Misconceptions astronomy

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3 years ago

"I hate that you think you're irreplaceable. Darling, you're actually upgradable."

- Ahmed Mostafa

Astronomy is a very beautiful branch of science It is very difficult to find people who dislike it. Many of us know a lot about this. Even then, in our daily lives, when we talk to magazines, television, internet or friends, we are immersed in various misconceptions about this beauty. Which is not a good thing at all. Usually I don't write like this. However, day by day I have come across various misconceptions in this regard. So I thought it was necessary to pay light attention to this. This article is the product of that thought. Below is a brief discussion of some of the misconceptions or misconceptions about astronomy. If any of these are able to dispel any of your misconceptions, then my writing will be successful. The reference books below will help you to know more about this. And yes, don't forget to let me know which number I was able to dispel the misconception, let's have a small survey.

So let's get started:

1. Light year:

"It takes 6 minutes for light to reach our earth from Suzyimama." - This is something we all hear or read. However, many people think that it actually means time In fact, it is a calculation of distance, not time A light year or 1 light year actually means the calculation of the distance that light is able to cover in 1 year with its speed. Not a calculation of time.

2. A meteorite that has just fallen to the ground stays very hot:

This is not actually true. Meteorites cannot hold so much heat. Within a short time of falling to the ground, they reach normal or normal temperature So if any of your friends say, "Dude, I've burned my hand with a meteorite," don't forget to kill him.

3. Only the annual movement of the earth results in summer or winter:

This is one of the biggest misconceptions that 95% of people live in this misconception. This is true, of course, but it only changes 3%. For example, summer in the northern hemisphere and winter in the southern hemisphere. But both hemispheres are at the same distance from the sun. It's supposed to be summer in both hemispheres, but it doesn't have much of an effect on the 3%. The real reason is that the earth is tilted 23.5 on its axis. Without this tilt, there would be no season in the world. In a word, 23.5 ° tilt + annual speed = change of seasons.

4. The rear or dark side of the moon is dull or dark:

We always see a part of the moon. This is because 1 day of the moon = 1 year of the moon. That is, the moon travels around the earth at the same time that it takes to rotate once on its own axis. However, some people still think that the back is dark In fact, this part is sometimes dark and sometimes as bright as the part we see. The part we see during the full moon is very bright and the other part is dark During the new moon or new moon, the unseen part is as bright as the part we see And the dark side of us is darkness. However, the moon has some bass. The light of the sun never reaches there.

5. All stars in the night sky except the moon:

In fact, most of them, however, include meteors, planets, satellites, planes or airplanes.

5.1. Meteor: Meteor is usually called Tarakhsa. When the night sky is clear, it often feels like a star is moving fast. In reality, they do not fall. These are some cosmic debris or small rocks that burn up when they come to earth and rub against the atmosphere.

5.2. Planet:

"Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are." - Lyrics by Jane Taylor, music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

In this case, "Twinkle, twinkle, little star, I know why you are twinkling." - Heart hawk.

The easiest way to distinguish between them and the planets is that they skip or twinkle but do not make planets. This is because of the weather and the distance. The stars are so far away that their light is reflected or reflected in many ways But the planets are relatively close, so this problem is not so much pohate. However, if the weather is bad, the planets can flicker or jump like stars

5.3. Satellites: Many man-made satellites can be seen in the sky. I myself have seen many such as: ISS (International Space Station), HST (Hubble Space Telescope), Iridium. But the Iridium satellite is a completely different thing. Of course, I watched it as a child without knowing it. The brightness of this Iridium satellite is very high Which is brighter than Venus. Its visible brightness is considered to be the 2nd brightest object in the night sky after the moon. However, it moves a little slower from the meteor and is only visible for a few seconds

5.4. Plane or airplane: Many people often confuse the above mentioned object with the plane above. However, it is easily understood with the light and speed of the plane. And if the environment is calm, you can hear the sound of the plane, even if you have good ears.

. The shadow of the earth because of the different phases of the moon:

This is also a big misconception. Any side of the moon is always illuminated But since we see it in different ways from different parts of the world, it catches our eyes in different stages. And when the shadow of the earth falls, it is called lunar eclipse.

. Eclipse is not good to see, the eyes will go blind:

Any space lover will be in a bad mood if he hears that it is not good to see such a beautiful cosmic event. Anyway there is no problem to see the lunar eclipse. However, you have to be careful to see the eclipse. There is no problem if you can look at the time of eclipse and move your eyes before cutting. However, there is no caution. So there are good glasses available in the market to watch the eclipse, use them.

. Dry stars or twilight stars:

In fact, it is our favorite Venus. This is not a star. You see, they flicker but do not.

9. Many asteroids in the asteroid belt, from one to another very close:

Many may have seen in various movies that the protagonist takes a spaceship in space to attack the villain and travels through the small gaps of the big asteroids through this asteroid enclosure. But in reality most of this enclosure is empty. Those who make movies either don't understand astronomy or do it to make movies interesting. In fact, they are so far apart that if you stand on an asteroid, it is difficult to see another asteroid with the naked eye, even if your eyes are the best.

10. When it comes to hitting asteroids, you have to bomb them:

In fact, neither is. This caused more trouble If the bomb explodes, it will turn into small pieces and cause more horrible acts

11. Mercury is the hottest planet:

This seems to be because this planet is the closest nephew of Suzyimama. However, only the part that gets light is very hot and the other side is very cold because Mercury does not have an atmosphere. The hottest planet is the 2nd nephew, Venus.

12. The acid rain on Venus will kill you:

In fact, in the hot weather of Venus, the situation will get worse and you will die. I sent you with things like not feeling hot. But it will save you from the terrible acid rain. This is because the acid rain on this hot planet evaporates before it is completely stormed.

