Karona: What to do and what not to do .................................

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3 years ago

In December 2019, Chinese authorities informed the world that a virus was spreading in their community. In the following months, the virus spread to other countries, and the number of infections doubled in a matter of days. The name of this virus is "Corona virus 2 related to severe acute respiratory syndrome". The virus that spreads the virus is called covid-19, but the common name is "corona virus".

Now the question is what happens when this virus attacks people? And what should we do about it? Let's find out.

This virus thing is nothing but a genetic material and a lid around some proteins. Many do not want to catch it in the group of animals. The virus can reproduce itself by making its own copy only if it is present in another living cell.

Corona can spread through the surface (the upper part of something). But it is not yet known exactly how long this virus can survive on the surface of anything. The main means of spreading the virus is through sneezing, coughing (droplet infection), or touching the eyes, nose, mouth, or wounds with the hand after contact with an infected person.

The corona virus travels through the skin and presses on the cells to move further into the body. The virus targets the intestine (spleen), spleen (spleen) and lungs (lungs). Because this virus can make the best use of its power in these places. Only a handful of viruses can cause a great deal of trouble in these places, just like the mafia dons.

Speaking of the lungs, the lungs are surrounded by billions upon billions of epithelial cells. These epithelial cells are the guard cells of your body. First line soldier. These are the ones who wrap my limbs in a protective sheet. But there is no one to protect them, so they are the first to get infected.

The corona attaches itself to a specific receptor (a means of exchanging cell information) in its prey cell membrane (slightly resembling a spaceship seen in a sci-fi movie) and injects its own genetic material into the cell. And in this way the cell goes away without knowing it.

The infected cell continues to follow the new instructions given to it without knowing about its condition. He does not check who is giving the instruction and why. The cell that follows the instructions without question has a lot of instructions but very simple, copy and reassemble.

He copies the genetic material of the virus and makes new copies of the virus until he receives the final instruction, which is "self-destruction," meaning self-destruction. After receiving this instruction, the cell membrane melts and countless new corona viruses begin to invade other nearby cells. Thus the number of infected cells can grow at an unimaginable rate. Within 10 days of being infected, millions and even billions of cells can be infected throughout the body.

Stop brother, there was a trailer for so long, the real action will start now. So far, Corona has not done much damage. But this time he will not sit. Just as Lex Luthor made Batman and Superman enemies by quarreling with each other, this corona virus will brainwash one of your friends and send you to make a mess. Can you tell who that friend is ??

The friend's name is Immune System, you can say your own body's defense department. Its job is to protect you from outside attacks. But this friend can be dangerous to you from time to time, so you have to keep it tight.

So when these immune / defensive cells go to fight with the corona in the lungs, the corona attacks some of these cells and confuses everyone. Now the cell has no eyes or ears, right? So they communicate with each other by exchanging information proteins (say tiny robots) called "cytokines". Almost all emergency "immune operations" (Immune Reaction) are under their control.

Now what does Corona do, he attacks this guard cell, irritates that cell, wastes his precious energy, and damages other cells. The infected cell then turns into an incredible light, his good and bad knowledge, loses control of himself, he kills the infected cell just as he kills the healthy cell. He keeps smashing whatever he gets in front of him like the Hulk.

Two of these type cells are again a little too "angry". The first is called "neutrophils", they are Assassin type, skilled killers. Viruses, bacteria, even our own cells do not shake their hands to kill. Thousands of them go to the battlefield and spread cell-destroying enzymes, resulting in the death of friends and foes in Qatar.

Hey, another type is the ninja type. They don't kill anyone directly, they just force them to commit suicide !!! Their name is "Killer T-Cell". So under the influence of corona they start ordering even the healthy cells to "die". So you understand, the more immune cells reach the battlefield, the more healthy lung cells die. If the condition worsens, it can lead to permanent damage, which is impossible to fix again. The rest of his life he has to carry his wounds.

If you are so scared ??


Usually, in most cases the immune system slowly regains control, then it washes out the infected cells and the rest of the virus, and cleans the area before leaving. I have to say there is a manor, what did you say?

