[After reading this post, you may have a question about whether you are really a boy or a girl.]

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3 years ago

[After reading this post, you may have a question about whether you are really a boy or a girl.]

Guevadoses + AIS:

How is it possible to be a boy from a girl naturally?

Episode 1:


People think you are a boy. The name is Fazal Mia. But after examining your sex chromosome, it was found that you are genetically a girl, meaning you have XX sex chromosomes in each of your body cells.

(See XX male syndrome) [1]

Or, your cheekbones (Fazila Khatun) XY means, boy !!

I mean 46 XY, Female !!

This is called Swyer syndrome or XY gonadal dysgenesis

(XY Gonadal Dysgenesis). [2] [3]

One out of every 80,000 to 1 lakh suffers from such a problem.

No, it's not a sci-fi. There are also true things and scientific explanations.

We sometimes hear that a girl from an area / country has suddenly turned into a boy.

Didn't you hear about Serela Akhter Henar Selim Reza (boy to girl) of Madaripur? [4]


Moreover, it happened before 2014

Transformation from girl to boy!

The incident took place at Alipore in Rajbari district headquarters. (2014-01-20) [5]

Many people say that they have done this by Caesar because they are transgender. Transgender people want to change their sex identity. But not all Guevadoses are like that. They are just like us. However, some transgender people, like transgender people, change their gender by undergoing sex reassignment surgery with hormone therapy or some other treatment.


It is not possible to say such a sex change without Caesarean section.

But listen, such a gender change is possible naturally.

Therefore, those who say that it is impossible to change one's gender without having a caesarean section are not wrong, they are just in the middle of a great mistake. Again,

It could have happened naturally without Caesar.


How is that possible? But listen-

Before that a question-

Someone that boy or someone that girl- how do you understand that?

I know you will answer-

Didn't you understand their gender identity when they were young and when they grew up looking at their secondary sexual characters (other than the genitals, different characteristics of boy and girl such as muscle, voice, mentality, breasts, beard, gossip, behavior, etc.)?

But listen,

In some cases, the child's gender and other characteristics are similar to those of a boy, but his genetic sex is like ‘XX’, that is, like a girl! Which happened between Fazal Ali. In 2010, 200 such cases were reported around the world.

It is thought that the chromosome for every 20-30 thousand males is not 46XY but 46 XX [1]

Another type of problem is congenital adrenal hyperplasia. However, there are many types. Of course, this post does not discuss these topics.

So, what you think may not be! Once the genetic sex test showed that you are a girl, meaning XX and your cheekbones are XY, that is, a boy !!

The sex chromosome of a child will be ‘XY’ or ‘XX’, it is determined at the time of fertilization. The sperm of a man and the egg of a woman combine to form a zygote. If the zygote has an ‘XY’ chromosome, the fetus grows like a boy and if it has ‘XX’, the fetus grows like a girl.

The male and female genitalia are usually formed from the same tissue in the fetus at birth. If testosterone hormone secretion is high during fetal development, then the male genitalia such as the penis, scrotum (scrotum) and penile urethra (urethra)

Is made which carries the identity of the male. And if the hormone testosterone is secreted or not secreted at all, then the female genitalia i.e. clitoris (clitoris), labia majora, labia minora and vagina (vagina) are formed, which carries the identity of a woman.

[Image was not given in the post as it is a sex organ. If you don't understand, google it. If you don't understand, it will be a little difficult to understand the post]


When there is an exception to the release of these hormones -

When the amount of testosterone hormone secreted during fetal development is not too high, nor too low, it is in an intermediate stage. This results in a genetically smaller penis (testicles) and testis in males (animals that produce sperm and the male hormone testosterone inside the testicles).

It is formed and due to the small size of the penis, it is slightly above the scrotum.

Or, many times no testis or penis is seen outside.

And women who are genetically (xx chromosomes) have relatively wide clitoris (clitoris) that is attached to the labia. Some people have both immature male and female genitals.


