Horror story Part-1 (Night ambulance !!)

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3 years ago

Kamal is a little late to come to work today. It's about 9:45 in the morning. While signing the attendance register, Kamal looked around once and then immediately wrote it in the attendance register at 9:30. Then he noticed an old man sitting at the side table - Kalim understood

Uncle Bouder's body is not much better. Running for eight months. I am thinking a lot. There is no one at home to take care of. What do I do? Pause and say again - I have to do everything. I have a problem with money on it.

- Can't you keep a working man, Mia? Kalim Mia, an 80-year-old man sitting at the side table, paused for a moment, then said again, "You know, if I'm late for three days in a row, I'll go to the water for a day's salary." You are already 7 days late this month. That means there is no salary for 2 days. Keep the matter in mind.

Kamal did not say anything and shook his head. He knows the matter.

Kamal joined Sarwadi Hospital as an ambulance driver a couple of months ago. His job is to run the ambulance all day. The days when there is work pressure are so much that there is no time to eat. And on the day when the work pressure is less, it is seen that after hitting one or two trips, one has to sit down and relax. But Kamal prefers to stay at work. Sometimes and two paise is found on it. In the beginning, it was a little bad to transport patients and corpses. But now it has been tolerated. He thought it was safer to transport patients and corpses than to transport passengers. Haukau reduces shouting. After signing the key for the ambulance, Shanti met Didi as soon as she got up to the second floor. He was walking towards ward no. Senior nurse at Shanti Didi Hospital. Kamal is very affectionate. He had a brother who looked exactly like Kamal.

- What's up sister?

- The condition of patient number 21 is not very good. I went to inform the sirs. How is your wife No worries we are here. Shanti Didi does not stand.

Kamal did not get a chance to say anything and entered the office room laughing. From there take the key straight to Bahar Bhai's tea shop. Taking the key means Kamal is ready with the car. The call will actually go away. Kamal Elahi sees his brother in Bahar's brother's shop. He is having tea with a few others and is shaking hands. Elahi Bhai is the leader of the driver's union of this hospital. Not a single vehicle of the hospital runs without his order. His words are the law. How are you, brother?

With a short reply to Salam, Elahi Mia says - What's the matter, Kamal, where are you nowadays? Don't toss at the union office. Will I just serve Rugigo? I have to look at my own future, right? Elahi Mia looks at everyone else sitting next to her, hoping for support. Everyone nodded in support.

- Leader Kamal Mia will be a child. Sitting next to the tall oil thief says Zahir.

- Will I be Kamal's child now? I will be his wife's child. Everyone laughed as soon as someone else said it. Kamal doesn't say anything. The smile on his face makes a sense. As if having a lot of fun.

- Boss. Lick Tay bhai after giving birth but giving time for union. I ended up working on Tomgo Laiga in the hall. And give me my phone in case of any need. Tomgo laiga my life sacrifice. Erahi Mia took the ball and left.

Kamal realizes that he will spend the day sitting down. After sitting in the tea shop for a long time, no call came. Kamal got up and went to his ambulance. Ambulance No. 18 He opened the door and got into the ambulance and listened to the news on the radio.

At that time Solomon came and gave an address. I have to go to Gulshan. The patient must be brought. Kamal goes out. On the way, he took a banana and forest bread and said that he would eat it for lunch from Bahar's shop. He asked me to write it down in the notebook and dragged him away. Another advantage of driving to the hospital is that you don't have to worry about the sergeant on the road. It is said that when he heard the siren of the ambulance, the Prime Minister's car also gave way. That is very true.

The situation in the country is not very good. Lots of traffic jams. If he can return from Gulshan soon, he can return home after completing his duties. Maya is alone at home. I have talked to him on the phone twice. Maya says she is fine. No problem. So he is much safer now. It was night when I returned from Gulshan. As soon as Kamal came to deposit the keys on the second floor, he got the news that Shanti Didi had searched for him several times. He kept the news in the office room so that he could actually move to ward no.

Ward 7 is too big. As soon as you enter, there is a seat for the nurses on the right hand side. Shanti Didi is sitting there. Seeing him, Kamal said, "Come here." Talk to you soon.

- I have to go home. What to say soon. Kamal pulled up an empty chair and sat down.

- How is your wife?

- Somehow. Didi Wright. Talk about work. Bouda is alone in the room. Kamal chases.

-Don't choose, boys. Am I calling you without work? Kamal shook her head and said Didi was right, she didn't call without work. Listen, Rugida of bed number 21 has died. The body is in the morgue. I will come to you with a little.

- What? Aye Wright's time? Zakir's night, where is he? Kamal stands up to leave.

-Hey listen; Listen; You need money. Maldar Pati; Excluding the cost of the path, I think I will pay five thousand. Zakir has actually gone to Savar. I think I will agree. I will be your pola pine in front, I need money in hand, so I told you. It is your choice whether to go or not.

