Suzy Mama

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3 years ago

The stranger came and stood in front of everyone. All the gods including Frey, Vasir, Odin, Loki are looking at him with one glance.

- I agree to build a wall for you, Odin. Sky-high, impenetrable; Be it a monster or a monster, an ant or a small mosquito, or a god with the power of a thousand elephants - no one will be able to break through this wall and enter your kingdom.

- Yes. We also have artisans. The Bamuns are not the best artisans in the world. Why should we trust you instead of them?

- It will take them a few years to build such a wall. By that time, you will be old father. I can give you this wall as a gift in just three seasons.

This proposal of the stranger did not seem bad to any god. But the visitor's fee? Surely he would not demand less for such a great work. Odin finally asked the stranger.

- What do you want?



- Yes, His Excellency Odin. I want the moon and the beautiful Freya K.

At the instigation of Loki, the gods agreed to this agreement with the stranger by betting on the sun. But the sun did not lose. Loki's extraordinary cunning saved our sun on that journey, or else the solar system would have been plunged into darkness for eternity.

From infancy we learn to recognize at least one star well. Every morning rising in the east and setting in the west, our sun, the heart of the solar system. The sun is not so small at all, even though it is round in the sky like a dish. It is a superheated gaspind with a radius of about 698,340 km. From this heated body, light and heat are coming to the earth at every moment, providing the biochemical energy of all living things on earth.

The sun was born about 4.6 billion years ago, and is made up of huge gaseous clouds, like a few stars. The rest of the gaseous element, the cloud disk, was surrounded by the sun for many years after the sun was created by the inward pull of gravity. From this remnant of the cosmic cloud, the whole solar system was born later. The sun, about fifteen billion kilometers away from us, takes eight minutes and twenty seconds for light to come. At least we don't think it's easy to get there. But many do.

That's when Mofiz came to me that day. The boy is more interested in everything. I was stunned by what he said. The face remained ha for some time.

-Brother, I'll go to the sun. This is the last decision of my life, brother. Man has conquered the moon, Mars all. I want to brighten the name of my country. I will go straight to the sun.

- Suddenly Mofiz is so happy, he wants to go to the sun. I wonder if he was deceived or why he jumped into the sun and died?

- Who's talking about death, brother, I want to go to the sun.

- That is equal to death. Look at this, the body sweats alone in the heat of the sun at noon. People are not getting relief even if they run the fan. And where do you go from where this heat is generated?

- I have an intelligence, brother. I'm wearing an ice suit, bro. If I go to the sun after the ice suit, I will not feel hot anymore.

- Do you know today's temperature? If too much, 35 degrees Celsius. This heat will melt your ice suit and make it fall into water. And the surface temperature of the sun is 5505 degrees Celsius !! Surely you understand how many times?

- So much heat! There is never so much heat in our oven.

- Ha ha ha. The fire burning in our stove and the fire of the sun are not one. The fire that burns in our stove is the result of some oxidation reaction in the presence of oxygen. And the fusion reaction occurs in the sun. It is common for this reaction to produce so much heat.

-Oh. If someone had poured water on the sun, I could easily have sunk in the sun.

- Do one thing, you better go to the sun at night, then there is no light in the sun.

- That's right, brother, brother, you are the best brother.

Suzy Mama holds about 99.48% of the total mass of the solar system. Hydrogen is 63.46 percent of the total mass of this monster. The lightest element among all the elements in the periodic table. Who knows, maybe the poet looked at this sun in the sky that day and said,

"Small particles, drop by drop water,

The continent makes the sea abyss. "

Of the rest of the Sun, 24.75 percent is helium. And small amounts of carbon, iron, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, etc. are also present. In the depths of the Sun, where the fusion reaction is happening at every moment, it is very hot, every second there is 600 million tons of hydrogen fuse producing helium. Of which only four million tons of mass became energy in compliance with Einstein's mass equation. It covers about 20-25% of the area around the center of the Sun. This energy generated by the sun takes about ten to one hundred and seventy thousand years to be exposed from the core to the surface and from the surface to the outside. When you sit on a winter afternoon and thank Suzy Mama in the sun for keeping you warm, you feel the heat of at least ten thousand years past, see the light. The core temperature of the sun is about 15.6 million Kelvin.

Heat travels from one place to another in three ways. Transport, convection and radiation. The position of the radioactive angel outside the core of the sun. It extends from the boundary of the core to about 70% of the area of ​​the sun. The farther we go from the core, the lower the temperature. Since the plasma in the radioactive region is much hotter and denser, heat flows there through radiation. The core's 15.6 million Kelvin temperature drops to 6 million Kelvin at the beginning of the radioactive region. The difference is that there is no reaction like fusion, the farther away the temperature gradually decreases to about 2 million Kelvin at the boundary of the radioactive region.

Convective zone after radioactive zone. Convection is the conduction of heat. This is due to the relatively low heat and density of the 8-layer plasma. This region extends from the end of the radiative region to almost the surface. The location of the tacoline lining between the radioactive and convective regions. The temperature goes down further when it comes to the convective zone. It comes down from 2 million Kelvin to just 5700 Kelvin.

Then the location of the photosphere region. That part of the sun catches our eye. Light comes out of the sun. This radiation of light travels far and wide to one's loved ones.

Mine of your form in the limbs, eavesdropping of devastation

Whatever the king of form, do not leave the stigma.

Be a star or a man, if you have no stigma, you are not perfect; Something like that is also true for our sun. There is also a stigma on the face of the sun. Due to the intense magnetic field of the sun, spots are formed somewhere in the surface of the sun i.e. the photosphere which has a relatively low temperature. But not so much that you plan to jump in there like Mofiz Bhai. The temperature of the sunspot is about 3600 Kelvin. Observations have shown that the sun also rotates on its own axis. Since the sun is not a solid object, there is a difference in the rotation of its various layers. This spot is temporarily formed on the surface of the sun, its radius can be up to 50,000 km.

The chromosphere surrounds the sun at the end of the sun's photosphere region. Reddish aura spreads from this region. The intense heat of the sun causes the combustion of hydrogen in this region. We can't see this reddish glow even if we want to because there is a bright photosphere behind it. In the light of this, the reddish tinge of the shy face is covered. He appears during the eclipse. He came out and informed about his existence.

Now we will know about the outermost layer of the sun. I think I will be a little surprised to hear the name. The outermost layer is called "Corona." Gee, heard right. Corona is his name, it appears during a total solar eclipse At this time he manifests himself as a white ray or flame. The heated ionized gas rushes out of the sun into space. Its temperature can be about 2 million degrees Kelvin. The mystery that comes to the fore this time is that the farther we come from the core of the sun, the lower the temperature. So how did the temperature of this outermost layer suddenly become so high?

This question has puzzled many scientists. Eventually they came up with an explanation. Scattered small explosions occur in the sun. These explosions produce these heated ionized gas particles. This explosion causes the temperature of the gas particles to reach much higher. As such, the temperature of the gas particles created by such an explosion could be as much as ten million degrees Celsius. This type of explosion is known as nanoflare. Although other possible causes, such as the giant super tornado, have been blamed for the rise in temperature, nanofluorescence is thought to play a key role. This is the corona, the hot gas particle; Once they run, they lose heat and cool down, creating a solar storm.

This sun of ours will also die one day. But that is after many steps. After about 5 billion years, the sun's hydrogen fuel will run out, and fusion of helium will begin. The size of the sun will increase much faster, or how to express yourself as a monster? These stories today. We will know one day whether the stars like the sun are born or die.

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3 years ago
