What is the reason for this? 😑

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3 years ago


Aphthous refers to ulcers. Stomatitis is inflammation of the mucous lining. In fact, aphthous stomatitis is better known as aphthous ulcer. Aphthous ulcers are also known as canker sores. A big problem in our country is the use of medicines given for aphthous ulcers in the treatment of any mouth ulcer, especially when the patient goes to the drug store for treatment. So we need to know the true nature of aphthous ulcers. Aphthous ulcers are usually painful. Women are more affected than men. Aphthous ulcers can occur at any age. But it is more common among teenage boys and girls. About 30 to 40 percent of patients have a family history of recurrent aphthous ulcers. In most cases, aphthous ulcers are first seen in people between the ages of 10 and 20. However, this ulcer can be seen suddenly in a two-year-old child. Aphthous ulcers can be seen twice a year in some cases, and many times in others. Excessive amounts of aphthous ulcers can cause the lymph nodes to become enlarged and cause fever. If you have aphthous ulcers, it is very difficult to eat spicy food. Aphthous ulcers heal spontaneously in most cases. This is why ordinary people jokingly say about mouth ulcers that it takes 14 days to get better after taking mouth sores and 7 days without taking medicines. It is possible to make fun of the subject, but if there is more pain, you must take medicine. It is important to know whether the mouth ulcer is an aphthous ulcer or something else. If the mouth ulcer is something bad without an aphthous ulcer, it will not take long for the smile or humor to disappear with the ulcer.

Where is aphthous ulcer?

Aphthous ulcers occur in the parts of the mouth that usually move or move, such as on the lining of the tongue, lips, and chin. There may also be aphthous ulcers in the gums.

What to look for in aphthous ulcers

Aphthous ulcers are white or yellow oval. Inflamed red border lines can be seen all around. The gray, white or yellow area within the red boundary is due to the formation of fibrin. Fibrin is a protein that is involved in blood clotting.

Causes of aphthous ulcers: The exact cause is still unknown. The possible causes of aphthous ulcers are:

A) Injury caused by, for example, the sting of a toothbrush. B) Stress. C) Sleep disturbances or insufficient sleep. D) Eat extra citrus fruits, such as oranges or lemons. E) Due to food allergies. F) Problems with the immune system. G) Due to deficiency of Vitamin B12, Iron and Folic Acid. H) Aphthous ulcers can also be caused by Nicorodil and some chemotherapy. I) Crohn's disease and aphthous ulcers can occur. J) Aphrodisiac ulcers can be caused by abrasion of the toothbrush. K) Any wound by sharp or abrasive food such as toast, chips. L) Any wound as a result of being bitten by a tooth. D) Dental braces can damage the mucous membrane and cause aphthous ulcers. 6) Celiac disease can also cause aphthous ulcers.

Nutrition: Zinc deficiency may be linked to recurrent aphthous ulcers. In this case zinc supplement can be used.


* Eating spicy foods should be reduced.

* Cosmetic mouthwash can be rinsed with a mixture of warm water and salt.

* Vitamin B12 can be given.

* Amlexanox oral paste helps to cure aphthous ulcers and reduces pain.

One thing to keep in mind, however, is that the virus also causes some ulcers on the face that look like aphthous ulcers. Therefore, it is not right to treat any wound or ulcer as an aphthous ulcer. Diagnosis should be made with proper observation and necessary tests. Only then is it possible to get proper treatment of ulcers.

-Dr. Md. Faruk Hossain

Oral and dental specialist

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3 years ago


Micoral gel

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3 years ago

Good article dear

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks for giving a knowledge about these ulcers and stomach problem

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3 years ago