13. Solar stigma is black:

The needle has spots on some parts, but it is not black. It is relatively dull, not black.

14. All planets have satellites:

No, satellite is not mandatory. Mercury and Venus do not have satellites.

15. The moon can only be seen at night:

No, the moon is sometimes seen in the morning. However, it is very dull. Seeing the moon every day in America, Nana has made many cases thinking that it is UFO for this mistake.

16. Today's moon looks much bigger:

I have also stepped into this trap More or less everyone gives. However, I have corrected it last year. Many people post on Facebook to find out the reason for this in the science group. The moon looks a little bigger when it rises and sets. It just doesn’t look really big. It is an illusion.

16. Pluto is the last end of the solar system:

Pluto is not the first planet. In 2006, it was dropped from the planet and named the dwarf planet. And after Pluto there is the Kuiper belt, Pluto itself is a part of it. Then there is Urat Cloud 6

16. 1 day in 24 hours:

When you are young, you read the right time, but when you grow up, you forget or make mistakes. In fact, 23 hours 56 minutes 4 seconds is 1 day. However, 24 hours is taken for the convenience of calculation.

19. The Great Wall of China can be seen from the moon:

It's big. But not so big that it can be seen from the moon. If you ever see from the moon, don't forget to take pictures.

20. The moon revolves around the earth under the influence of the earth's gravitational ball:

Why brother? Why is the moon so neglected? Where is humanity today? In fact, the moon wants to leave the earth. But the world does not give. And this mentality of wanting to leave still exists because he is not in the world after that. I respect this mindset of the moon.

21. The color of the needle is yellow:

The actual color of the needle is white As a result of the atmosphere we see yellow.

22. The only tidal effect of the moon is:

Not just the moon. It is also due to the needle. Even if the moon falls today, the tide will be fine as a result of Suzymama.

23. The final result of the needle is the black hole:

No, the end result is a hypothetical black dwarf. Stars heavier than the Sun (usually 3 times the mass) turn into black holes or black holes. Suyimama will not.

24. Only Saturn has rings:

This is also wrong. Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune also have rings. However, they do not find Saturn's ring.

25. All objects in the solar system are named after myths:

Not all, mostly mythical But there are also myths. For example, the moons of Uranus are named after various characters of Shakespeare.

26. If you go into space without anything or without wearing special clothes, your body will explode:

Atmospheric pressure at the surface is 14.6 pounds. About 1 ton per square foot. The reason we are laughing and playing with this impossible burden is because we also have air in our body and that air is pushing hard to get out. There will be this pressure in space too, but we will not burst. Because our body is not like that. This pressure can be tolerated but the body will swell properly, which can cause blood to come out through the nose due to high blood pressure. Of course, as long as you can breathe, you will survive.

26. Aurora borealis occurs in the reflection of light on ice:

This is also a misconception. This is because of the Earth's magnetic field and solar wind

26. The compass always points north:

In fact, it points to the Earth's magnetic field, and the compass points to the north's magnetic field. If the magnetic field were to the west, the compass would point west

29. When it comes close to the comet's needle, it ignites:

No, it doesn't burn. It melts, better said, evaporates. Much of the comet is made of ice. So Suzymamama begins to melt in heat or turn directly into steam.

30. Comets always have a tail and the tail is always behind it:

First, the tail of a comet does not always exist It is formed when the comet approaches the needle and begins to melt The melted parts are located on the back of the head as a result of the solar wind, which is known as the comet's tail.

Second, a comet is not a cow or a goat whose tail must always be on the back. What's the problem if it happens up front?

The feature of the comet's tail is that it will be formed on the opposite side of the needle. When a comet rotates on one side of the needle and leaves the other side, but conditionally the tail is on the opposite side of the needle, it is in front of the comet's head. In fact, it runs after its own tail. It may be a little difficult to understand, but think a little You have to think if you want to live.

31. The constant star constant:

"Don't Judge a book by it's cover" - unknown

However, in this case, "Don't judge a star completely by it's name" - Hridoy Haque 6

However, constant means fixed. They stay in the same place 24 hours a day. However, its place changes a little which is difficult to catch with the naked eye. The movement of all the other stars in the night sky can be understood only by paying a little attention. But it does not go. Again, these polar stars are also variable. But it is too late. Earlier this star was in place, "Tuban", now it is called "Polarius" and after the millennium it will be in place "Vega"

32. An explosion of the Big Bang:

Not exactly an explosion. The universe was once very small, and it is getting bigger. In other words, the Big Bang was all over the place. If you ever want to propose to your girlfriend, you can say, "You and I had a big bang at home, so I love you."

33. Stephen Hawking is the father of the Big Bang theory:

I heard this two days ago. However, it probably originated from a 7th grade science book. It says "Stephen Hawking argues", but not his theory. George Lamiter is the father of this theory. Stephen Hawking was not born then.

34. Einstein or Stephen Hawking first came up with the idea of ​​a black hole:

No, John Mitchell first thought of it in 183. Einstein was born in 189, except for Stephen. But yes, in 1918 he predicted it through his relativity. And Stephen is the father of Hawking radiation. Moreover, Hawking has shown that singularity in the Big Bang cannot be avoided.

35. The nearest star after the Sun is Alpha Centauri:

The word is not entirely correct. Alpha Centauri is not just a star. This is a star system. There are 3 stars in this system. One of them is called "Alpha Centauri C" or "Proxima Centauri" and it is the nearest star or star after the Sun. But yes, "Alpha Centauri" is our nearest star system, not a star.

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@bitcoincashnode plzz see my post

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