Unknown information of the solar system: Oort Clou

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3 years ago

In the first episode we learned more about the Kuiper Belt. In the next episode, I found out about the incident of Voyager-1 going to Heliopage. Now I will know about Urt cloud.

Before talking about the Oort Cloud, I would like to talk about the comet. Many of us have seen comets in the night sky. Comets but of two kinds. For your convenience, I say these are Long period comets and Short period comets. The short period comets come from the Asteroid Belt and Kuiper Belt. But the problem is with long period comets. Where do they come from? Where is it lost again? These came from the Urt cloud. I was talking about that mystery for so long. Let's find out now.

The distance from the Urt cloud to the interior of the solar system and the nearest two stars are measured in units of astronomy. Scale logarithmic; Each indicated distance is ten times greater than the previous distance. The red arrow indicates the location of the space probe Voyager 1, which will reach the Ort cloud in about 300 years.

The Art Cloud is sometimes referred to as the "Ort Cloud". It was first described by the Dutch astronomer "Art" in 1950. It was originally a theoretical cloud of ice stars that was proposed to surround the star. .03 to 3.2 light-years). It is divided into two regions: a disk-shaped inner Oort cloud (or mountain cloud) and a spherical outer Oort cloud, both on the other side of the heliosphere and in the intersteller space [Kuiper Belt and Scattered disks, the other two reservoirs of Trans-Neptunian objects, are less than a thousandth of a second from the Sun, like the Ort cloud.

The outer boundary of the art cloud determines the cosmic boundary of the solar system and the extent of the solar system. The outer art cloud is bound only to the solar system and is thus easily influenced by both the gravitational pulling star and the Milky Way itself. These forces occasionally displace comets from their orbits in the clouds and send them to the inner solar system. Based on their orbits, most short-term comets may come from scattered disks, but some long-term comets still emerge from art clouds.

Astronomers have speculated that the formation of the Art Cloud was closer to the Sun and that Jupiter's early gravitational pull spread far into space. Although no definite direct observation of the Art Cloud has been made. However, it could be the source of long-haul and Haley comets entering the inner solar system. It also contains many centipede and Jupiter-family comets.

Let's see how it was discovered. The Boulder Collardor Genius Super Computer proved its existence. This supercomputer calculates that there are more than 200 billion pieces of ice. Which occupies more space than the Heliops.

Now you may be wondering if Kuiper Belt, Asteroid Belt and Oort Cloud are made of the same material but what is the difference. The bigger mystery is why comets come to us from the Oort Cloud? I will not talk about this today and I will talk about this in the next post.

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3 years ago