Five thousand! Kamal goes after a little hesitation. In fact, he did not have much money. All in all, what you have accumulated so far in the earthen jar every month will probably be one thousand five hundred. If you pay five thousand rupees at this time, you can be sure of having a baby.

- But Didi Maya is alone at home. Being late can be scary.

-Hey, how many boys? Why should I be afraid? If necessary, I will go and see it once. Shanti Didi says to write something in the notebook.

- Where do I have to go? Kamal asks, scratching his head.

- Comilla. Shanti Didi says without stopping writing.

- Oh mother or sister? Comilla! Kamal was shocked. Then I will go back in the morning.

- Oh no. It will not be dawn. Here are three or four.

- Heida, it's morning. Kyle doesn't have DET again? When to sleep, when to cum.

- Kyle Abi at 12 o'clock. I'll put it in Super Sir. There will be no problem. Shanti Didi asks to keep the file in the cupboard.

-Say a word, sister, why are you so loud? I think you got better.

- Hey guys die. What is my roar again? When you die, I will hold you in my arms and legs.

-Aha sister, why are you angry?

-Listen. Didi brought her face to Kamal's ear and whispered. The one who was dying was a very big man. Baralokgo is not as good as Khaslat. So was this bader. Tinda is getting married at the last age. Kochi Kochi Maya shots this one week Buiradar lagi which did. Now there are books on the body even after death. You go and deliver. You're done. Shanti Didi gave him a white envelope.

- What? Kamal asks in surprise.

- Where will the money and address go again? Which went in the car.

-But Didi, I can't go so far alone with the body during this Wright.

- Hey, why should I go alone? Buira's three wives will go to you. You see, you are getting old again. Shanti Didi laughed at her own joke.

- What's that, sister? I then go to the car.

-Yeah. And don't worry about it. I am your sister. Which is shared.

Kamal goes out. Suddenly getting the money, the mood got better. Goes and talks to Maya on the phone. He told Maya - he has to go to Comilla now, it will be night to return. Maya should not worry. Will be back as soon as possible.

Kamal got down and saw the body in his car. Monir Mia is standing next to the car panting.

Is someone's body so heavy? The difficulty was to make John Millao tea too. Looking at Kamal, he waved his hand and said the words in one breath.

- Too heavy? Kamal looked back inside the ambulance. The body was placed on the bed on the left side and the body was called with a white sheet. Mini Mia closes the door on the left. Two tall women in black burqas are standing next to the car. Once the two looked at Kamal and started talking to each other in a low voice. The sound of his words does not reach Kamal's ears. Another woman in a burqa with paper came to Kamal and said - will you go, brother?

-Kamal shakes his head from top to bottom.

- Then let's go to Chulun. The woman looked at the other two women with a few hundred rupees notes in Mini Mia's hand and said, "Where are you coming from?"

As soon as everyone got up, Kamal left the ambulance. The clock struck 12 o'clock at night.

There is not much car on the road. How ghostly the path ghat looks in the light of the sodium lamp. Kamal does not believe in ghosts. Yet in this lonely night, why should his body be cut. Kamal keeps the speed of the car at 60 per hour. In any case, the speed of the car will not exceed 60 km. Kamal's father-in-law was his master. He has taught that no matter how empty the road is at night, there is no accident if you drive at a certain speed. Kamal believes that. So the speed of the car in the bug was fixed at 60 kilometers per hour. It started raining as soon as it came in front of the parliament building. Kamal says in his mind- there is no time for rain. Kamal further reduces the speed of the car. As soon as Asad came in front of Arang at the gate, the signal went off. Kamal once wondered if he would leave with a tug? But then he thought; No. There is nothing to worry about.

He stopped the car and waited for the green light. The road is almost empty. There is no human. When he looked from left to right, his body became creepy. Shut up! All the nonsense. I couldn't come even for a kilo and sat thinking of ghosts. Kamal comforts himself. Suddenly, through the window on the left side, who is Kamal? Who?

An old man is looking inside through the window. Random white hair on the head. He is holding the window glass with both hands. What a gap between the teeth. The man said- give; Translations into Assamese: Give me money Give me some rice.

Kamal's mood goes bad. I think Naima slapped him twice. The bastard gets no more time to beg. To die He tore his shirt and spat on his chest.

Though he grumbled in his mind, he reached for the man with a five taka note in his chest pocket. The man says without money - share. Share. Quick share.

He can't understand the tip of the iceberg. Kamal thinks I might be crazy. Just then there was a knock on the small window behind him. Kamal says that the window next to him is a little gap and he doesn't look back and says - yes?

-What happened? Asks one of the three from behind.

- No, nothing.

Leaving the signal, Kamal pulls the car. Kamal looked in the mirror on the left and could no longer see the old man. Where did it go in my mind? He leaned forward and tried to see the sidewalk, but he was surprised not to see the old man again; Then take a turn towards Farmgate.