Or the chromosome XY in someone's fetus but if the testosterone hormone is under-produced or delayed in the fetal development stage, then the baby is not born a normal male. The identity of a normal man is not visible on his body. We think of her as a woman or a girl after birth due to lack of masculine features and physical qualities or lack of perfection (but she is genetically but with xy chromosome or boy).

But again

At a certain age, the activation of male hormones reveals masculine features in his body. Then we are forced to accept him as a man. This means that a person who was once known as a girl suddenly becomes known as a boy which creates a stir among everyone.


Yes, that is possible and it is natural. This process of becoming a boy from a normal girl is known as 'Guevedoces'.

(Meaning penis at twelve)

Another name is (machihembras) or first woman than man.

It is also known as 5-alpha reductase deficiency, or pseudoharmophroditism (pseudo-harmophroditism).

[6], [7], [8]

But from boy to girl

Before knowing the whole process, it is necessary to know the general issues of pregnancy.

The human reproductive system is basically made up of three things.

The first is the gonad, which later develops into the testis / testicles (in one word) or the testicles and the ovaries.

Second - the genital duct (genital tube) which is later transformed into mesonephric and paramesonephric duct.

Third is the genital tubercles which are subsequently converted to external genitalia or various external genitalia (such as penis or clitoris).

In boys, the external genitalia are the penis, scrotum, and in girls, the vagina and the various parts around the vagina, such as the labia majora, minora, clitoris, etc.

Anyway, at least I didn't go down without explaining myself first.

The sex chromosomes of the female body consist of two 'X' chromosomes i.e. XX, but in the male body they are usually of the XY type.

This means that every normal male must have one Y chromosome along with one X chromosome. That is, the male body has XY type chromosomes and every female male body has two X chromosomes (i.e. XX chromosomes) at all times.

When a male carrying the X chromosome of a man fertilizes an ovum (which always carries the X chromosome) during sexual reproduction, the resulting embryo [Zygote] [XX] will mature into a female offspring (hence the XX chromosome of each female). )

On the other hand, the sperm that carries the Y chromosome of a man during sexual reproduction when it fertilizes an ovum or female gamete of a woman (which always carries an X chromosome) will produce the embryo [XY].


Up to 6-7 weeks in a human embryo, no male or female embryos can be identified or distinguished from any of these major parts of the reproductive system. That is, in this case, the reproductive organs of the boy or girl remain structurally similar. This condition is called in-different stage. In other words, it is usually impossible to tell whether a fetus is a boy or a girl.

So, it can be said

The male and female genitalia are usually formed from the same tissue in the fetus at birth.

This means that the same embryo has a gonad (testicle / ovary) in the infertile stage before it transforms into a male or female.

The gonad can transform into either the testicle or the ovary (signaling the fetal gene).

Within a few months after the embryo is in the womb, the gonads in the male fetus turn into almond-like testes after signals from the sry gene on the Y chromosome. In the embryo

Then there is the production of the hormone testosterone.

On the other hand, since there is no Y chromosome in the female fetus, the signal of the sry gene is not present and the hormone testosterone is not produced or produced in very small amounts. As a result, the embryo continues to develop into a female embryo.

(Testosterone is basically a male reproductive hormone. It is also present in very small amounts in the female body.)

Five types of androgen (male hormone) hormones. Testosterone is a type of hormone.

And estrogen is the female hormone. There are many types of it. Those are not the topics of discussion today.

★ (However, remember,

The testicle (testicle or plural testis) is the vertebrate of vertebrates that produces sperm and the male hormone testosterone.

If the level of testosterone hormone secretion is high during fetal development, then the male genitalia i.e. penis (male), scrotum (scrotum) and penile urethra (urethra) are formed which carry the male identity.

And if the hormone testosterone is secreted or not secreted at all, then the female genitalia i.e. clitoris (clitoris), labia majora, minora and vagina are formed, which carry the identity of a woman.


After about two months of gestation, the X and Y chromosomes begin to regulate and act on the sex hormones produced in the fetus. The female genitalia begin to convert. Those are very complicated steps. Today's discussion is not about that.



Testosterone in the male fetus on the other hand and

Presence of DHT hormone

The main factor in the formation of the male genitalia.

