>> The first step to success in failure <<<

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3 years ago

★ He lost his father when he was only 5 years old!

Dropped out of school at the age of 18!

He lost his job 4 times in 16 years!

At the age of 18, he got married!

At the age of 19 he became a father

At the age of 20, his wife left him and took his daughter with him!

Join the army and fail there!

Joined an insurance company and didn't see success there either!

Went to kidnap his own daughter and failed there too!

He took a job as a railway conductor, but could not take advantage!

★ Finally, Radhuni took a job in a cafe!

He retired at the age of 6.Received a check for 10105 from the government on the first day of retirement!

Life seemed worthless to him!

He decided to commit suicide.

★ Then he sat under a tree and started making a list of what he has achieved in life!

★ Suddenly it seems to him that there is still a lot to do in life and he knows more about one thing than anyone else - cooking!

★ He borrowed ৮৭ 7 and bought some more chickens against that check and fried them with his own recipe!

★ Then went door to door to neighbors in Kentucky and started selling those fried chicken!


At the age of 65, he wanted to commit suicide and at the age of 7, Colonel Sanders became a billionaire. You are remembered as the founder of KFC!

----- There's nothing to despair about, you still have a lot of time to be a billionaire ... just need to try! ----

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$ 0.01 from @TheRandomRewarder
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3 years ago
