A little of my story about Mother, how she is willing to slam her bones for the sake of the family

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3 years ago

In the past, I used to complain that Mom didn't have much time for her child. As a housewife as well as a working woman, mothers are quite inconvenient in dividing their time. He was in the office from morning to evening. Occasionally he can get overtime, sometimes he can just go home just before evening.

Often times, I envy my friends. Those who usually come home from school are picked up by their mothers, prepared for lunch, and even accompanied by doing homework. Yes, at that time I was too young to understand. That the mother's choice to work clearly has strong reasons behind it. Not solely for the sake of her passion or ideals, the mother works because she wants to help support the family finances. Like having to play a dual role, mother struggles to be able to run both. "Ah Mother, forgive your son who once complained about your choice. I, who once misjudged Mother, now understand how much you struggle for me. " I sinned because I judged Mother one-sidedly. I didn't think that on weekdays, Iibu's heart broke because she couldn't accompany her child

I was really annoyed, even angry when Mother couldn't accompany me at home. Can't teach me to do my homework from school, can't cook me lunch, or scold me for not taking a nap.

But don't I really know nothing? I didn't know that Mother's heart actually hurt too. Mother was sad because she could not accompany her baby all the time. Watching her child grow up every day. Skipping precious moments that clearly cannot be repeated.

It's not that a mother has no choice, but her responsibility as a parent guides her to make the decisions that feel right

Mother's choice to become a housewife as well as a working woman is not without careful consideration. Father as the head of the family clearly never insisted. Mothers are given complete freedom to choose, whether it is enough to be housewives, or choose a dual role as working women who help support family finances. Yes, the mother made the decisions that she thought were the most correct and correct. In order to see her family live well, Mother is determined to work as an office employee. The only thing he thinks about is me, his beloved child. As a responsible mother, she would not have the heart to see me living in limitations and weaknesses.

The weight of carrying out two roles at once did not make him mentally shrink. Mother continues to struggle, not even if she wants to give up on the situation

Doing her duties as a housewife as well as a working woman clearly makes her confused. Since early in the morning, she has been busy in the kitchen preparing breakfast for her child and husband. After that, the mother hurriedly went to the office to prepare to complete all the tasks given by her boss. Feeling tired is definitely felt. He is familiar with stress and feeling depressed everyday. But have you ever complained about once? Blame the situation or cornered my father who was unable to meet all his needs? Not. Mother only focuses on what has become the choice. That the decision to work is not a curse or bad luck. The decision he made consciously was because he had so much love and affection. The tight routine of the office does not make the mother forget her main task, she always tells her children about moral values ​​and manners.

Mother may have achievements in her office. Various tasks given by superiors can always be completed perfectly. He is a hard worker who knows how important it is to complete his tasks intelligently. When hit by problems or difficulties, he did not easily give up or blame the situation. My mother was even more persistent so that everything could be done. But how great Mother is out there, she never neglects her main duties. Mothers always try to carry out their roles and responsibilities as parents. Starting from paying attention to their children's duties, observing their children's daily activities, to teaching matters of moral values ​​and character. Is there any part of your mother that deserves to be reproached? Not. After all, Mother has struggled, trying to forge herself so that she can become the perfect mother for her children. To me, mother is a hero. The struggle he did for the sake of his children and family is clearly beyond doubt

If I had to choose someone I value the most in this world, it would be my mother. Mother deserves the title as a hero in my life. What he struggled with was none other than for the sake of his beloved children and family. All housework can be completed and various office obligations he can also complete.

Ah, Mother, how embarrassed I am because I doubted you before. Now I understand that all of Mother's efforts and struggles deserve respect. I also promise to be your most devoted child. I promise I will imitate your choice, become a housewife as well as a working woman for my children and small family someday.

"Thank you ma'am, how I will not be able to repay all your services."

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Avatar for saepuloh
3 years ago
