.................... Love or passion? .....................

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3 years ago

Did anyone like it? Do not understand love or love? What does psychology say in this case? Let's find out.

Many may like the way of life. The boy will love the girl, the girl will love the boy, isn't that normal? So I hope you don't overreact the next time you get a proposal. Anyway, Bhalolaga may go away in 1-2 weeks. Dhuru will think, what a child! But what can happen if you fall in love? How do you know if you love or just the passing cloud? Let's discuss in a little detail-



1. Of course you are always thinking of him. Just thinking. If you spend a few moments with him, that moment is bothering you day and night as a daydream. Is that happening? Um, of course, yes, I know this, why it's something known in advance.

2. Does he like everything? Can't find any fault? He thinks that if he finds a khut, he will use that khut and move away, but the positive side is confused, he is not getting anything negative. Although he has a habit of fighting, it seems that this is good! Guru, now I have to think a little!

3. Are you noticing physical and mental abnormalities? See if it matches - all the time thinking about him, insomnia, loss of appetite, trembling when you see or think of him, his thoughts are really fast heartbeat, "Butterfly in the stomach" feeling, panic for fear of losing him, a little danger about Unusual anxiety. What? Match? You're done! Well did you know that the part of the brain that is activated when you see your love face is the same part that is activated when you take drugs! Understand? Love but a kind of intoxication! You are addicted now.

4. Now let me talk about an important issue. You don't know the word positive. In Bengali, the exercise of rights. Letting the loved one decide what to do or not to do. Singles may think "Huh, Adikhyeta!" But psychologically, positivity is an important part of love. If people don't like someone, they don't come to exercise such rights. (Of course, excessive possessiveness is also a symptom of the disease) Besides, you should not forget gelasi. Does your heartbeat increase as soon as he talks to others? I think why talk to him! Um, of course, yes, I know this, why it's something known in advance. Besides, there will always be the fear of leaving, it is very difficult to control.

5. Have you started planning for the future? Where will you get married, how many children can be taken, will you name your son Rahim or Karim or will you name your daughter Rahima? Another fun sign of love is planning for the future with your loved one. We certainly don't know what's going to happen in the future, but still thinking about the future without thinking about it is a sign of love!

. Are you crying for the man in love? Or is your face smiling at his smile? But usually not with everyone. Applies only to those you love. The attitude that you can give your best to keep him happy or relieve his sorrow is a sign of love, but if you like it, nothing will happen. Think "Dhuru amar ki thaka?"

. You will also find his unusual actions or stupid actions beautiful. It will seem normal, it will seem like a nice use to you. You will not find his fault at all. As a result, the two of you will continue to be foolish together, you will not listen to anyone's ban.

. Going to spend time with him is going fast? Does the formula of physics seem to be a lie? It's very common, if you are with the person you love, time seems to pass a little too fast. The moment of leaving comes very quickly. Then I think, Ish! And if we could spend an hour together.

9. Not to mention this. Intense desire to get close to him, needless to say? I don't think so. I did not write more details here. Getting close is what you think.

10. Let's end by talking about a problem. If someone loves someone (not necessarily the other party has to love him or her) then he or she will blindly trust the person he loves. The deeper the love, the weaker the reasoning part of your brain. You will do whatever you believe. In that case, if your partner is flirting with you, you will not even notice, at the end of the day an accident will happen. In fact, it is not your fault, it is the fault of the person who did not respect your faith and of course those hormones. So keep the logic part moving along with the love. Try to be in control, who knows what the person in front of you thinks?



None of this is due to hormonal secretion. True love lasts a lifetime, in some cases these feelings are very intense at first. You can recognize the hormones - dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin. They are the hormones of love and happiness.

Anyway, the writing ends here. If you love someone, tell them not to be rude, but to be brave. That was the advice.

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3 years ago
