Want to look smart when meeting? You can with these 5 tricks, really!

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3 years ago

.Meeting is the right time for you to stand out in front of your colleagues. In addition, meetings are also a means to develop oneself by being actively involved in discussions and contributing by channeling ideas or questions. However, sometimes we don't talk much and show ourselves up at meetings for fear of making mistakes, not understanding what is being said, or even being embarrassed to speak in front of meeting members. Popbela also feels this way. But now you can look smart and active during meetings. By following these five clever tricks, you will be the star of tomorrow's meeting. Come on, immediately note the following points.

1. Prepare yourself


.This one seems obvious, doesn't it? Wait a minute, Bela. You have to really understand what you have to prepare. Ask for a copy of the day's presentation before the meeting starts and carefully study the material. Where are you still confused? What suggestions do you want to offer? Also think about questions that your team will find useful and need. 2. Get to know the presenter or leader of your meeting


.What has been the person's goal and focus in the company? By reputation, what things is he good at and where are his weaknesses? For example, he is known to be very intelligent in generating innovative ideas but he is not a good executor, so most of his strategies are less realistic. So, you can anticipate the direction of the conversation later. When you ask about the strategy realization, other people will turn to you, nodding in agreement.

3. Offer open-ended questions


.Replace questions such as, "Has this step been taken before?" which can only be answered with "Yes" or "Not yet" with an open question, namely, "I want to hear more about the last time this step was taken and how effective it was at that time,". Another example is, "What about the risks to other departments?" or "How long do you estimate it will take for this strategy to see results?". 4. Write on paper or book


.During a meeting, get rid of your laptop, tablet, or cellphone first because according to research conducted by Princeton University and the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), taking notes manually with your hand encourages the brain to work harder to understand and absorb the information we are writing. After all, you will seem to be paying more attention to the course of the meeting than taking notes on a laptop or tablet, maybe you are actually working on something else.

5. Don't start a sentence with the word "Sorry"


.No need to apologize to anyone when you want to ask or express your opinion because you actually look weak and unsure. This word can only be used if you are interrupting someone, but don't do it, Bela! Now, unfortunately many people misuse the word "Sorry" and use it in the beginning of every sentence. You are not invited to this meeting to feel guilty, but to contribute. Remember that carefully, yes. Are you ready to come to tomorrow's meeting confidently yet, Bela? Hopefully the above tricks help, yes! Tell us about your meeting experience at the office in the comments column below, who knows if you have other tips for being smart at meetings.

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3 years ago