Normally, the 5-alpha reductase enzyme in the fetus of the XY chromosome (boy) begins to convert another hormone, testosterone, to the hormone dehydro-testosterone, which produces the male genitalia in an embryo. Because the female fetus does not have testosterone or has very low levels, the fetus remains female. Dehydrotestosterone DHT hormone cannot be produced in female fetuses because testosterone hormone is very low or absent. As a result, the same embryo in different stages cannot be converted into a male embryo. As I said before,

The male and female genitalia are formed from the same tissue of the fetus at birth. Therefore, due to the presence or absence of some hormones, the same identical embryo becomes two different embryos called male and female.

What happened to the male or female fetus?

In the embryo 5-Alpha Reductase Hormone> Testosterone K>

Converted to the hormone Dihydro-testosterone (DHT)> DHT created the male genitalia.

And female fetuses do not have testosterone or have very little or no DHT hormone or insufficient. As a result, the embryo could not become a man, but remained a woman.

Suppose a male (XY) fetus has testosterone but does not have the hormone 5-alpha reductase or has very low levels.

So what can happen?


Due to mutations in the SRD5A2 gene on chromosomes

5-alpha reductase hormone production is disrupted. As a result, testosterone will not be converted to the hormone Dihyro-testosterone (DHT) or to a lesser extent.

As a result, there is little benefit in having testosterone.

5-alpha reductase hormone is absent or very low - as a result

The male genitalia will not be produced in the fetus as DHT hormone cannot be produced. And if the DHT hormone is too low, the male genitalia will be blurred. As a result, the fetus and its offspring, which is genetically male (XY), will appear to be female rather than male, as the genitalia are not obvious or absent, and the female genitalia resemble genitals (not the actual female genitalia). We will externally think of her as a girl. But basically he is genetically XY or male. As soon as the girl is identified, she will continue to grow up in front of us.


But by the time puberty arrives, the clitoris, which is the predominant female body of Guevadoses, will gradually take on the penis as testosterone is re-produced in large quantities in her body (the lower undeveloped testicles or testicles of the lower abdomen). In fact, the clitoris is the undeveloped penis which we used to think of as the clitoris (clitoris) of the female body.

This does not mean that those who are born as girls are born without the presence of anything in the genitals of boys. These Guevados girls have undeveloped testicles in the lower abdomen towards the uterus and a small penis that occasionally protrudes out of the female genitalia, and she mistakenly calls the small penis the clitoris to the woman herself. This means that the undeveloped small penis looks like a woman's clitoris but it is not a sexual sign of a woman. It is also a penis, but because it is very small and undeveloped, it looks like a clitoris.

This means that during puberty, the previously undeveloped penis (clitoris) and testicles will begin to develop anew and the penis and testicles will continue to be visible outside the body and the body will have male-like muscles, the voice will be as thick as boys, and so on.

However, after the birth of Guevados, their genitals can be of three types depending on the difference in the amount of hormones.

1. They may have normal genitals like men.

2. They may have middle (mixed) or obscure genitals of male and female genitalia.

3. They may have normal genitals like women.

But no matter what their genitals are, the chromosomes of Guevados will always be XY but outwardly they will look like women.

Condition 2 is more common. This means that there are usually obscure genitals.

So, it can be said

Guevados female genital wide clitoris = actually male undeveloped penis

The two fleshy folds (labia majora) on either side of the female genital vagina of the Guevados and the vaginal opening on both sides = actually the scrotum that ruptures in two parts of the male which is called bifid scrotum. Ordinary men's scrotum is not bifid on both sides.

Because the scrotum is thus torn in two, it is mistaken for the two fleshy folds (labia majora) on either side of the woman's vagina, and the hole in the middle of the ruptured scrotum is mistaken for the vaginal opening. In fact, it is the undeveloped scrotum or testicles of a man. As it is torn, it seems to be a part of the female genitalia.

Guevadoses is a state of sexual diversity

Güevedoce / Guevedoces

Another name for which is 5 alpha reductase deficiency.

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3 years ago


Good writing.

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