Must and must not be eaten

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3 years ago


Food is very important in human life and in our health. Proper nutrition is a big part of our health. It is not important that we eat expensive food especially your imported ones, what is important are foods that contain the right nutrients. Such as green leafy vegetables, fresh fruit and drinking milk and water and exercising to prevent illness.

Eating right is our foundation for a healthy body. Improper eating causes a weakening of our immune system. Nutritious food is the source of our strong body. It is necessary for our body to be able to do the things that are honestly done, and to maintain the right weight of our body

We should also check the nutritional value of each food we eat to make sure your body reaches the daily required amount of vitamins and minerals.

Proper nutrition is a vital part of your health and quality of life. Try to choose foods of plant origin such as grains, vegetables and fruits, low-fat dairy and lean meats.

Health is very important so we take good care of it. A person with physical and health discipline can have a strong physique, which helps to prevent disease.

What is the right food?

The Most Healthy Filipino Food

Do you know the most nutritious foods for our health? What is the healthiest food God has ever made for man? I won't let you down, here is my list:

1. Green vegetables - Vegetables such as cabbage, pechay, spinach, broccoli, spinach and other talbos are very important to the body. It is rich in vitamins, minerals and other healthy chemicals. If you love vegetables, I think you can do without vitamins. Vegetables are also good for many diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, stomach pain, colon cancer and other cancers.

2. Fatty fish - Oily fish such as sardines, tilapia, tuna and mackerel contain Omega-3. Omega-3 nourishes the heart, helps prevent heart attacks and strokes, and lowers cholesterol in the body. The only problem is that these fish are expensive. According to reviews, Omega-3 supplements are full of healthy Omega-3.

3. Tomatoes - Tomatoes are high in lycopene called anti-oxidants. It removes dirt from our cells. Ketchup and tomato sauce from tomatoes are also good. Tomatoes can also help prevent cancers.

4. Citrus fruits such as calamansi, grapefruit and orange - These fruits are nutritious because they contain Vitamin C. Vitamin C is resistant to diseases such as cold, asthma, and arthritis.

5. Carrots - Some people say that carrots are anti-cancer.

It contains Vitamin A which is good for our eyes. Also, carrots lose weight because half a cup weighs only 35 calories. So let's teach our children to eat carrots.

6. Bananas - Bananas are the most nutritious fruit for me. It can be used as a remedy against ulcers and stomach upset. This is because bananas cover the wounds in the stomach. Bananas are also a remedy for those who are weak and have cramps because they are rich in potassium. If you are always sweating and you want to get stronger, bananas. Have you ever seen Roger Federer, the famous tennis player? He eats a banana in the middle of his fight. Federer needs strength and vigor, and bananas are the answer.

7. Milk, cheese and yogurt - Dairy products such as the ones we can call "complete foods." This is because milk contains protein, carbohydrates and fats as well. There is still calcium for women. Did you see the size and strength of the Americans? They make drinking milk water. For those who want to lose weight, drink low-fat milk.

8. Garlic - Garlic can help lower cholesterol. Just be careful eating it because it can hurt your stomach.

9. Apples - "An apple a day, keeps the doctor away." His words are true. The apple contains pectin which removes dirt from the body. It is still filling and can be used by those who are not on a diet.

10. Water - Water is on our list because many of our Filipinos lack drinking water. Especially this summer, you need to drink 8-12 glasses of water. It can help prevent urinary tract infections, cleanse the body, reduce stomach acid and also beautify our complexion. Just make sure the water you drink is clean to prevent typhoid or cholera. Buy purified water or boil the water for 5 minutes.

There are 10 more foods on my list: (11) Ampalaya for diabetes; (12) mongoose high in protein and cheap; (13) ginger as syrup for voice and vomiting; (14) oat meal to lower cholesterol; (15) sweet potato due to Vitamin A; (16) wheat bread because it is high in fiber; (17) taho and tofu; (18) tea such as green tea; (19) knuckle and knuckle juice for kidneys; and (20) nuts for ingenuity. I hope you can find this list and share it with your friends.

“Not-so-healthy” Foods Na Hilig Ng Pinoy

You know we Filipinos, we like unhealthy foods in our body. What are these? Let’s start with number 10 to number 1, the worst of all.

10. Soft drinks - Oh, you’re guilty there, ‘cause right? A glass of soft drinks contains 7 teaspoons of sugar. So the sweetness is great. It is obese and bad for people with diabetes. Also beware of diet soft drinks, as they contain a phosphorous mixture. Phosphorous removes calcium from our body and can cause osteoporosis. Friend, just water!

9. French fries - French fries are fat and oily. This is what many experts blame for the increase in obesity, heart disease and high cholesterol.

8. Fatty sauces such as gravy, mayonnaise and butter. That's chopped up calories. Vinegar, calamansi or hot sauce is better as a sauce.

7. Alcohol - Some patients say that red wine is good for the heart. When I asked how much to drink, the answer was, "Doc, sometimes I run out of a bottle." Alcohol is bad for our health. It can damage our liver, nerves and brain. It also causes a lot of cancer.

6. Junk food - Gossip and chips are addictive. This is because it is mixed with vetsin and salt. It is of no use to the body so let us teach our children to avoid it.

5. Somewhat raw meat - Various worms are hidden in raw meat, such as shredded fish or meat with blood. Make sure you eat well. Immersion in vinegar or calamansi is not enough to kill worms and germs.

4. Street food - According to a survey, 70% of Filipinos have stomach worms. When street vendors do not wash their hands, worms can be transferred to our food. It is difficult to ensure the cleanliness of fish balls, queck-queck and so on. Do not take risks.

3. Flesh inside - I don't know why Filipinos love to eat brain, heart, kidneys and intestines. That is high in uric acid and cholesterol. Some experts say that it can also cause cancer.

2. Chicharon and chicharon flowers - My friend said, "I only want skin and not fat." "Where is the fat hiding," I replied. "I dipped it in vinegar," he added. Dude, that 's still fat. Just popcorn.

1. Lechon - Everyone's favorite to eat is lechon, crispy pata and pata tim. Pig fat deliberately blocks the heart and brain. The result? Stroke and heart attack. Friend, just taste it.

Must Eat



Olive oil








Cannot be eaten

American Cheese

Processed Meat made of Nitrates


Regular Soda

Diet Soda

Sugar free Candies

Conventionally Grown Apples

Conventionally Chicken and Eggs

Bread and Crackers from Potassium Bromate

Microwave Popcorn

Muffins from Propylparaben

Any Packaged Food that has more than two ingredients

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Written by
3 years ago
