Stop rape

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Avatar for sadiajannat
3 years ago

Let's talk about a little embarrassing today. Anyone can guess what actually is it?

Let's talk about rape. Yes,rape. No one wants to talk about it. Do you know what is rape? Obviously, you should. Especially women. There are no women is available here who are not afraid of rape. The victim is treated as a user object of sexual satisfaction, without regard for the victim's opinion. Rape is one of the most humiliating to human dignity.

Let's have a little look at the global rape situation. Especially in industrialized countries, sexual assaults are very common. Globally, one in five women and almost 35percent of women have experienced physical or mental abuses. Rapes have a serious effect on the mental health of women. According to physiologists, it leads to a change in the victim's mentality that the victim has become mentally sick, she has refused from her relations with her family and social circle.

Let's find out the reasons behind rapes.


Children got raped. Can you really blame clothes for child rape crimes? There was a time when women in developed countries woman did not even wear blouses or coverings with sarees and so on. The rate of sexual harassment was much lower than now. How can your outfits be the reason for your abuse then?

It is not logical to only blame dresses for rape. There are many people with decent dressed were raped. People who try to portray clothing as the main cause of rape are trying to hide the crime. This is the result of a deep-rooted low mentality. If the clothes were the only reason for this, the heroines from the media would constantly be harassed.

"Our faults"

When a child is sexually harassed, we avoid the criminal as mentally unstable. We make the crime further do when we do this. How many rapists have been punished after the crime? The judgment always stay darker instead of solving

The more we talk about clothes, the more we ignore the crime. How can we blame the clothes if anyone from 60-year-old women getting raped?

"What to do"

We have to take action against rape, instead of hiding it. Women are not treated as human beings, but as a product of enjoyment. It has been established in our society that every woman is not a funny object. But as very natural, everybody gets attracted by opposite gender both men's and women. This is not a sign of mental instability. we have learned about the control of our excitement and wildness.

My personal belief is that the potential rapists continuously commit crimes. Ii becomes a trend. It is part of their so-called habit and frustration. The clothes a person is wearing can not be the reason for sexual harassment.

I agree that clothes play a role here , but not so much that we can absolve the criminal by blaming the victim's outfit. we tend to do that. I strongly believe that the education system should introduce topics such as protesting sexual harassment, education on sex as well. as moral teachings.

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Avatar for sadiajannat
3 years ago


Vi er nødt til at handle mod voldtægt i stedet for at skjule det. Kvinder behandles ikke som mennesker, men som et produkt af nydelse. Det er blevet fastslået i vores samfund, at enhver kvinde ikke er et sjovt objekt. Men som meget naturligt bliver alle tiltrukket af modsat køn, både mænd og kvinder. Dette er ikke et tegn på mental ustabilitet. vi har lært om kontrollen med vores spænding og vildhed.

Det er ikke logisk at kun bebrejde kjoler for voldtægt. Der er mange mennesker med anstændigt klædt blev voldtaget. Folk, der forsøger at fremstille tøj som den vigtigste årsag til voldtægt, forsøger at skjule forbrydelsen. Dette er resultatet af en dybt rodfæstet lav mentalitet. Hvis tøjet var den eneste grund til dette, ville heltinderne fra medierne konstant blive chikaneret.

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3 years ago