Black Hole, Worm Hole and General Relativity 8

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3 years ago

At the moment

Did you know that at the moment I am writing on my mobile phone, according to some people, the war of liberation is taking place near Dhaka at this time, the Mughal emperor Shahjahan is looking at Mumtaz's painting a little far away, and T-Rex is roaring in the jungles of Africa far away? All at the same moment?

Let's see what a moment really means. The inspiration for this episode is G's Relativity and Brian Green's The Fabric of Space Time.


A train is running from left to right. Professor Lal Babu and Sada Babu are arguing on the train.

One of them has proved quantum mechanics wrong, the other is quantum mechanics of relativity. Both of them are sitting on the train and shouting loudly. There are some members of the Nobel Committee on the same train. They are stunned, they don't understand who should be given the Nobel in Lal Babu Sada Babu. At first he thought that he could shout louder and tell his own theory about the Nobel Prize. Later this thought had to be eliminated. The sound of the train's whistle is not good.

In the end it was decided that the two would be sent to both sides of the train. The two will finish their paperwork as soon as possible and upload it to the server in the middle of the train with high speed Wi-Fi. After pressing the button, the paper will move to the server at the speed of light. Whose paper will be uploaded first, will get the Nobel Prize.

The two professors forgot the quarrel and started typing. After a while both of them pressed the send button. The Nobel Committee was surprised to see that the writings of the two had been uploaded to the server at exactly the same time. Both Lal Babu and Sada Babu were declared Nobel laureates.

Within a day, the names of relativity and quantum mechanics disappeared from the face of the earth.


Meanwhile, the great scientist Ibrahim Bhai was riding his bike by the side of the train. He doesn't know anything else, he knows that the speed of light is constant.

If the relativity was wrong, the speed of Ibrahim Bhai's bike would be added to the speed of light. That is not possible. The speed of light will remain the same. What to do to keep the speed of light the same? Space and time have to change.

Brother Ibrahim claimed that the Nobel Committee had done partiality. Lal Babu Sada Babu did not send at the same time at all. The server was not in the middle of the train at all.

Lal Babu was behind the train. He turned the lights on to the speed of the train. Its speed of light should have been lower than that of Ibrahim Bhai's bike, but not. Meanwhile, the white babu in front shone in the opposite direction. His speed of light should have been higher than Ibrahim Bhai's bike, but it will not be.

Ibrahim Bhai therefore claimed that the white babu behind him had actually submitted after the red babu. His light had to come a short distance. The white babu in front is the Nobel laureate, he finished writing the paper long before the red babu.

Brother Ibrahim strongly condemned the decision of the Nobel Committee. He demanded that the Nobel be given to the white man only without sharing it. Sada Babu is their student, his real name is Safed Ali. He could not easily accept that someone else would take the Nobel.


Scientist Sushil Shanti saw the whole reverse scene as he was going to the speed boat on the opposite side of the train. Lal Babu has undoubtedly pressed the button before, he is a Nobel laureate. Shanti himself has been trying for a long time to prove quantum mechanics to be false, he could not accept that such a big discovery would have to be shared with the trivial paper of the white man. Alfred filed a posthumous lawsuit in the name of Nobel.


Notice that two things happened to the member of the Nobel Committee at the same time. That's right.

Meanwhile, Ibrahim Bhai and Sushil Shanti did not have these two incidents at the same time. What is even more strange is that there is a difference of opinion between the two as to what happened before and after.

This means that the events that seemed to happen to the members of the Nobel Committee at the same time will not happen to the brother of Ibrahim, Sushil Shanti.

Akkas Ali's bank account was hacked by Bakkar Bhai's agents at the very moment when the two babus finished writing to the Nobel Committee.

Meanwhile, Ibrahim Bhai saw the hacking of Bakkar Bhai's bank account a day ago. Today, Lal Babu saw the ugly incident of the Nobel Committee with Sada Babu.

Sushil Shanti still does not know that Akkas Ali's account has been hacked. Akkas Ali had spoken to him on the phone a while ago. All is well. Akkas Ali didn't even notice and a day later he was going to wear bamboo on his head.

Meanwhile, Locker Apu, who lives in a distant galaxy, sees Akkas Ali hacking while dinosaurs are roaring in the jungles of Africa.


The paradox of beheading. But since you don't like math, if you bring equations to Facebook, no one will read the text, so I'm not exaggerating unnecessarily. I left them for the book.

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Written by
3 years ago
