auntie gave him the dream of becoming an independent man by talking about his release. What fun independent people, independent people. When he came to the market as an independent man, the habu shopkeeper frowned and asked, "What are you talking about, Mercury?"

Freedom. Freedom? Far beka. The boy bowed his head and said, "Freedom is a great joy." Freedom is very necessary. I am an independent person now. The shopkeeper said to pay attention to his work, the boy's madness did not go away.

14 Bangla classmates one day and while playing Kaktaruya, he saw the military on his body. He has already heard that there is a war in the country. Military cities - villages are being burned and destroyed. But he had no idea what the military was like. There must be or what. He had never been to the military before. The police have arrived.

He was not afraid to see the police. On the contrary, when the police caught the Robi thief of the village, many children followed them to the police station. He enjoyed the service a lot. But this time the military comes by jeep. To shoot. The sound of boots seemed to crackle. It is as if the ground where the feet are falling is bursting and boiling like a chowki. He stood away and stared in amazement.

They jumped out of a military jeep along the middle of the main road. He saw them running towards the market. He lies tall behind a paddy field. After a while the head rises. Which way did the lakes go? Suddenly a scream came out. After a while, Daudau started burning in the market stalls. He merged in the mud of the paddy field in panic. Surprise! He realizes that a lot is going through his head quickly.

When the military left, he ran and stood in front of the market. Some were either burned to death or shot. Many were not killed, but wounded. Survivors are trying to put out the blaze. He himself brings water from the left with a clay pot. His anger grows as he brings water. He keeps blowing in his mind.

The word of revenge lingered in his chest. Once the fire was extinguished, he looked at the half-baked market and his eyes started turning red. Someone said to him, what happened, Mercury? Nothing. His eyes turned red from the smoke of the fire. Nothing happened to me. Come with me I will stay at home. . I will be in this market. I can sleep under the roof of a semi-detached house.

Lake smiled and said, "You will not be human." I will not be human, I will not be human, I will not be human and he runs away again. When something terrible grew inside his chest, he stood by the river. The murmur of the river to get ears. His gaze froze as he stared at the water. The next day many people in the village started fleeing from their homes. He first ran to Nalak Buar.

Go and look at it. Nelak Buar Bandhahada is over. Where did the frying equipment go! Khangra rolls a wooden rhyme in the yard. The earthen pot is overturned and broken. Mungi's tingulae hanging on the floor of the house. Nelk Bua hugs him before Berana. Come on, take me with you. Where? Wherever the two eyes go. Somewhere or other a shelter will be attached to it.

But why go? Nelak Bua looks surprised. His body does not move. He says in amazement, what are you asking now? Didn't see how much happened? They will come again. Then he will kill whoever he finds. None of us will survive.

If everyone goes, who will be on the body? Shane's son. Is there time to talk so much now? Tell him what happened to him? Father-mother, siblings are all gone. Now he has his own hobby to go? He doesn't talk to Malek Buar. Nelak Bua did not answer his words. Malek Bua gets busy. He came out silently.

He knows that if there is no one, he will be alone. Why run away? He who escapes is afraid. Bacca. Everyone should fight from the body. The fight began to speak and walk. Many were on their way then. He can't talk to everyone. Because they don't have time to look at him. They are busy with themselves. They are fleeing in fear. Harikakur was seen under the big bamboo tree.

Bejhay Kahil of the poor luggage. He has a great love for Harikakur. How long has my aunt been sick? Can't walk properly. Kakima looked at him and cried. Look at that Manikaratan, can anyone leave home at this age? Don't cry, aunt. Run away. They have to live. You can't fight it. Why just die at their hands?

Give me your money, uncle. I lead you a little further. Why? Manikaratan, you come with me. I don't want to leave him. Why should I go with you? Who will be on the body? Who will see your house? Come on, let's take Taema a little further. It's getting late. If the sun rises, they will suffer. I want them not to suffer. Harikaku walks with his head bowed.

He came to the side of the main road and said, this time you go. Now I can. I will come back and meet him, Manikaratan? Will be, will be. Wondering why? The boy sees Harikakur leaving. How old is Kakur? Can you walk? Or will be dead along the way? Then who will call him Manikaratan? Her eyes got wet.

On the way back I met the queen. Their whole family is leaving. The queen said in a frightened voice, "I'm going, Ray, Kaktaruya." Which, we'll see when we get back. Go right. Fear does not pass. But you don't play the cockatoo game anymore. The military can fire. Don't be naughty, crow. I am terrified of him. Who knows what will happen to you! He doesn't have to think so much about me.

