"Love embodied in the cemetery of the body - lovelessness"

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3 years ago

My interest is always in the finer things. People who have studied a lot about evolution are also completely ignorant of evolution of facial / body symmetry. Anyway, I will talk about that another day. Let's talk about the effectiveness of symmetry today.

Symmetry: -

The bodies of all species of animals can be beautifully divided into different proportions. For example, two arms and two legs of a human being are very identical. This shows that it can be divided into almost equal parts. Today's topic, what is the effect of sex. Sexuality is bound to have an effect because evolution will never bring about the reproductive success of an animal, which will never accept evolution unless it is a byproduct of a few adaptations.

This is our most mysterious reason for liking someone. Its relationship with sex is a recent discovery. Evolutionary biologist Randy Thornhill is enriching it. In this case, the reasons for liking or not liking someone cannot be perceived in the conscious mind, they remain secret. However, its purpose is to carry out the best genes in your own baby. Simply put.

The men and women whose bodies are more symmetrical, that is, divided into almost equal parts, are the healthiest normal and most promising men and women. Why? Gene programming always develops a perfectly shaped body without any special complications. However, with age, our limbs become a little smaller and bigger due to other reasons. For example, if one side of the jaw, one hand, one foot is used more, the difference in shape can be seen. But genes have been found to have special complications, such as hemihyperplasia, when fluctuating asymmetry is seen.

The secret of sex: -

Now let's take a closer look at sex. Although the husband has a lot of energy in his body and a lot of money in his bank, it is seen that some women, occasionally, go into extramarital affairs with many low-income families, many young boys like fools. Let me give you another example if it looks bad. Many girls go crazy for a special boy except for a socio-economically accomplished boy. Not always but it is, although it is affordable in movies. The subject of symmetry comes after many steps. This is why it is seen that such stupid / clever people are rarely found.

Men are also seen, abandoning his prestige, not marrying a princess, madly in love with a slave girl. Who wants Cinderella despite having so many royal women! A mentality of this is found in the stories of Haruki Murakami's "Men Wit Out Women". After the death of his wife, the husband befriends that young man, just to find out what he lacked, that his wife had committed adultery! The gene thing is notoriously complex. It is also possible to explain the reason why honey is circulated among Bengali men as soon as they see foreign women. It is also possible to explain that men are not attracted to many women.

Since it is a complex and thought provoking subject I would like to discuss it in detail. Let's take a closer look at where the symmetry works. Let me say before that, complete symmetry such as, equal shape of two breasts of a woman, equal shape of two parts of the face etc. is not found. Rather it looks like a cartoon or a doll when found. We have to work with the nearest symmetry. Our attraction also works towards the nearest symmetry. Now let’s see what makes this symmetrical male attractive to men / women.

i) Facial or facial symmetry: -

It is less important than the symmetry of the body, breasts and buttocks. However, femininity and masculinity are well known in the shape of the face. That is why everyone's face does not look attractive to us. Having a beautiful face means that she loves to be very clean and her age is low. With age, the shape of the face becomes asymmetrical or asymmetrical. It also indicates that his lifestyle, hygiene and sleep schedule are quite good. Those who lead a chaotic life — whether male or female প্রভাব are the first to see the impact on their appearance.

Many complain that boys do not like black girls. This is nonsense. If a woman is green by birth, she is also attractive to men. But if a woman is pale from birth, but does not take care of her skin, and makes a "gray" face in the heat of the fire and sun, then it is normal for men not to feel attracted. One of the special needs of human beings among mammals is that they want to get love. It's a bit of cultural learning and a whole crop of evolution. That is why men have a special attraction towards fancy women because that woman is the absolute abode of love and work.

