Top 5 NFT projects you need must to know about

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Top 5 NFT projects you must know about:


First of all we need to know about that what is NFTs now a days it is the most popular topic that mostly people are are interested in and they want to know more about NFT’s sohar I have collected top 5 best NFT projects that you must know about before you start working on NFTs.NFTs they are basically the non-fungible tokens that have been explored it enter the scene in the year recently in 2021, a large number of people who are already interested in the market of cryptocurrency and they have been tried in their for a long period of time have start taking interest in the NFTs.

1. Where are the things that makes the NFTs most popular:

So I am going to discuss that what are the main things that making the NFTs that much popular.NFTs they are unique or we can say that they are non-fungible, also it is a digital token that has been run on the smart contracts like on ethereum and other types of blockchains.Its main purpose is we can use it is to distribute the acids and also we can verify their a Qureshi through the blockchain.The concept of the NFTs which are basically originated in the year 2015, and its first project has been launched in the year 2017.From the recent popularity of the nfts we can say that it’s future which will includes applications and the growing parts of the decentralized finance which we can also called as (DeFi), and its main purpose well Bihar to put the assets like the collectibles or we can say that really state which are the collateral for loans or we can put off the stock options or bonds.

NFTs total traded volume:

12M$ December 2020

500M$ March 2021

So here we are discussing the best and most popular NFT projects and 2021 date you must know about.

1. Worldwide asset exchange or wax:

This is a decentralized peer to peer market where we can trade NFTs it is one of the most popular trading marketplace of the 2021 where we can trade the NFTs.Also the tokens which has been used in the WAX they are based on ethereum which means that we can store the retired token in the ethereum supporting wallet.There are many top rated NFTs that has been launched on the platform of WAX.

  1. CryptoKitties:

This platform has been launched in the year 2017 its main purpose is to trade the NFTs which is now a days most popular in the year 2021 it has been placed and the top rated marketplace.Also all the tokens of the crypto kitties are non-fungible.

3. Enjin:

This platform has been found in the year 2009 in order to develop are gaming network.In the year 2017 it has been launched it’s Enjin Coin there has also been started work on the development of a a blockchain ecosystem for NFTs.Also one of the biggest point of Enjin Coin is there that it is the most highest market cap of the nfts.

4. Decenntraland:

it is also one of the most popular marketplace for NFTs that you must know no about this project it has been launched in the year 2020, it is also a decentralized network which has been powered by the ethereum blockchain.Also it has its own MANA token which you can be purchased from the cryptocurrency exchanges in order to buy a land the assets in any games.

5. Rarible:

The platform rarible it is a market place for NFT in order to create and trade the rare collectibles which has been found in the year 2020.The other good aspect of this platform is that it also supports a wide variety of the digital assets which include 8 means music.Thank you so much for reading out hope you guys like it if you like it so kindly.

DISCLAIMER: All images are taken from google for illustration purposes.




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$ 0.00


Really great article and very well explained otherwise I was confused with from where I should take a start ❤️

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3 years ago