How do you write such a horror thriller as a girl?"

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3 years ago

"Nowhere is it said that a girl will just sit in the house and write a romance. Have you been able to stop the murders and rapes that you see every day in the society? You haven't been able to. You are giving them so much love but the crime has increased instead of decreasing." My story is to awaken the society. The society will be fine only when a person protests against the injustice done to him. So I am giving education to people instead of love. Education which will change their life. I want blood instead of murder and blood instead of blood. "

- "Your idea is to reduce crime in this way! But reading your writing will create a murderer among the people. One devil will be created in every human being. If someone goes astray, will you take that responsibility?"

- "I'll answer your question. Answer some of my questions first? You're a girl!"

- Who?

- You're going through a secluded place. At that time, some animals picked you up and after satisfying their hunger, they left you on the side of the road in that condition. Then some people made a video of your condition and some people took you to the hospital. The man wrote the caption of the rupee animals in the video again in the virtual world, in this way innocent women are being raped every day. The government is not doing anything.

Then in the virtual world for a few days they increased some followers.

So far so good. Now the first question you have,

What will happen to you next?

- "Haha madam. I'm going to the hospital. The police will take my statement. Some people will demand punishment for the criminals on my behalf. Maybe the police will arrest them."

- "You thought like a normal person.

Now my second question, this is Bangladesh. You must know what society views a rape victim.

First go to your job. Then your family will blame you. Talk about your character. And another thing, that day you had hijab on your head and good clothes on your body. You have been raped. But even then society will blame you and your family. Can you tell me how you are feeling then? "

- "I want to die every moment."

- "That was the point. That's what I meant. You want to die. You want to commit suicide. But did you do anything wrong that you committed suicide? It's the fault of those who brought you to this situation. But power saved them so they Someone like you will try to rape you. And you will die while still alive in society. What will you do then? "

- "I will commit suicide. Because if the country where I live can't give me security, what can I do?"

- "Haha! What can you really do? First you will commit suicide, then when you see someone else will commit suicide. Then another. It will continue like this. I give a better solution than that? When you are ready to die, when you are ready you will die. Then go and kill those animals, avenge every touch on your body, so that even if you kill them, you will become a role model for all the other girls.

The rest will take up arms instead of committing suicide.

They will fight for themselves. Cut off the finger of the society that will point a finger at them. There is no one stronger than you here. You are the strongest. Talk about Islam? Our Islam has given the most respect to women. Our Prophet (peace be upon him) uttered the name of mother three times before uttering the name of father.

Not just girls. It is your responsibility to protect the dignity of the girls in your household. To a brother, his darling sister is most dear. She too must take up arms to protect her honor. Animals need to clean their hands of blood. "

- "Hats off to Miss Rekha Khan. I learned a lot from you today. You didn't have to ask me any more questions. I wish you all the best for your next book."

As soon as the ceremony was over, the roll of applause fell. Everyone has the same name. That was Rekha Khan. He has said so many things in a live show for so long. He writes all kinds of crime thrillers and psycho stories. With his pen, instead of black ink, blood seems to flow.

The intoxication of blood angered him. Can't see the romantic thing at all. Very few girls have so much energy at such a young age. This interview was taken because his book was a bestseller.

Abrar Tasin watched the whole video of that interview on the phone for so long. Seeing that, he lay down on the bed with a smile.

It's late at night. Now he can't think of anything else.

Just two thoughts at that moment inside the head. The first thought was the girl named Raat. The girl's name is Raat. But his face is not dark at night at all. It is sharper than daylight. It's normal for anyone to be overwhelmed.

But even if she is a thousand, she will not be able to marry him. Because he wants to be alone. She wants to have books and readers all her life.

But in the face of all this, another thing that has appeared in front of him is his new rival Rekha Khan.

If he had only come in at number one, Tasin would have had no problem. But he has insulted love, he has made love small. So he should answer.

The greatest strength of a writer is his writing. An author responds to everything through his writing. Tasin is the same. If there was no love in the world, this world would never be cremated.

Taseen listened to every word of Rekha Khan very attentively. He knows everything he says is true. But nothing like this will happen. It will only increase in the society.

So now he has to prove it with his writing.

The young writer's mind could no longer stay in bed.

He got up and went to the computer.

The battle began to run on the key board. There is only one way to express everything in the mind. Key board. That is his only weapon now.

Sleep is not coming at night. He knows very well what kind of person Tasin is. Tassin knows more about what kind of person he is than night. He also knows that Taseen is busy writing his new book at the moment. He also watched Rekha Khan's interview. The arguments put forward by Rekha Khan are the ultimate truth. And people are accepting them with interest. The way Rekha has underestimated love can't be accepted even at night. But he knows Taseen will give Rekha a fair answer through his writing. With this belief, he put his head on the pillow at night. But he did not sleep. An urgent task that went after the rest. He has to write a diary as a daily routine.

There are a thousand of his dreams. All the dreams are carefully written there. There is a lot of talk about Tasin. In a word, the whole life of the night is in that diary.

When all was said and done, the night sighed and said to himself,

- "Sir! I know that you have kept my words in your mind very beautifully. You have to love me to take your writing to the top. I will never force you. Because love is a belief, a trust. I want to be yours, sir. I believe you will not give me back. "

Thinking about all this, I fell asleep with my head on the table and fell asleep at night.

She is a very ordinary girl. He has dealt with all the hardships in his life. He was his own strength. That is why she is still stronger than any other girl. But there is also a childishness in him. Which is inside all the girls. Strange strange all his hobbies. Saying them also annoys others.

All the strange paintings are hanging on the table. There are pictures of all the terrible serial killers of the world all over the house.

Bookcase filled in one side of the room. All of them are foreign thrillers. There is a psycho thriller book describing the brutal murder with a hair-raising horror story.

A skeleton is hanging on the wall. Of course it's plastic. Anyone who suddenly sees such things inside the house at night is bound to be forbidden to sleep.

But it doesn't matter to him who is behind the murder day and night. Rekha Khan. Age between twenty-two and twenty-four. Seeing the cruel reality of the society from a young age, anger arose in his mind. That anger is expressed in his writings. The plot of his next story is about a girl blind in love. The girl who fell in love with someone. But the boy just used her and let her go. Not only that, he defeated the girl. Society expels that girl. That girl came back later in a ruthless way. It warns every person in the society. It instills fear in everyone's mind so that no one dares to do anything bad.

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Written by
3 years ago
