If You Continue To Ignore Criticism, Life Will Continue To Teach You The Same Lesson

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1 year ago


It's acceptable if your heart hurts a little bit after letting go of someone or something. It only indicates that your emotions were sincere.

In our culture, there is a saying that reads, "Forget the past, don't worry about the future, live in the now."

This assertion is accurate. Too many of us let our previous decisions determine who we are today. It shouldn't be like this. After all, every new day offers the chance to start over as a different person on a different path leading to a different future.

However, individuals who opt to merely move on from the past forfeit its full potential. It has insightful teachings that can be applied. And those who make the decision to inquire properly about their past are most equipped to fully experience the present.

No human being enjoys the end. Nobody enjoys being in pain. But sometimes we have to stop doing activities that were once good because they have turned out to be harmful to your health as with time. Not every fresh start is intended to last indefinitely. And not everyone who enters our life is intended to stay.


Think on what we can learn from the past. Asking the correct questions will allow us to learn...

• Our defining attributes. The lives we lead and the change we can effect are determined by the skills and abilities we employ to get around and contribute to this planet. We can more clearly see our potential in the present by thinking back on our prior successes.

• Frustrating flaws in ourselves. Each of us has personality flaws and skill gaps. These flaws restrict our ability to have an effect and be significant when they go unfixed. Find them out. Know who they are. And discover how to overcome obstacles by enlisting others' assistance.

• Motivating causes for us. When we assist others in finding theirs, our lives experience the most delight. Which social causes have previously inspired you? What function were you able to play in assisting others? And how can such endeavours invigorate your life today?

• Connections that motivate us. There have undoubtedly been a lot of people throughout our lives who have motivated us to improve as individuals. What characteristics do they share? And is it possible to surround oneself with more of them today?

• Circumstances that lead us astray. Our social circles and the cultures we work in can inspire us or impede our development. Have you ever been in a relationship where you felt always depressed and made bad choices? If so, use your past experiences to help you avoid them.

• Routines that give us energy. We use a range of disciplines to make the most of our lives over time. We learn a new diet, a new exercise regimen, or a new morning schedule. We test them out; some of them work, some don't. These new practises eventually either disappear from our memories or turn into habits. Back up. Recognize the behaviours that improved your health, vitality, and energy levels. then embrace them once more.

• Affections that make us happy. Diverse thoughts and feelings have different effects on our life in terms of happiness, purpose, and fulfilment. What relationships in your life gave you the most joy? And have you managed to escape them? If so, go back. Recognize what kept you from them in the first place by doing this.

• Diverting activities. In the end, the life we choose to live is determined by the choices we make with the tools we are given. The majority of the resources we have available to us personally are finite and scarce (money, time, energy). By definition, the quantity of resources we have available for other endeavours is constrained when they are allocated to one. It is prudent to understand the subtle.

Thanks a lot for visiting my profile and reading the entire post. I hope you have found this post to be helpful and learned some valuable life lessons. Stay tuned for such insightful posts from me.

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1 year ago
