Really true

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Written by
3 years ago

You don't have to hold him even if you bring him to the hut.

And even if you take someone who is not yours to the binding house, he cannot be held.

Today or tomorrow he will go.

You will give your life to keep him well. You will always be careful for fear of losing him. But you will not be able to keep him. He will leave. He will show you an excuse that will seem childish to you.

When the man leaves, will you sit down and calculate whether this excuse is enough for a man to leave?

Never go for this excuse.

She's gone.

Didn't go for your mistake. Even if you didn't make this mistake, he would have left.

Because man is not a domesticated bird. He will keep him with joy, caress and shelter.

Although four-legged animals or mules are sometimes domesticated as reptiles, humans are never domesticated.

Understanding the human mind is a very difficult task.

You will spend the rest of your life with a human being. But in the moment before death, you will do something which will result in you discovering that you have not been able to recognize him so far.

So I say never try to hold him who wants to go. Please never.

And never admit to your loved one that you are helpless without him. These emotions don't work now. You will be his favorite as long as you bow your head to him. You will be the cause of his thoughts.

And whenever you tell him that you are weak towards him. From then on, the man will change completely. Believe me, you will feel that being weak towards him was a chess move. He was waiting for you to step on that trap, then you will go under him. You will not be able to get out even after a hundred attempts.

Yes, you believe that you have been thinking about him for so long, he will be the subject of your thoughts from today.

Your value will go down. You will start to be neglected. Your heart will be wounded.

You want to come out of his will. But you can't.

So to get someone you have to learn new techniques to keep constantly. Leave him now. Leave him at this moment. Let him be like him. Believe you will be good. You will be very good. You will be relieved from a lot of great pain. Brother / sister really Guys can be good.


Too good to be true.

The first few days are hard. But it's temporary. You will discover in a few days that you have learned. You are better off without him.

I tell you, please don't try to hold on. Leave.

Leave him at this moment.

To be someone's favorite is to be like him only once. Not repeatedly. To be humbled repeatedly means to present oneself to him as a selfless person. And where there is no self-respect, there can be no love any more.

Well, if you fall in love with someone, you can't really get out? ...

If you get caught in that chess game, can't you start the game anew?

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Written by
3 years ago
