How to get your first job after college

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3 years ago



Part 1 of 2:

Choose your future job

Part 2 of 2:

Prepare for the interview


Things you will needs

In this article, there are 6 references mentioned, which can be found at the bottom of the page.

When you have finished your university career, it is time to start the labor market, it is a very important stage in life because it is the work that will probably accompany you for the rest of your life, there are currently many offers work the same internally as abroad, so you need to make this decision on time and not rush. If you want to know more about it, continue reading this article.

Choose what you want to do. It seems clear, but very common, that when you finish your studies you are not very convinced that this is what you want to do, either because during your study you changed your mind, or because it was different from your expected. It is very important, then, to know exactly what you want to work for, no matter how temporary or permanent, take the time to think about it.

If you are not sure you want, or are not divided into many options, you can use the vocational exams available online or go to a vocational counselor at your university.

Make sure you are convinced that in the decision you have made, be inspired by your hobbies or passions, your future job should be something you did not give yourself to do over and over again.

Also, within your reach, try to find a company with good references. You can check the listings that exist on the website of the best companies to work with, these are lists made in the investigations of employees of various companies in Latin America or Spain.

List your skills and achievements. Once you have found your vocation it is time to figure out what you need to start with that task, for this you should list all your skills and achievements (trying to relate to your future task) of your life, that is , prizes, recognitions, etc. All of this is important to prepare your curriculum course, which is what you will present to get a job.

Look for certificates that identify each of the items on your list, for example, if you receive a scholar for academic performance, list them and then leave the certificate you were given when they gave you the scholar. that.

If you are missing a certificate you can always request a new copy from the entity that issued it to you (university, company, etc.)

Usually, graduates of Spanish-speaking universities are recommended to speak more than one language, this will open many doors for you because with many jobs there is a request to manage another language.

Make your resume. A curriculum vitae (CV) is a document in which you introduce yourself and also present your achievements, skills, training and experience, so that it can be assessed along with the CVs of other applicants. Basically this is a profile of your life, where you put, in general, why you deserve the job and that is the company that hired you to earn. There are several models optimized on the internet for people with no work experience.

Your resume should take a photo of you and your personal data (name, date of birth, ID, address, email and phone number)

In addition, you should keep detailed your academic and work history, that is, primary and secondary schools where you go along with their respective averages, jobs you have entered, dates of entry and exit and duration of work.

Finally, it is recommended that you make copies of all the certificates you have previously collected (analytical college and university certificates, letter of recommendation, report cards, etc.) and place copies within folder with your learning curriculum.

Display your resume in different places. With your resume ready, it is time to take it to the companies that will give you your job, for this, find companies in your city or abroad with the position you want and leave your resume. If it is a foreign company you should send it by email, make sure the email is clean and indicates responsibility.

Do not leave your resume in one company, go a lot at once, so if everything goes well then you can analyze different offers, and this way you are more likely to find specifically what you are looking for.

There are many online pages where you leave your resume (or weapons online) and this way you will find companies looking for people for specific positions. This is a widely used option because it is easier to find a job this way. These companies can be LinkedIn, freelancers, etc.

If you get a job abroad (abroad) you will need to travel for the interview, the company will probably not cover the costs, so it is important that you consider this before submitting the job offer.

PART 2 OF 2:


Research the company you want to work with. Once you have approved your resume and decided which of the companies offered you that you would like to join, it is time to prepare for the job interview. For them it is very important that as a first step you analyze the company in which you will work, learn more about the history, values, and true purpose of the company.

You need to show that you know what you really want, and you should convince the interviewer that of all the applicants out there, you are the best for that position.

It is also helpful to know the name and position in the company of the person you will interview. It has been shown that people always react better and are more friendly when called by name.

Attend well presented. One of the most important things is to dress during the interview, because this is what you see. Most of the interview time is going on you should go to that job, that is, if it is an office, then the dress is formal (jacket, optional tie and shirt, in case the women are dark pants and shoes most of the time), although if the information is very informal it can also be conveniently dressed formally as well.

Arrive 15 or 20 minutes before the interview is agreed, do not be late or on time.

Be sure to present your achievements. Your interviewer really does what he or she is going to do to ask you about the things you have insured on your resume, so it is very important not to lie or exaggerate the things in it. You should make sure that you have demonstrated all of your skills or even explained them.

This is where your university career is most important, because if it is related to the position you want, you will probably be asked about your performance and your qualifications and it is important that you support yourself with the certificates that are in your curriculum.

In addition, if you participate in research and other projects of this type within your university, you should name them and present the results, thereby showing your field interests.

Send a thank-you note to the company. When the job interview is over, the best thing you can do is send a thank-you note and thank you to the company (you can do this via email) thanks for the opportunity to be a part and goodwill of your interviewer.

If you later realize that there is something you can add to the interview, you can do so in the letter, as long as it is short, and make sure you can relate it to the topics discussed in the interview and the company’s main interests.

It also clarifies in the letter that you want to discuss any of their questions, this way you are more open to conversation, and through the letter you open up a more informal way of communication to be able to talk more openly interviewer.

So patience and perseverance. The main problem with work after university is the lack of experience, so sometimes it is more difficult to get the job. For that reason you should be patient and be patient with this issue. If not this time it will be next. The important thing is not to despair, and, as mentioned before, not to keep one company but try many at once.

Usually the contact time between the interview and the moment they talk to you is, above all, two weeks. If the company does not already know you, do not despair, you can send an email to ask about the status of your job application.

If you are called after Congratulations !, it is very important that you be responsible and enjoy your new job, always continue to practice and strive to be better at what you do, this way you will get promotions very easily.


Don’t lie on your resume, it won’t help. At some point in your work you will need your skills, and if you invent them you will not complete the task, which will bring problems.

Do not be nervous during the interview, it is very important to be calm and show self-control.

Do not despair about the company's response, if you do not succeed in an attempt you should try again.

Make sure your answers and detailed curriculum skills show why you are the best interviewer for that position.

Do not sleep late the night before the interview, or your first day of work, it is very important to be awake and good with the details that can help you.

Avoid working informally and informally, in Latin America it is a common practice (approximately 50% of employees work in something like this), in the absence of medical insurance, paid leave , or any contract that covers you in Case of any problem.

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Written by
3 years ago
