The way to hurt a woman

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3 years ago

I'm pretty sure some of you are in a relationship....or maybe HAVE BEEN in a relationship. Regardless, I'm sure some of you can relate how some of the things your partner does can hurt you and your ego.

As a woman, its hard to deal with some of the things men do. Things that they unknowingly do because they are men and its in their second nature to do. I'm not saying women are saints....just saying that these things I will be saying are from a woman's point of view....or rather MY point of view.

So.. Here goes..

One of the things is how men love boosting their ego's. I mean, its okay to want to do that but HOW you do it isn't really enjoyable. My husband...well, he was in contact with his highschool classmates recently and he managed to stay up at crazy hours just chatting up with them and catching up with them. I'm fine with that....but....he's been paying them too much attention to the point that he spends hours glued to his phone catching up with them and completely ignoring me.

IGNORING is an understatement to be honest. I can't quite put a ring on the right word but there were no cuddles.. Jeez louis... When his kids wanted to stay up late playing with him, he'd shout at me angrily to keep the kids quiet because he's tired (and its not even 11pm yet!) but here he is willing to pull an all-nighter with people who really doesn't give a crap about him...let alone want to share his ups and downs with. He never gave the same amount of attention he's given to me and the kids and it really hurts because I feel like we're being cast aside..

All because he wants to feel that feeling that he's important and noticed by other people because of where he is now. Sheesh.....



Second, he doesn't seem to take my insecurity seriously. He's out there describing in detail about the girls he used to ask out, flirt with and fantasize. I know.. I know.... Its all in the past. But looking at these makes me feel unsure about myself. Who's to say if he still feels something about these girls from his past? And especially that he's still communicating with them because of their group chats. What if they are checking him out still? What if they have this hair brained idea that he's still in the market even when he has a wife already?

I've given birth to 3 kids... 3 kids via normal delivery. So many stretch marks here and there... I look plain and gaudy because I don't have time to look after myself. I only wear loose shirts and pants around the house...actually everywhere and these girls from his past all look like girls ready to party because they all looked dolled up and dressed up. When I ask him about his pasts, he just tells me that they don't attract him at all and he has me already.

Yeah right...

I can only frown when he gives me such lame answers. I'm sure you're all thinking I'm being too hard on my husband and just trust him. But the last one will answer your questions...

And finally...

Sexy ladies...

A highschool buddy of his sent him a link with a really sexy girl in a tight top (that leaves little to the imagination) hugging her chest too tightly and in her panties. You know what my husband's reply is?




When he told me about what his friend did, he left out that bit about how he replied to him. So I brushed it off. But when I checked his messenger...oh boy did I got shocked.

Looking at that girl (I imagine she's just in her teens) in the photo.. I'd imagine any red blooded male would get turned on by her outfit and posture. It makes you imagine stuff and I'm a female at that!

His buddy even added other details that made me even mad at both of them.

Why both of them you ask?

My husband knew I hate that kind of conversation. Conversations that looks like he's being suggested to look at other women's body and keep quiet about it. What's more, he knew I didn't like it but he didn't even think to tell his friend that I may get pissed off.. Me, his wife.

Yeah... Go figure..

And I'm angry at his friend because he knew my husband is happily married and he goes injecting my husband with images of other girls in provocative poses. He clearly has no respect for me as his friend's wife. And who's to say what his little ideas to my husband might make my husband do?

I trust my husband implicitly...but there's this nagging part of me that can't seem to shake these thoughts away.

As I said, I'm not some woman any man would look twice at because I look plain and too simple. I never wore make-up and even with all the practice I make, I still look like McDonald's female version when I try to do anything remotely make-up-ish.... My clothes are too loose because I want to be comfy running around the kids and doing chores.. I try....believe me I try to imitate these kind of girls that can make any man's nose bleed...but my husband...


He just skips past it.

So many times I tried to seduce him by wearing something sexy but he just brushed it aside and tells me the kids are there...stuff like that. How's a woman's heart suppose to feel happy when you do that?? You reject her advances instead of kindly telling her you can do some action later... How in God's name can a woman not get hurt by your rather blunt refusal?

Oh oh oh... But it gets worse..

Any worse than a husband treating his wife like some piece of thing he can just decide not to use until he sees her purpose?

Well... Have you tried kissing your partner and see him in the corner of your eye gazing at somebody else? Not yet? Well.... I HAVE... Dozens of times and not just in the kissing department...but in the making love department as well.


Is it me you are focusing on or do you honestly need some other woman to turn your needs on because your plain wife can't seem to turn your needs on.

Honestly? I am very very VERY pissed off right now with my husband. He would never hug me on the initiative. I have to be ignoring him and giving him the cold shoulder before he decides to hug me of his own accord.

He fell asleep just now without so much as a quick kiss and a goodnight.. He doesn't even squeeze my legs signaling he wants my attention.

How sad, right?

I'm thinking of holding a protest and sleeping somewhere else..

Is it so much to want some attention from your partner.. Attention that he has to give of his own volition.. Not because you are pissed of...not because you asked for it...not because he's making it up to you because he made a mistake..

Just PURE ATTENTION from him because of nothing special. Attention because he wants you to feel loved and needed even when you aren't asking for it and showing signs that you needed it.

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Written by
3 years ago


nice article dear thank you for sharing☺

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3 years ago