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Written by
3 years ago

This practice has been going on since the British period. After the death sentence is handed down, the judge or judges break the nib of the pen. But many may not know why they do this. There is a good reason behind the breaking of the nib of this pen of the judge.

It is known that the reason for breaking the nib of this pen is not one, but more than one. First, it is a symbolic subject. The explanation is that the pen that has taken one's life should not take the life of anyone else.

The second explanation is also related to this. It is said that the judge wants to keep away from the death penalty and its depression. That's why he broke the nib of the pen.

A judge or magistrate cannot withdraw his death sentence. The third explanation is that he could not think of reversing the death penalty in any way.

The last explanation, all deaths are sad. But sometimes extreme punishment like death penalty is required. So the nib of the pen is broken to show that the death penalty is a sad thing.

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Written by
3 years ago


Nice article. Lets support each other

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3 years ago

Nice.... Article......💓💓💓

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3 years ago