Kamal heard the sound of whispering from behind. Kamal got some courage in this silence. Occasionally a couple of cars show up and pass by. Most of the trucks run on the road at night. The monster-like trucks drove away. Saidabad; After passing through Jatrabari, Kamal started driving towards Comilla through Shanir Akhra. This road is quite familiar to him. It is raining continuously. I think it will be all night today. Lightning flashes from time to time. Winter; Winter is a feeling. Kamal opens the water bottle and drinks water. The nearby shops are all closed. Today it seems that the number of cars on the road is less. There was a tuk tuk sound from behind again.

- Yes? Kamal says with his head back a little.

- Shall we get off? One says. Kamal is surprised.

- Here?

-Yes. Do you stop for a moment.

- I think I came to Daudkandi. Wouldn't you have stopped there?

- No. Stop near the big tree in front. Another voice came from behind. It is up to him to listen to the word as ordered. Kamal pulled the ambulance to a large tree on the side of the road. He heard the sound of the back door opening and looked back through the window. Kamal's head turned in what he saw in the dim light. The dead man is sitting on the seat. Not just sitting; He is shaking hands and saying something. He is terrified. Kamal removes his eyes from behind and tries to hide himself. When he looked in front, he saw two shadows. There is no body. Only the existence of the body is understood. Floating in the air, the shadow is coming towards Du Kamal. Fear of losing his life. Looks like he's going to die. He presses himself against the seat. It seems that the fear would be lessened if I could put myself in the seat. God in mind; God does. The two shadows passed behind him. Suddenly a sound of laughter came from behind. Kamal gathered his courage and looked back again.

The body got out of the car and stood on the ground. The clothes wrapped around the body are hanging randomly. Something like a bundle of white cotton in the man's hand. Two women are standing right in front of the man. Kamal sees a baby's head as soon as a doll makes a gap.

The man stabbed the doll inside the car. Almost immediately everyone got in the car and then got in the car. Kamal's body has become stiff. Once I wondered if he would get out of the car and run. But where to go? If he pretends not to see anything better than that, maybe he knows he can be saved. He prayed in his heart to save God. Kamal was startled by the sound of tapping from behind - drive. Heavy it says voice. As soon as Kamal touched the key, the car started. Kamal's head is not working. As the car pulled up onto the road, he saw in the side mirror two shadows still standing. He is holding two white dolls in his hand. It's not raining anymore; But sometimes lightning flashes. Kamal is driving along the main road. It sounds good to say that the car is running on its own because he is not driving. Because he has no control over the car at the moment. He is just sitting quietly. The car is running on its own. The sound of chuck chuck is coming from behind. Kamal regained his composure and looked back again. He sees two people sitting on either side, leaning forward and eating the baby. The child's left leg in the hands of two; The other two John has two hands apart from the baby. The baby's head is down. Eyes open. Kamal's whole body became confused. Vomiting. Do not understand what to do. The whole body is shaking. Looks like he's going to die. A house can be seen on the right side in front. The lights are on on the porch. Kamal pressed the brakes with all his might. The ambulance came to a halt with a jolt. Everyone sitting in the back pushed towards Kamal. A light coughing sound could be heard from behind. Someone in a male voice says - what happened; What happened? I told you to be patient. Didn't listen to me. Now it is. The driver bastard saw it all. Catch the bastard. Then the sound of coughing again. Tear it to pieces. Through Kamal's back window, a hand came towards Kamal - Thamli Ken Chala Chala. Blood is still dripping from the hand. Kamal leaned forward and looked back and saw a fox-like face. Both eyes are burning. The tongue is sticking out. Kamal lost consciousness and fell on the seat.

Conclusion: The next morning, while returning to the mosque after the Fajr prayers, the worshipers found Kamal unconscious and admitted him to the hospital. After regaining consciousness, Kamal could no longer remember anything. And his ambulance stopped in front of a house on the side of the road. The remains of a baby boy were found wrapped in a white cloth on the back of the ambulance.

Check My More Story :




Sir @TheRandomRewarder @ErdoganTalk @Telesfor   if you give me the inspiration, I will get the inspiration to write better.

i hope you enjoy the article and keep subscribing to my channel to get the next episode.Let us know in the comment box how you feel about the article

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Thank you so much all of my read cash friends.

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Avatar for sabbbir1010
3 years ago


just love this detailed article bro

$ 0.00
3 years ago

thanks a lot supporting me

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nice story..you wrote well

$ 0.00
3 years ago

thanks a lot dear friend

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

Carry on dear 😍😍

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wow, excellent horror part is very interestin.. I like this post

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I like horror strory though I am afraid of ghost... But it is my tendency to hear and see horror type movie or anything.., 😁

$ 0.00
3 years ago

oh, that's good take love for all time dear supporting me

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Tnx dear.. 💝💝

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

I liked both the post and the topic of the post very much ..... because I like to see ghost pictures very much..I want to see more such posts bro..don't do more dong .....

$ 0.00
3 years ago

thanks for your complement by the way ,what is dong ??

$ 0.00
3 years ago

ডং বুঝেন না

$ 0.00
3 years ago

na ,,buji na

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nice story

$ 0.00
3 years ago

thank you so much

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3 years ago