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3 years ago

The older an event is, the more our curiosity about it grows. The pyramid is one of them. The pyramid that has stood for thousands of years has given birth to many mysteries among us at different times. Our thoughts are firmly entrenched, perhaps with the help of a different planetary creature or some supernatural force.

Again, many logical questions keep popping up in our minds: “How did the Egyptians create this strangely beautiful, mysterious thing? Why? Etc.

However, the ancient Egyptians did not write down anything that would easily give an answer as to why or how this pyramid was built. As a result, many myths and stories easily settled in our minds. So it created a mystery that has torn the hair of historians for hundreds of years, making them think. After many years of debate, archaeologists have gradually discovered how these mysterious pyramids came to be. Why?

How is the pyramid made?

The largest pyramid was built in 2550 BC, with a height of more than 450 feet. But the sightings of all such structures in 2500 BC make us think a lot. Because the technology of modern civilization was not in that era. E.g., wheel, crane. How is it possible to move a stone block weighing 90 tons from one place to another without the help of wheels and cranes? At one time there was a lot of debate on this issue but today it has been resolved.

The mystery of the pyramid was solved by a group of Dutch researchers. They looked at the Egyptian paintings found there as fossils and saw the workers pulling something like a block of stone and another pouring something in front of them. They realized that it was not a ritual, the water was being poured on the sand and the stones would be taken away. Reduces liquid friction according to the principles of fluid mechanics. Pouring water here will make the sand slippery and can easily be carried in front of huge stone blocks. The team applied the theory to their own replicas or models. And they succeeded.

Not only that, Egyptologist Mark Lehner who is a skilled researcher unveiled another theory.

The pyramids are located in the vast desert in the city of Cairo. But in ancient times the tributaries of the Nile were wide throughout the city. And so any trail went by the side of the pyramid where the construction work was going on or they would cut the canal while building the pyramid. The Egyptians may have brought the stones by boat, and there may have been a port where the stones were kept from the boat.

Who are the builders of the pyramids?

Mark Lehner's excavations shed light on another issue: slave labor. They were highly skilled craftsmen and skilled in mummy making. They were given a large amount of mohrana. Excavations in the vicinity of the pyramids even uncovered a "pyramid city" in 1999 where workers' homes were built. Next to it was found a cemetery where workers killed at work were buried. Another reason they were so skilled was because they risked their lives to do the job. Because naturally if you are not an expert in a task you will not step on it as easily as possible but they were impossibly brave.


Jonathan Sao is reluctant to admit that slaves worked as laborers. Herodotus originally wrote extensively about the pyramids in the fifth century BC. From his doctrine everyone remembers that the slaves built the pyramids. This type is proved wrong when the tombs of the pyramid builders are found next to the Pyramid of Giza. The honor of being buried alongside the pharaohs is not a trivial matter, and the honor of the slaves in the society of that time is not theirs at all. They have a large number of cow bones in their graves. Beef was a very luxurious food in Egypt at that time. So it can be concluded that the builders of the pyramids were skilled builders, who were most likely to be procured from the surrounding area.


Who hasn't heard of Tutankhamen's mummy? How many stories have been written about his mummy's curse, how many rumors have been spread, how many stalks have been spread and how many movies and famous TV series have been made. Poor Pharaoh Tutankhamen is also guilty of sinking the Titanic.

But why would people around the world believe a rumor or story? Surely there is a reason behind this? Yes, there is. The curse of Tutankhamen - the curse of the pharaohs - the curse of the pyramids.

Many other members, including the sponsor of the expedition, died because of the curse left by Tutankhamen in the traditional legend. Many claim the deaths were caused by fungus and toxic gases inside the pyramids. In fact, only 7 out of 57 people died in the next 12 years, which is not uncommon. Carter was the leader of the expedition. So if there is a curse, you should attack him first. But he died 18 years after the expedition. As many stories have been heard and believed about the sinking of the Titanic, the deaths and misfortunes of Tutankhamen's mummy carriers at various times, sources from the museum say the mummy was not actually moved. Once sent for exhibition, it is returned intact in the existing taboo.

But the last question that may come to our mind is why such a big place for burying a person? And how could a man build such a big pyramid so quickly when he died?

In fact, the matter is not so. All those who were buried in the middle of the pyramid were high-ranking members of society. Basically, only the ruler and his entourage were lying in the pyramid. As many as 137 pyramids have been discovered in Egypt as of 2007. Most of them were built during the reign of the ancient and medieval pharaohs as tombs for them and their wives. Originally a ruler started building pyramids for him from the time he took power. He may have hired workers to build his pyramid until the day before he died.


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3 years ago


Wonderful writting

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3 years ago