(Context: One hundred and thirty-three years ago today, the gentleman in the film was born.z)

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3 years ago

Ha-ya-ba-ra-l, absurd humor and ignorant childhood


Dissecting a joke is a lot like cutting a frog. No one has such enthusiasm in the matter, the mad frog dies in the middle.

As a child, I read the story of Sukumar Roy's Ha-Ya-Ba-Ra-La and laughed haha. Especially at the critical juncture of the story, when the name of Hijibizbiz's father-in-law came out, Biscuit - in that place. Growing up, I re-read Ha-Ya-Ba-Ra-L, and realized that it contained laughter, but at the same time it was high quality literature. There is no room for doubt in this matter. My job in the next ten minutes is to try to get you to agree with me on this. It is best if you have already read the story (the link is given in the comments, it should take half an hour to read the whole thing).

So there are two important themes in the Ha-Ya-Ba-Ra-L story. Getting in there, but first from the perspective of the story.

In the story, an eight-year-old child goes to a strange place in a dream. There is no logic in the work of that place - there the handkerchief suddenly turns into a cat, the crow steals time to calculate, the goat writes a serious complaint about his eating habits, and a seven-month death sentence is ordered in a defamation suit. Another close example of this in world literature is Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. From this point of view, the genre of Sukumar Roy's story is not basic - it was already there.

The name of this genre is absurd humor. Irrational, absurd humor. This is the first important aspect of the story.

Let's cut a little frog before looking at the story again.


There are a number of philosophical and linguistic theories as to why laughter is a thing of laughter. Such is a famous theory. Humor means not adapting to reality. Babu, where do you study? The answer to this question is ridiculous when a child says that shorts are above the navel because in real life we ​​never expect such an answer. Every time the grandson would say in the conversation of the grandchildren, but this is not exactly the case, the next thing would always be ridiculous, because the grandson's review of the reality was unusual.

In the same way, no matter how funny or fictional an event may seem to you, looking back does not match your perception of reality, and this mismatch makes us laugh. In the midst of a quarrel, we say to make someone's opinion small - don't say ridiculous things. By this comment we mean unrealistic talk.

Absurd humor is the purest example of this theory. In this genre the writer or illustrator tries his best to give birth to some ultimate unreal situation. We laugh out loud when we see his strong resemblance to reality.

I have already mentioned Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. This book is such a depot of unfit juice. At one point in the story, when Alice sat down to claim that she did not believe in unreal things, the queen told her to encourage-

"Look girl, don't take my word for it, but I don't think you practiced too much. When I was your age, I practiced believing in unrealistic things for at least half an hour a day. Gone are the days when I was seen before breakfast. I believe in six or six unrealistic things. "


This is the main point of humor of Ha-Ya-Ba-Ra-L. The world created by Raybabu is amazing. This bitcoin did not come by chance - the author consciously set the scene in the style of a genre, and for that he had to expend enough imagination.

If you want to understand the explanation properly, it is better to read the whole story. But let’s talk about a short scene in the shortcut. A defamation suit has been filed against the bald hedgehog for speaking in the name of Ginny. So it's time for the plaintiff's lawyer to make a statement

The crocodile, with great difficulty, wept bitterly and squeezed five or six drops of water into his eyes with his fingernails. Then Sardibasa said in a thick voice, 'Lord of Dharmabata! This is a defamation suit. Kachu is a very delicate thing. There are many types of Kachu, such as Manakchu, Olakchu, Kanda Kachu, Mukhikchu, Panikchu, Shankhakchu, etc. The root of Kachu is called Kachu, so it is necessary to go to the root of the matter.

It is to be noted that the main attack of the respondent against this was on whether Kachu is really delicious or not.


One of the most notable aspects of the H-Y-B-R-L story is that the story is written for the little ones, but none of the main scenes are exactly for the little ones. The background of the story is Kakkeshwar's business campaign, the accounting of debts, the serious speech of the grammar horn, and finally the defamation suit. None of these backgrounds fit into a normal childhood.

Here is the second idea or theme of the story - the world of adults in the eyes of a child.

Reading the story of Ha-Ya-Ba-Ra-L, it seems that a child has been told- You don't listen to adults sometimes? Write a story about what you thought about real life after listening to them.

So reading that child's writing showed an interesting thing - the child has learned about some external things in the world by listening to adults for so long, but he does not understand what the inner meaning of these is. In his story the shopkeeper runs the business campaign, but the talk of advertising is meaningless. The wise-looking man started giving lectures talking about his degree, but the subject of the lecture was whether the goats like to eat lizard paper soap etc. The biggest thing is that there is no accused in the defamation case.

This means that the child knows about the existence of accounting, mathematics, solemn discourse, litigation, etc., and also knows that the adults use them in different fields. That's why the characters in his story sometimes talk about the complexities of life like adults - whether it's a terrible maggie in today's market, or people die all of a sudden when they go to the country. But to him, these are just conversations. Absolutely meaningless.

The best example of this is Kakkeshwar's calculation. At the beginning of the calculation it is seen that it is written "Yadi kird atra kakalatnama likhitang srikakkeshwar kuchkuche karyanchage. Writing these is extremely important - if not written, the court will not be held accountable. Just like being smart - that is, like adults - you have to say these things at the beginning to work.

But the words have no meaning. Everything that is important to an adult is meaningless in the eyes of a child.


To understand the success of H-Y-B-R-L as literature, one has to look at it through these two lenses. First, its background is a fantastic world of humor, like the imagination of Lewis Carroll or Dali.

Second, it is a celebration of childhood. That childhood is a kind of stupid childhood, where adults look at the work and smile.

If you haven't read H-Y-B-R-L in it, read it now. My humble advice is to put family and friends together and then read aloud in a preaching manner. Everyone will laugh.

When I grew up I rediscovered the story - once I read the story like this with friends, from the beginning to the end. Everyone laughed haha. I read the story about my parents while I was stuck in a traffic jam. They also laughed haha. I did the same thing with Ginny after the marriage. Ginny was annoyed but just smiled to make me happy. That is enough.

What a time to go through pure pure joy.

There is no such thing as being old to grow up.

(Link to story and appendix comments)

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Great I have subscribed you

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Thanks for information dear i learned a lot

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