Basic concept about evolution

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3 years ago


This article is about how science deals with evolution. I hope those who are not clear of the concept will be clear.

Basic in 24 words:

There is a thing called DNA in the cells of the body, there is A T C G written in these 4 letters, what will be your height, what will be the color, how many hands will there be, how many legs will there be, will the appearance be like a human or a monkey, everything. Editing your DNA with a gene editing device. If we insert a fan gene in the place of the hand, and increase the amount of hair, then try to boil the baby with that DNA, that baby will be a winged monkey type.

When there is DNA from one to another, there is a slight change in the DNA, it is called mutation. Your body's DNA will not be changed, your hand has already grown, you can't grow fins even if you want to now, if you want to grow fins, you have to change your sperm / ovum cells or zygote.

Mutations are regular, they are happening everywhere, the mutations that happen before the hands and feet grow are useful for the child.

Let's see the change

Gene AATTCCGG for holding hands and feet, Gene AACCTTGG for fins.

If this sequence changes


BINGO, winged baby found :-p

Wait, if it's so easy, why not have a winged baby? Let's talk about work.

Mutations in nature are completely random. No one has a hand in what will happen after the change. However, mutations can be performed in the laboratory by editing the gene. This is called genetic engineering. Lighted tobacco plants, numerous viruses, bacteria are being created every year by genetic engineering. Now the question is, is it possible to be a tobacco plant that gives light to nature by random change without editing the gene?

Let's come to two case studies

1. Our Bashundhara is full of coriander flowers. This rice thing is made entirely by human hands, this thing has never existed before. After working all day, people would sit and chew the fine grains of grass :-(. So the thing is, people always have a little cleaver, which is called clever Archie. People have seen that sometimes there are some grains whose grains are a little thicker than other grains. What did you do, breeding between these fat rice? For thousands of years, the rice grew thicker, tastier, then finally the original biryani (not a lot of fun, a lot of oil) came from Nazirabazar. This process is called Human Assisted Evolution. Criteria for its selection. : Coarse tasty rice.

2. 150 million years ago, in the web of big dinosaurs

Many small dinosaurs could not survive, spending their days in misery. So what happened, one day the hand of one of these children became a little wider. The matter is completely random, even children without arms and legs sometimes happen, they can't survive, they become victims, so their DNA can't pass on to the next generation. We don't have this problem with a child with wide arms. She survived, Meby had to endure a bit of teasing from classmates as a child, but grew up to be a good gf. Its genes reached the next generation. If you don't have a fan, no one pays the price, good gossip doesn't match, a lot of trouble.

Born is ARCHEOPTERIX. The name of this process: natural selection. Criteria: Survive until you breed.

Got something?


1: What is the proof of so much?

A. I will write another day, you can read the link.

2. Did humans come from monkeys?

A. No brother, many of them have read the internet meme and written books, the rest have learned from that book. According to Vivarmatan, Nush and Bandar had common ancestors. It can be said to have come from a species of apes.

3. Why isn't evolution happening now?

A. Who said no? Evolution, completely random and very slow, compares the people of today with the people of 1 lakh years ago, you will feel if there is a change.

4. Why aren't humans from apes?

A. Who said you have to be human? Selection criteria are to be ticked, diameter. Regular random changes are taking place, the apes that have become human are now extinct, there is no chance of the same change happening again.

Explain why there is no chance. Suppose a man has a very long code, one crore letters. Assuming all people are very close, there are very few permutations of 4 ^ 10000000 permutations. The ape that has changed from human to human is no more, it is very, very impossible to become human again through the same change. Understand again, I did not say that there will be no more intelligent animals, there may be more intelligent animals than human beings, but once human beings are lost, they will not come back naturally (there are 6 billion people, even if they don't think so much, think of tigers).

5. Who was the first man?

A. See the picture below. At what point would you say “first black”? Things like Nadir. For more info, read 8.

6. If you keep the neck long, will it become long after a few generations?

A. No. lamark didn't know about mutations.

7. How are so complex things made? Do you know the complexity of the human eye ear brain?

A. Let's talk about eyes. A long time ago, a unicellular animal had a small light sensor. He used to hunt with this thing, he used to go back and forth. Didn't understand color, didn't know shape, just understood the difference between light and darkness. Her baby is. What happened when you were a child?

That's right, mutation is. Kana baby was born due to mutation :( This baby died before giving birth to another baby :( Good news is, Kana baby's gene could not be passed on to the next generation.

Do you understand anything? Dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot. Arectu is a good-eyed child, survives. Kids with lenses? Chances are low. I caught one in 1 lakh generation. When done? Can siblings stand with him without lenses? match gf?

The lens is original, the color sensor is made in the retina, the complex hole comes to the eye of the simple.

There is only one selection criterion: SURVIVE UNTIL YOU BREED.

8. When is the new species? Why don't I see it happen? Now why not new species?

A. This excerpt is from Dawkins' Magic of Reality. Let's start

The story of a hypothetical photo album. Pictures are stacked in this album. Above is your picture, above it is your father's picture, above it is his father or mother, so on and on. Take a picture of any one in this album. The pictures above, below, before and after will be pretty much the same. Man's baby man, monkey's baby monkey. The baby ape is the baby ape. So where is the evolution?

Explain: Your father's appearance is very similar to yours, no doubt about 2 people. Come on, your grandfather, his grandfather took out the picture of your 4,000th great-grandfather as he went along. If there was one generation in 25 years, this gentleman would have lived a million years ago. What is this gentleman and man?

His skull is a little thick, his eyebrows are quite different, but he brought this gentleman and married him to the present man, the child who will have a good chance of having a child. This is human too.

Let's go further. In your 50,000th great-grandfather's country. This guy, could be a Yeti, could be a Bigfoot but not a human anymore. If modern man marries with this, the child he will have will not have a child. These species are different. Its name is homo erectus.

It is meaningless to say that people have gradually become adults. There is no such thing as a perfect human being. It's like a river.

9. If there are other mammals from the fish, how are there still fish?

A. There is no condition that fish must die if man is to survive.

Mr Fish had two children. One foot went to the ground, the other continued to live in the water, maintaining the tradition of the dynasty.

10. Where is the missing link?

A. I said eight. There are many fossils in the gaps. Things like a river.




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3 years ago
