6 Wise Tips for Using Social Media for Millennials!

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3 years ago

Who doesn't have social media? In this day and age, social media is very common. People might find it weird if you don't have any one social media account. Its function, which began as a socializing medium, has changed and increased so that it can reach one's activities in many ways. Through social media, people can sell and buy various items, find work, or show off their abilities. Discussions on social media are no longer about trivial matters, but can involve anything. Which is not uncommon, cause problems for some people. The more that is discussed, the more people there are, of course the greater the possibility of problems that can be caused. Then, is social media full of problems? Whether there is a problem or not depends on how everyone uses it. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with you starting to learn how to use social media wisely in order to avoid tiring drama or conflict.

1. Not Sharing Personal Information Social media In this easy era, people can get information about someone quickly. Actually it doesn't matter if the information is not used for harmful things. However, with the number of criminal cases today, you need to be careful. Especially if you share it on social media, not one or two people see it, but it can be thousands to millions. You never know which information can be a source of trouble and people use for things that are not good. So, as much as possible avoid sharing information about your personal life, such as your home address, work address, or details and schedules of daily life. Minimize the possibility of crimes that occur by limiting the personal information that you share.

2. Select Friends Social media For millennial children, having a lot of followers might be something to be proud of, but having lots of friends on social media is not always useful. It would be better if you start filtering your friends on social media and make sure you make friends with people you know. This aims to reduce personal information that is widely spread in order to avoid crimes or harmful actions.

3. Avoid Negative Accounts Social media Currently, do you feel that there is too much information being shared on social media? What's more, not all of the information is good and useful. It is not uncommon for various negative information to spread out in cyberspace to worry yourself. How not, you are exposed to lots of negative content with hateful and provocative sentences. Now, if you find an account or post like that, it's better to avoid it and don't read it for long. If necessary, report and block. Don't get caught up in commenting, you will only waste your time and energy.

4. Check Back Before Sharing Content Social media Social media would not be complete without images or videos being shared. However, with so many fake news hanging around, it's better to make sure the news is true before you upload it. Not only for everyday news, make sure you also refrain from commenting on other people's lives. Don't share content or comment that gets you in trouble. Like commenting on other people's body shapes negatively (body shaming) even if only for joking material. Even though it looks simple, doing body shaming is now regulated in legislation. Quoted from detik.com, body shaming itself can be in the form of insults or ridicule of a person's shape, face, skin color, or posture, as regulated in the Law on Information and Electronic Transactions Article 45 paragraph 1 and Article 27 paragraph 3. So if you're not sure and just want to comment on it, it's best to hold back. To be a wise social media user, you shouldn't be easily tempted to comment on something you don't know the truth of.

5. Use it for Personal Development Social media Among the many negative possibilities, social media also offers positives. One of them, as a means to develop one's abilities. Use social media to join the community, find workshop information, and become a place to discuss things you like. Use social media as a medium to meet and learn from other great people. If you keep yourself busy with the good, you definitely don't have time for negative things. 6. Make it a Personal Branding Tool Social Media (7) At present, social media is also a determining factor for a person to be hired or not. Hearing this, you definitely don't want any random posts, right?

As much as possible don't overuse social media. If it's too much, the results are definitely not good. In addition, try to use it in relation to positive things. As long as it is used for positive things, there will definitely be no problems encountered!

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Avatar for saepuloh
3 years ago


full of great infomation

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3 years ago

thank you

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Welcome back my dear friend

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Welcome back my dear friend

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Don't forget to give me a change :'(

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