Selection process for Olympic Games TOP STORYABC-BOOKADDED, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22 2020 12:20
Selection process for the Olympic Games
On November 12, 2018, the Executive Office of the French National Olympic and Sports Committee (CNOSF) adopted the basic selection principles, for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, for the national federation.
Choosing for the Olympic Games is different from other national team selections, which are the sole responsibility of the federations.
In fact, within the framework of the Olympic Games, the National Olympic Committee and the International Olympic Committee (IOC) play an important role.
In France, the selection for the Olympic Games took place after a process involving the French federation, the Consultative Commission for the Olympic Selections (CCSO) and the CNOSF Executive Office, which on November 12, 2018 CCSO composition validated.
After the publication of the basic principles of CNOSF selection, the national draft of the federation, in accordance with these basic guidelines, the selection criteria, will be reviewed by the CCSO.
The basic principles of selection are aimed at both national federations and athletes.
for example:
"the [selection] criteria proposed by the federations should make it possible for the French team to write the best possible results in the Olympic Games."
"Every sportsman selected must undergo medical examinations provided for the sport code and comply with the global anti-doping code imposed during the Olympics as well as the anti-doping rules of the IOC and the provisions provided for the doping control guide of Tokyo 2018. "
Once the proposals for the nomination of federations are submitted to the CCSO, the latter certifies that the selection criteria proposed by the national federation are in accordance with the basic selection principles and form an opinion of the CNOSF Executive Office on the proposals. to choose. evaluating the nominative.
The CNOSF Executive Board approved the list of proposed selections which will later be published by CNOSF.
Find the entire selection process for the TOKYO 2020 Olympic Games, its calendar and the basic selection principles on the CNOSF Website.
Can an athlete compete for his or her choice?
Judges deemed unworthy to assess the merits of a purely selected sport. However, judges may review the legality of the decision.
Thus, it can be proved that the selection criteria fixed in the regulations of the French federations are respected.
Find some case laws below:
08.04.2013, CE, French Federation of Ice Sports, n ° 351735: Decisions made by a sports federation in selecting a sportsman in the national team are taken within the framework of the prerogatives of public power where this federation invested and demonstrated the nature of administrative activities within the scope of the jurisdiction. administrative.
18.02.2013 CAA Paris, Marie-Calixte c / French Federation of Ice Sports, n ° 11PA01618: This is the administrative judge "ensure that decisions about the specific selection of athletes for international sports competitions are uneducated by the error of law or fact or misuse of powers "." Not for the administrative judge to preside over the assessment made by the FFSG in the context of evaluating selection criteria "(sports performance and ability to thrive internally of a sports team).
28.12.2005, TA Cergy-Pontoise, ord., Dambier, n ° 0511346: To consider that there is a serious doubt about the legality of the Federation's decision to justify its suspension, note the order that the director of French teams are incapable of summoning skiers for an additional selection test (eligible by the national technical director), whose FFSG could not arrange such a test less than a month before the championships began. Europe and, finally, that the test took place in irregular conditions.
26.04.2006 / 03/01136, CAA Paris, N ° XNUMXPAXNUMX "Considered that if, when the administrative judge is aware of the actions both by the judges and judges of the competitions in sports and of bodies of the federations in this matter, nor the application of technical provisions specific to each discipline, nor the assessment of the performances of the participants can not be discussed before him, it is up to him to exercise his control in respect of rules and regulations that depend on the authors of any action taken in the conduct of a public service ".
15.03.1999, CE, Fédération Française d'Athlétisme, n ° 168150 "Considering the results from the provisions of article 17 of the law of July 16, 1984 that the approved sports federations received the delegation of minister in charge of sports has the ability to proceed with the selection of national teams for international sports competitions, notably Olympic; that the national high-level sports commission, created by article 26 of the same law , is not empowered to determine the composition of such teams; it appears from the documents on file that the FEDERATION FRANCAISE D'ATHLETISME, for which this national technical director acted, is deemed to have only power to propose, and the national commission for high-level sport is, in the words of the issue letter, "decision makers regarding options Olympic "; that thus it does not understand the extent of its ability; it follows from the above that the FEDERATION FRANCAISE D'ATHLETISME is not justified in maintaining that it is wrong that, by judgment under appeal, the administrative court of Paris has canceled its decision ".
25.05.1998, CE, French Importation of France, n ° 170752 "if, for the appointment of athletes who admit to participate in European championships, the federation may consider elements other than those based on sports shows, it appears from the documents on file that the decision not to choose Ms. Y .. was not encouraged by the considerations of a sporting nature, but was taken for the sole purpose of imposing a punishment to the person concerned following his public statements on the conduct of a federation leader; who, under these conditions, said the decision was vitiated by misuse of powers ".
22.02.1991, CE, Fédération Française de Natation, n ° 102775 "If the French Swimming Federation introduced at the beginning of 1988 the minimum performances to be considered for selection for the Olympic Games in Seoul, it would not have done anything mistakes of the law by not selecting the applicants in the 4 X 100 meter freestyle relay discipline, even if they meet these presentations, and take into account other elements of the assessment, especially the reduction in their sports results of the year ".
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