Many of us love the hand shape of boyfriend / girlfriend / just friend. Love the shape of the nails. Love to take body heat. Boys in particular take girls by the hand and go to the kingdom of heaven. There is no objection to this. However, considering the phenomenon in the case of evolution, it falls into the category of diagnosis and sex. Check it out before having sex. Through kissing we build a fidelity. All these little things don't last after marriage. Because all that is known after marriage, is known at the end of the day.

ii) Breast symmetry: -

Although the breast is a secondary sexual character — meaning it has nothing to do with the baby directly পুরুষ men still care. Men guess how old a woman is by looking at her face, body and breasts. The use of bras in the modern era has enabled women to retain the youth of their breasts for a long time. A nourished breast indicates that the woman is in her early teens. And being at the beginning of her youth means she will be able to have many more children for many years to come.

Stan thing is the most fleeting beauty of women. The catastrophe started before 30. As a result of this catastrophe, the breasts sag and one becomes bigger and smaller than the other. This means that the bilateral symmetry is lost. It is seen in more than half of women. In many extra women it can be seen for a moment that will be okay. Many men also have man boobs during adolescence. I am also his victim. If this happens, all women should see a doctor. Otherwise there may be a fear of breast cancer.

However, a woman's breasts indicate that she is healthy. That's why men always look for virgin and flexible breasts and women take great care of their breasts to keep them attractive for a long time. This is a very strange thing. It is a minor sexual character as the breasts do not contribute to the growth of the child. It's just a hint of youth. It is only a symbol of women's fertility, sexuality and eternal relaxation. This is why many men do not have a tendency towards breasts. Women pay less attention to the age of men. Every adaptation is after-all a tradeoff!

iii) Vocal: -

Men's hair stands on end when they hear the voices of some women. As soon as some men's voices are heard, women's knees start tingling. It also helps in understanding the age of a woman, her social status and her family status. His social prestige can also be noticed in the voices of men. It is also possible to build a relationship with language. The man and woman who speak pure and clear language undoubtedly come from an educated and well-respected family. This is how we choose a good partner.

I would like to add another point here. Art, higher education and even if it seems bad, the medical thing is always the need and fancy of the upper class people. Men are seen leaning towards women who can sing good songs and play many instruments. The secret is that it determines the value of the woman. And even though men are naturally lustful type, he wants to win over a woman who will be his achievement or trophy.

In the evolution of marriage, women's freedom has not been taken away, it has been given to men. Women are the historical losers. Since now men have to take limited women, so she chooses the most incomprehensible woman! Women also want fancy men because those men are children of very passionate and aristocratic families. Passion is a commodity for men but women are really passionate about it. A simple example of this is, "What's the use of having a heart full of love if you can't show it!" A better example, if the husband doesn't have money, is to give it to him.

iv) Symmetry of buttocks: -

Until puberty, the ratio of buttocks to the waist of boys and girls is the same. Almost everything stays the same before puberty. However, with age, the difference can be seen. The waist-to-hip ratio that all men aspire to more or less among women is waist: buttocks = 0.75 ঃ ​​1 to 0.60 ঃ 1. It expresses the maturity, elegance and fertility of a woman. Men do not feel attracted when this ratio is too high. The reason behind not being attracted is that more sick and obese women face health risks during childbirth.

Doctors tell obese and sick women not to have children because of this. If you are overweight and obese, cardiac dysfunction can start from mesentery. Now, though, the risk of having a caesarean section is negligible. But our psychology has remained at the level of the forest, in an age when, in the absence of medical science, the principle of the viable of the fittest was more vigilant and alive.

Girls also observe men's waists and buttocks. It has a ratio. Waist: Buttocks = 0.75 ঃ ​​1 to 0.95 ঃ 1. This is because it reflects the athletic prowess of men that has taken over the evolutionary loop.

From the day the harmonoids began to stand, the story of great possibilities, victories and defeats, was written. Many people think that animals other than humans have no religious feelings, which is a misconception. Do you know when people discovered their own death?

However, there are many more such issues. Hopefully we understand how symmetry works. So the funny thing is, if all these things are together in a maid of the house, then a man will want to marry her except the princess. Let me say one thing here too. But we believe that many people do not get their due due to many accidents and misfortunes. That's the thing. Women with such beautiful, well-nourished breasts, self-confidence and fancy are not usually found in the slave tribe. If found, it must have value in the eyes of evolution. She will become the king's handmaid. It is the driving force behind the aliens.

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