Not in appearance, but in the beauty of women's feet

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3 years ago

Not in appearance, but in the beauty of women's feet — that is what the Chinese of old thought. That is why a strange tradition has been going on in the country for thousands of years.

Before the quota of four years of age, the feet of the girls were forcibly tied with bandages. Not a month or 1 year, the whole 10 years were tied like this. So that the length of the legs is not more than 3 to 4 inches when it is big.

History has it that in ancient China, small feet were important in the measure of a girl's beauty. And the result was the Lotus Shoe made for this foot. The story of why and how this painful inhuman practice was introduced is unknown to many. So there are many like it. But to know the most common opinion, we have to go back to 960 AD. The famous Chinese historian and writer Ku Mo Ro mentions in one of his books that this practice was first introduced among the dancers of the royal court during the reign of the Song Dynasty in 970-1269. At that time, Prince Li Yu of the Song Dynasty fell in love with a dancer. His name is Yao Niang. That being said, it was great to see her dancing while she was short. From then on, everyone got up and fell to shorten their legs. Although the legs were not short, there was danger! Because if the feet were big, marriage would not happen. Even if the legs are small, there is no protection from danger! The girls could not walk properly as their legs were small. In this custom, women had to suffer at the end of the day. In the twentieth century, Muslim and Western social reformers began to oppose this cruel practice. However, after the end of the monarchy, a republican government was established in China. In 1912, the evil practice of shortening the legs was banned by law. Information provider daily Bangladesh

Photo: Collected.

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3 years ago