You go his way. You're a coward's egg. You're running for it. I will not escape. I will fight. Fight? Yes, fight, fight. Which, which share. The queen was astonished and said, "How brave you are, like a hero." Fight? Throw that day, what a style! He didn't speak anymore and smiled and extended his legs.

Where will he go? Uncle went to town six months ago to find work. Didn't return. Aunty is not in the village now. He went to his father's house with his children. He gets all these news from Laekmukhe. Aunty doesn't keep him informed. He got the news only if he took the news himself. Kunti took him to that house in a little way. Never let Maya-Murki eat. That's it. Of course, he does not have a headache.

Bengali classmates gradually became easier for the people of the village. Two months have passed since the military attack. Many of those who fled back and forth have returned. I heard that many have left for India. He does not know where India is. No need to know. I miss Neelk Bua very much. Who knows where that went! Harikakur also has no news.

There is no news for those who want to know. Those who are not one of them are all over the village. Her aunt is also back. But I did not meet him. He did not go to that house. Just watching from a distance, Kunti has grown up. It looks different now to see him. In the meanwhile the military came to the village again. Builds a camp. Some of them are guarding the camp.

He stood in front of the camp with a rifle and saw them. I have never seen such a person before. Where did they come from? Where is their country? Are they the people of this country? They do not understand the language they speak. No one in the village understands well. What do you say in a broken language?

He finds it more strange to hear the language. If they are the people of this country, why can't they understand their language? He can't think on his own. How weird. Where did the ballet fly from and sit on his head. The boom boom sounded in his ears. It is as if the bamboo is bursting with a crackling sound, the market is burning. The scene of that day turned pale in front of his eyes.

Not a single day after that day, he never saw that scene in his mind. Today, seeing a soldier standing in front of the camp, the scene comes back to his head. Shots. Salam uncle fell face down. Shots. Rabida fell. Shots. Many fall together. He can't sit hunched over behind a rice plant. Her body trembled. Thousands of bells are flying around his ears.

He fell. His body was covered in mud. He sat up again. Mofiz, Shafi, Moti, Azahar's brother, Madan's uncle, Sharif's uncle and many others were seen. He didn't name anyone. I remember everyone's name. The look is embedded in the chest. After a resurrection, the military left and he buried the body with everyone else in the village that afternoon. Cut bamboo from bamboo bushes.

Boiled water with plum leaves. Funeral prayers have been held. Only this first and saw to be buried without shroud cloth. And many people have seen a grave together. He repeatedly wanted to bury her like that. Bury everyone separately. But could not say. Only Habib Bhai cried and said, there will be a mass grave in this village. Can we imagine any day? He himself cried and asked, what is the mass grave, Habib Bhai?

This is Gadane all together. Gadana! With great difficulty he pulled the word inside himself. Then muttered, revenge. Maybe he is having trouble because of this experience. His inner belly became sharp. He looks at the soldiers without blinking. Thinking. He became very thoughtful and serious. By the way, they have to leave this village one day.

One day they will return the way they came. They have to go. But should they be allowed to go back to Jayanti? Once the cholera epidemic caused death in this village. This time different types of people have started causing death. The cholera went away in seven days. Will they go or will they be chased away? He could not touch the cholera. But it can touch those people. Their hands - feet - head - chest - back can all be touched. He was six when the cholera came. Now he has grown up. There is emphasis on the body. Have the courage. Wisdom

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Avatar for sagor321
3 years ago


Novel kaktaruya it's very interesting story.....i like it

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3 years ago

Nice article

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Very good article

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Amazing writing skill

$ 0.00
3 years ago

it's too long but i read the end...fantastic post bro

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3 years ago

Brother your article is great,amazing,awesome,fantastic

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3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

A great article

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3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

Amazing post

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3 years ago

Nice post brother

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3 years ago

Brother you're very talented person.i like your every article. amazing

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3 years ago

Fantastic article, love your articles!

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3 years ago

Nice Article ๐Ÿ“Œ

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3 years ago

Very good

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3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

It is a very good Novel story..

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3 years ago

Fine post

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3 years ago

It is nice novel

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3 years ago

Nice articles brother

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3 years ago

You know how to write really well and each of your articles attracts us a lot more

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3 years ago

your article skill increase day by day . i really impressed to see a article . keep it up brother

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3 years ago

Good work keep it up

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