Simple thing, HIGH-TECH Now

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3 years ago


According to Marigold, technology can be said to be one of the ways in which tools, machines, equipment and processes are developed and applied to help solve people's problems. As a human endeavor, technology preceded science and engineering.

With the rise of the new generation or so-called "millenial" the wind has changed as if it is easy to cover the things that used to be the backbone of our ancestors or elders. New and high-tech technologies have been forgotten and covered up. With the gradual change of our generation, the rotation of our world has also changed, which has also changed the culture of the past. Culture that was then seen and still used.

What was Tekno Then, Tekno Now?


photo not mine

Back then the vehicle used by our ancestors was the so-called chariot that horses carried or drove to reach their destination. But now there are high-tech vehicles that no longer need a driver but a vehicle that will take you to your destination.


One of the smartphones used or so-called keypad used to be very trendy but over time most of the new generation touch screens are being used. The keypad is now gone forever because the new technology (touch sceen) is gradually being covered with just one touch to find the information you are looking for.


In the past, black and white television was still in vogue with no color mixed but only black and white were what they used to use. There was no remote then so they just rotated the side of the television to select the channel and select the volume. Now, we have a so-called flat screen whose screen is really flat you can not press from T.V but the option is remote.


In the past, Filipinos used a typewriter that served as an encoder for encoding important documents and his keyboard was not the same as today's keyboard. Nguit, now the typewriter has been replaced by laptops, computers and more. If then the typewriter could not get or is connected to the internet now, you can now use the computer to gather information and to retrieve the necessary important documents.


photo not mine

If then, the only thing used to get the literature was Kodak which resulted in a simple picture capture and a simple outcome of your face without a filter because then there was no emerging camera for the filter. But now a so-called DSLR with a filter has emerged and will have good results especially in your photography.

2.) Social Relationships


Communication was not easy then especially if your loved one was far away because they were going through it by sending a letter or telegram. Once again at that time their letter did not reach the person they wanted to send and your message had to be limited because if you wrote a lot of words you could pay a lot. But now with the arrival of new applications it is easy to send and read the message you have given. With the new technology now the new generation of facebook, twitter, messengr, video call and skype is being formed in giving messages and monitors to their loved ones.


One of the hobbies of the youth back then was playing tumbang preso, slipper game, chasing and much more. Young people back then felt their childhood even more because they experienced playing in the mud, rain and heat. Through this they also meet new friends and interact with each other. But during the new generation, young people are more focused on playing various applications or online games where they prefer to play indoors rather than play outside. It may be in this generation that young technology is the first thing learned and experienced.

3.) Beliefs or Values


credits to the owner

The Filipino practices then and now are really different. There is no denying that others were really used to it and now especially in courtship, courtship used to be romantic for a man if they were dating then. Singing, giving flowers and coming home to woo will do everything to map answer the woman they love. Then a woman can measure how much a man loves her by trying to woo her. But now dating is a big difference then and now because it just goes through the cell phone to say the words or messages that should be said in person. Everything goes through texting and calling with no effort coming out and a woman can not measure a man's sensitivity when it goes through a simple cell phone.


Filipinos are known as one of the best in the world. One of the aging characteristics of the Filipinos back then was partying at the dinner table every dinner. While the home light is cooking dinner. The siblings help sleep by preparing cutlery and furniture to use while waiting for their father to get tired from work. The whole family will meet to greet and greet. The family will also never forget to pray to give thanks for the blessings and blessings each one receives from God. But the Filipinos are now very different because the wind is gradually changing and often a family does not eat at the same time when they eat because sometimes they are alone, some are left and others eat first. One still does not pray before eating and is accustomed to eating right away.

Our time has changed a lot then and now after 30 years ago. Many are covered, old and lost as a result of the advent of technology, yet it can be said that technology has also brought many good things into our lives. One of the experiences I want to share that I will never forget was when I was in my 2nd year of high school. A teacher, on the other hand, I was not ignorant about using a computer because it was not taught in our school when we were in elementary school. When I was in 1st year high school, our teacher asked me to do an assignment that required us to resresh the questions he gave me because I had no experience at all on the computer and I did not know where to find the website needed to get the answer to questions. Is that the feeling that you have confidently entered the internet cafe and then you are already sitting in a chair and suddenly you realize you do not know where to start. You do not know what to press first, you do not know where to use the mouse and sadly you do not know how to open the computer. For a few minutes so I just sat in the chair but fortunately there was a woman next to me in the chair she told me "Tell ante to go online and then tell me what computer number and how many hours you will use" it's good to have an angel that Lord was sent so until he just helped me with my ireresirts and while he was helping me, because I myself am the one who presses I already know how to use the computer somehow.

Although much has changed in the past and now I am still grateful because technology is becoming part of my daily life. Whether the emergence of technology in the new generation is disadvantaged or adbintahi, many are given the opportunity to earn just like online business.

We know that not everyone has the knowledge to know how to use a computer, because as a youth I also experienced ignorance when it comes to computers so as a teacher or with a little knowledge of using a computer or technology I can share or teach the knowledge I have learned from others.

In the future, perhaps even more new technology will emerge that we can do is be careful and do not abuse its use. We will always remember that there is a generation yet to come.

One of the teacher's rules is to teach students the proper technique and proper teaching. As a future teacher we need to be role models in everything. We should know the other way if there is a problem as we discuss our lesson. If we need to teach our students about the computer or even just the background we will not hesitate to share what we have learned so that they can better understand and lose their curiosity on how to use the computer. We also need to share with them the limitations of computer use and most importantly we preach to them not to abuse technology because it can be detrimental especially to their learning.

$ 0.02
$ 0.02 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Written by
3 years ago