Most patients with coronary heart disease go through a relatively weak type of attack. But in some cases it can be serious or even fatal. We do not yet know the corona strike rate because it was not possible to evaluate all the cases at once. However, it can be said that it is much more deadly than the normal flu, in severe cases millions of epithelial cells die, as well as the protective layer of the lungs is lost. This means that the small air sac called the alveoli inside the lungs is now an open target for germs (bacteria). And this alveoli is very important for our breathing. Since there are no epithelial cells, even the most insignificant and insignificant bacteria can attack the alveoli by killing the manja.

The result? The patient will experience pneumonia, essential tasks like breathing also become more difficult day by day. Once closed, it takes the help of a ventilator (artificial lung) to survive. And the immune system, which is already tired of fighting with the corona, does not get the energy to fight with these bacteria. The immune system is overloaded because the bacteria reproduce too fast. As a result, the bacteria eventually enter the bloodstream and spread throughout the body. In this case, the patient is more likely to die.

Corona was once compared to the flu, but in fact it is much more dangerous than the flu. It is not possible to know the exact cause of death due to the ongoing pandemic, but it can be said with certainty that the corona flu spreads much faster than the flu and its infectious power is much higher.

Now let's talk about what might happen next. Pandemics like Corona have two types of futures, fast, and slow. What the future holds for us depends on how we behave in the early stages of this pandemic.

Fast pandemic will be horrible and we will lose countless lives. And don’t remember history in front of the Slow Pandemic.

The worst pandemics start with a very rapid rate of infection, as there is no way to reduce the rate of infection. Fast pandemic makes many people sick at the same time. If the number of infected people becomes excessive, then the health care system of the country becomes overloaded. There are no tools, resources, or tools to serve everyone. People die without treatment. And when medical workers get sick, the health care system becomes even weaker. If that is the case, then the question of "who will live and who will not live" will come before us. In these cases the death toll rises very fast (just like in Italy).

The way to avoid this problem is to turn this pandemic into a slow pandemic for the world, I mean all of us. That is why we have to do as much as we can on our own.

The real weapon to slow down a pandemic is the "right response". If all the affected people are treated quickly in the very early stages of pandemic, the chances of the hospital being overloaded later on are reduced. And if the people are aware, then there is no need to talk, it has become pandemic slow.

Since we do not yet have a vaccine for corona, we can create a social vaccine to change our behavior through social engineering.

Became more difficult?

Let's make it easy, it means 2 simple tasks ---

1. I will not be infected

2. I will not infect anyone

Although it may seem insignificant to hear, the power of these two works is too much. The most helpful thing to do is to wash your hands properly. Soap is actually a powerful weapon against germs. The genetic material of the corona virus is surrounded by a layer of fat ("lipid" in biology). As soon as the soap sees this lipid, it bursts into flames, breaking down I mean. As a result, you are no longer in a position to attack. She then mingled with the soapy foam to handle her open lungi.

Another benefit of washing your hands with soap is that it makes your skin slippery. As a result, the rest of the viruses come out with dirty water when you finish washing your hands after eating randomly.

So what is the rule of hand washing properly? In fact, the matter is simple. Suppose you put dried chili powder in your hand, and now your job is to wash your hands and wear contact lenses. Take it, now wash your hands.

The next thing is "social distance". Means social distance. The name itself is disgusting and useful. The thing is awful but we need it now. That means, no hugging, no handshake, no, hi-five. If it is possible to stay at home, do so. You protect them from home, those who have to go out because of society. Doctors, police, transport workers, day laborers, service providers, we all depend on them. They also rely on you so that you do not get sick.

The next step is to give "Quarantine" on a larger scale. It also refers to the ban on travel, as well as the "instruction" from the government to people to stay at home.

"Quarantine" - the name is not convenient, and the experience is not pleasant at all. But they have a huge benefit. This quarantine gives us researchers who are doing research on medicine and vaccines the time they need for their work. So if you go to quarantine (lockdown), you should understand and respect the subject. None of this is pleasing, but overall it's a very lucrative deal.

So how the pandemic ends depends on how the pandemic started. If it starts quickly and affects a large number of people, the consequences can be devastating. If it starts slowly and spreads slowly, it ends almost normally. But the bottom line is that in this day and age, the metaphor of being able to control a giant monster like Corona and in the real sense, "we have it in our hands".i

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Written by
3 years ago
