Bahipir end part....

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3 years ago

Once in Bahipir's house, he does not want to return easily. What happened to the zamindar? (Pause) Haqiqullahu, maybe you have to get out a little. It would be appropriate to keep them at night, there is not much time. Yes sir! Haqiqullah Bahipir There is no sound in the room next to Haqiqullah Bahipi.

What is everyone doing together? Gaepne - Gaepne is not consulting? What do they mean? Sir, how can I say what is in the mind? (Angry) You can never say that. If you do not enter the other's head by cutting the tunnel, it is as if the mind is not known.

Repentance, repentance pit loud tip. (Wakes up) There's really nothing to think about anymore. Go, go and tell Pirsaheb, I agree Tahera. I'm here. Hatem Ali Khadeja Tahera Hashem Hatem Ali Hashem Bahipir (looking at Khadeja) What do you say? I said that. The girl does not realize that Peersaheb is doing so much for her good.

The fact that he did so much for the good of the street girl who ran away from home is a matter of great fortune. If it was someone else, not a foot would move for such a girl. Go back to him and eat well - then he will be happy - in peace. Besides, who has the good fortune to live in the shadow of Pir? If Peersaheb has left a rice. But it is for the good of all. I understand this in my own small intellect. Mr. Zamindar, he is right. Go, don't worry. (Screams) Dad!

(Startled) What dad? (Changes tone) No, nothing. Do what he says. (Looking at the door) What happened to him? Mr. Zamindar will come and say something! (In a bad mood) It's too much, Haqiqullah, no more. I said to TP, did you make my body muddy. Flour or my body? (Looking at Tahera shyly) Don't say anything else? (Shakes head) That's what he said. You go, go and say yes. (Looking at Hashem) Dad, why can't I get up? Shame on you? What will be the shame, father?

Shameless self-promotion for Ballistic Products and a great bargain on a neat little knife for you. If we are guilty, he will not cover his guilt with his eyes, but will point out the guilt in it. (Gets up firmly) Well let's go. But tell me, won't you be unhappy?

No, why unhappy? (Angered uncontrollably) gave us a slap in the face. I have digested it and he is lying again. Why is he rubbing lime? Hatem Ali Tahera Khadeja. Hatem Ali Hashem Hatem Ali Hashem Khaedja, Hashem. Bahipir Hatem Ali Bahipir Hatem Ali Bahipir Hatem Ali Hashem Bahipir Khadeja Hatem Ali Hashem! Shout, shout.

Now that I have got the zamindari back, let's all shout. Hatem Ali got up and went to the next room. Hashem stands half-open the door. What's up, Mr. Zamindar? He will go. Shakir Alhamdulillah. Haqiqullah, Haqiqullah! (Interrupting) But there is one thing. He agrees, I do not agree. I can't take money like that. Let's go zamindari. What are you talking about?

Many have thought that there is nothing left in the body to think about these days. But all of a sudden all the fears are gone, it seems, I have tasted a new life. (Shouts) Dad! (Comes forward) Good luck. Such as Bajehen. I have nothing more to say. (Jumps to the door) What did you say to Peersaheb?

(Laughs) I said, he agrees but I don't want money like that, let's have zamindari. [Khaedja stands as th. ] (Shaking his head frequently), said quite well, spoke well. Hmmm. Good words, very good words. (Shouts) Pirsaheb, don't be angry with us; Don't give us a damn. (Suddenly angry) What do you think of me, am I not a human being because I have become a saint? Do you think that all of you are a sea of ​​mercy and I am a heartless animal, a ruthless executioner?

Mr. Zamindar you will get money unconditionally. It's not a gift, it's not a pity. You have to take it. My special request. Peersaheb? What are you saying? Khaeda, Khaeda! Don't be surprised. No wonder. But one thing. What I thought of my BB has come to fruition. There was nothing wrong with that. But I have made a mistake about the zamindar.

Surprisingly, I was really skeptical about that. I was so skeptical that he could refuse, not realizing for a moment. I have to admit wrong. And it must be admitted that people can suddenly sit in the corner doing unexpected things. Peersaheb, don't say that. What is the way to say it, but it is a delusion. Don't worry, you will get the money. (Suddenly impatient) No, Peersaheb, we don't want money.

Bahipir Khadeja Bahipir Hatem Ali Khaideja Bahipir Hatem Ali Bahipir Hashem Khaedeja Hashem (looking at Hatem Ali) Tell Absa Pirsaheb, tell him that we really don't want money.

Khadeja Bahipir Tahera Hashem Khaedja Tahera Hashem Hashem, Hashem. (Surprised) What's up Dad now? I have no other condition. Everyone has turned me into an inhuman. I had full confidence in Mr. Zamindar that he would not be in my party, but he also cheated on me.

Even if there is nothing else, will you respect my job? No, you have to accept it. Remember, this is the last claim of the defeated enemy. This demand has to be accepted. (In a high, slow voice) Look, what I once said will be no exception. I'm leaving. (Shouts) What did you say? Hashem! (Firmly) I'll go. (As before) I understand, everyone's generosity is being tested, it is known by the force of generosity that man is blinded by his intoxication. , Intellect - also loses the power of reason.

Don't get me wrong. This is not your true bet. No, you're intoxicated. You don't know that they are playing with your life. You're playing chess, you're playing with life, don't you understand? No, no, I will save you. (Quickly comes to Tahera's side) Come with me, let's escape; This generosity is suddenly sweetening to you; Do not understand that, this poison! (Holding hands and walking towards the door) I will take you.

I said, I will save you. I have time to save you. I can't leave you now. (Surprised) Where is this taking me? Don't talk. (Goes out) (to Hatem Ali) What are you doing standing up. Stop them? Stop my son? Hashem. (As soon as he got up and started walking towards the door, Bohipir grabbed his hand and gestured to Khadeja to be patient.) Pirsaheb.

Be patient, be patient. (By then Hashem had taken Tahera by the hand and disappeared on the shore. Tahera's move was intentional but he didn't stop her. She just kept saying, where are you going? Where are you taking me? The storm has stopped. They are gone, let it go. Without it, it is not going to fall into the fire. They are going on the path of their new life.

Repentance, repentance, what's the point of being so upset? We all stayed there. We will stay; you will have your zamindari; Khadeja Bahipir Bahipir Khaedeja Bahipir Khaedeja Bohipir (laughing at Dedar) you are cursing me this time. But Pir has that one advantage. No curse is on the pir. Come on, Mr. Zamindar, we will take care of your zamindari. Haqiqullah!


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3 years ago


Wosame brother,, Great article... Thanks

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3 years ago

just awesome article , where are you from brother?

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