"The use of the therapeutic properties of lavender in folk medicine"

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3 years ago

Even during ancient Rome, it became known about the healing properties of lavender. He was added to the bath and to the water for washing hands, as he counted the antibacterial properties. Also, thanks to the spicy taste, it is used and is now used in cooking and for making beverages. +

The chemical composition of lavender and its effects on the body

When lavender, traditional medicine, is used

Lavender oil

Lavender tea

Tincture of flowers

Lavender baths

Harvesting and processing of medical raw materials

Preparation of therapeutic syrup from lavender

How to Make Lavender Oil at Home |

Instructions for preparing lavender ointment

Contraindications to the use of lavender

From ancient times to the present, due to the fact that it has excellent healing properties, lavender is widely used in traditional medicine. +

The chemical composition of lavender and its effects on the body

Lavender flowers contain essential oils - 3%. Also in their chemical composition, 12% of tannins, bitter substances, derivatives of resins and coumarin, flavonoids, phytosterols, cineol, geranoyl, borneol are distinguished. The most important ingredient found in lavender essential oil is linalyl acetate. Its percentage is 50%. +

Exactly linalyl acetate It has a sedative effect on the body, on the cardiovascular and nervous systems. And lavender tsineol in the selected form is used in the pharmaceutical industry. It is used for cooking. antiseptic and expectorant drugs.

Thanks to geranoil and borneol, lavender has a strong aromatherapy effect. And the tannins contained in this plant, are used for viral and bacterial diseases of the upper respiratory tract in the form of infusions for gargling. They contribute to the formation of a protective membrane in the mucous membrane, preventing further inflammation. +

Resinous compounds that are part of the chemical composition of lavender, have a mild diuretic and laxative effect. Also, resinous compounds do not allow the development of putrefactive processes and enhance the therapeutic effect of other drugs. +

Lavender is often added to inhalations for the treatment of influenza. In the case of helminthic invasions and pediculosis, coumarins contained in the flowers of the plant have a healing effect. Coumarins inhibit the development of simple organisms and insects

Did you know? Lavender oil can cause allergies, not just when taken orally or externally. If you store it in a small room with blankets or clothes, its essential oils are easily wiped out and stick to things, as a result of which an allergic reaction can occur.

When lavender, traditional medicine, is used

Lavender Mountain discovered its use in the treatment of many painful conditions. Traditional lavender recommends lavender for the following ailments: +

mild sleep disorders;

nervous tension;

intestinal spasms of nervous origin;

to improve appetite;

treatment of neuralgia;

skin diseases and purulent lesions;

aromatherapy to improve performance, relieve fatigue, improve the condition of the nervous and cardiovascular systems;

used as a sedative and antispasmodic for migraine and neurasthenia;

bile diluent;


Many recipes have been preserved, based on which lavender-based medicines were created. These recipes contain indications and dosages for use. Lavender can be used in the form of lavender oil, tea, tincture of flowers, in the form of dried herbs, take lavender baths.

Did you know? Lavender is often included in herbal sleeping and sedative charges. It is one of the indispensable plants in the treatment of inactive diseases.

Lavender oil

Lavender oil the traditional medicine requires to apply to cool irritated skin, for use on damaged skin, with sleep disorders. It can also be used for a pleasant massage, which, thanks to this essential oil, will improve blood microcirculation.

Lavender essential oil can be added to the bath, a couple of drops can drip on the pillow, which helps to relax and should promote good sleep. It contributes to the healing of wounds and the application of scars

Lavender tea

Lavender tea is used to combat the following problems: +

headache - due to the natural antispasmodic substance contained in tea with lavender, relaxation of blood vessels and small muscles in the head and neck, around the eyes (by the way, helps to get rid of -twitch of the lid);

from stress - relieves increased nervous excitability, prevents anxiety and depression;

from muscle spasms - used in the treatment of menstrual cramps;

from insomnia - scientists from different countries are confident that lavender tea will be able to relax, improve sleep quality and relieve insomnia;

from nausea - tea with lavender can help get rid of nausea associated with severe headaches. Tea with this plant helps to reduce inflammation of the vagus nerve, causing nausea, vomiting and migraine;

from digestive disorders - the drink has carminative properties, and thus helps to get rid of the discomfort in the intestines and stomach associated with the accumulation of gases. Also, some scientists believe that lavender ingredients prevent the appearance of stomach ulcers.

Make Lavender Tea can Mix 1-2 tablespoons of dried flowers with 250-300 ml of boiling water. Baking takes 10-15 minutes.

Important! Herbal teas from any plant can cause side effects. If a rash, headache, vomiting, chills, and colic appear after taking lavender tea, stop using tea and consult a doctor.

Tincture of flowers

Lavender in the form of a tincture of flowers has healing properties that help to cope with the imperfections of the problem skin and help with burns. +

The color of lavender flowers is used to improve appetite, and in combination with some other herbs is a great way to relieve stress. +

To prepare the tincture of flowers taken 3 teaspoons of milled plants, poured 400 ml of boiling water. The resulting infusion should be insisted in an enamel bowl under a closed lid for 20 minutes. After that, it should be filtered and drunk throughout the day in equal shares. This infusion will be useful for the treatment of long-term ulcer and wounds.

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