One-sided love is like a kind of addiction..

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Avatar for riponarif2022
1 year ago

In my opinion, the feeling that makes you forget all the receipts and non-receipts is love.

Many people say love in the face, but many times love may not exist. When you get involved in a love affair, it can be seen as well as felt. If not seen, then the tension of love begins. We always want to see love in the eyes of the beloved person.

Love you The word means I love but you? I don't know if you love me or not. Only the heart knows and Allah knows how much truth there is even if it is said orally. It doesn't matter she loves you or not. I'm in love Maybe I don't know anything else. But when the needs of two people become one and come closer, when one's mind wants another, then both of them fall in love.

One-sided love is like a kind of addiction or intoxication! Where there is no recognition of your love.

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